When I am on vacation, I prefer to enjoy some landscapes and naturalattractions or be obsessed by shopping deals and yummy foods. I know that theyare quite different, but they are all saving me from workplace stress. However,some spots are not easy to be reached by distance. Many awesome vacation planswere eventually ended up staying at home as I compromised with my laziness.Recently, private tour and charter services are popularly chose by many localvisitors like me. Once trip ideas pop into my head, all I need to do is to bookservices by phone and then a few tour itineraries are ready to be picked for me.During a trip, I could even casually fall asleep in a comfortable chartervehicle anytime without saying a word, and the driver will wake me up when wearrive spots. How can I say? It perfectly fits my needs!
Not long ago, one ofmy friend from U.S. was visiting me in Taiwan. I was keen to accommodate himwith a nice tour without any suffering from driving and parking, so I booked atour and charter service ahead for visiting Jiufen Village as a destination in NewTaipei City. The itinerary we had is followed by Taipei City -> Yehliu ->Golden Waterfall -> Gold Museum -> Jiufen Old Street. I hoped that we couldcatch some amazing experiences from revealing the natural beauty of Taiwan.Also, I could free myself during the day.
>We started the tour from Taipei City. Road-Roll the charters companywe chose offered a fair and reasonable rate for their services including a reliableand clean vehicle which had routine service on schedule. Vitally, we were beingcovered by the automobile insurance, which means our safety issues wereinsured!
>Mr. Tang, which was ourdaily driver, is a punctual man with great reviews in Road-Roll. He had beenwaited for us for a while since we were kind of running late on the hot day.However, he still dressed modestly and welcomed us gently. He was such a niceguy.
>Thoughtfully, he wasasking us if we would like to either put our belongings into the trunk or wecould just keep them with us in somewhere we can see. After that, he explainedour itinerary and every charges could be incurred. Customers can also requestto add some shopping spots upon the itinerary as their needs.
>You can simply find achild car seat in the car. That been said, they also considered if they will behaving a small family as passengers.
>Do not worry about hot weather even though water is necessary foreveryone. Grab and drink the bottled water in car as you like.
>Magazines are right beside you in seat pouches, and the car mats areextremely clean!
>It is convenient forhanging some bags behind the front seats.
>Running out of juice?Here you go!
>The most impressivething is this convenience kits for customers containing a sunscreen pack, eyemask pack, Aloe Vera gel, wipes, portable mirror, mouthwash, ointment, and lipbalm tin. It’s capable of multi-purpose skin care in the trip.
>The first spot we visitedis Yehliu famous for its grotesque rocks and gorgeous sea view. We took a photofor the “Bean Curd Rocks” shaped along their grain by coastal erosion.Honestly, they totally look like bean curds so-called “Tofu” in Mandarinlanguage. Mr. Tang reminded us that we should not forget to apply sunscreen beforewe get out the car; otherwise, we may easily get sunburn under the blazing sun.
>You can also watchwonderful dolphin shows come up with well-trained dolphins jump out of waterand interact with audiences. The aquarium tunnel up to 400 meters bringsvisitors passing through it astounding and stunning experiences by showing themvivid aquatic lives.
>Looking at theskyline to the sea, you could barely feel any stress you are still holding fromsomewhere else.
>The followingattraction was Golden Waterfall located in Jinguashi village. Rainwater that seepsinto mine shafts will being interact with Pyrite and Enargite and then becomesacidulous water drains out from the cliffy terrain for forming the GoldenWaterfall. There are always so many tourists viewing the spectacular landscape.
>Tourists can have a shorttour around 5 remains of mine pit in Gold Museum. Air compressors and Trolleysare also kept in them. Mine tunnels are also open for those of you who wouldlike to get close to mining work on site.
>Never say that youcould miss out the old street in Jiufen village. Frankly, the weather istotally unable to affect visitors’ interests for having so much fun in this lovelyattraction. Most of them come for the various and fascinating sceneries basedon the location surrounded by mountains and toward the sea. Also, Jiufen is notonly the place Taiwanese movie “A City of Sadness” filmed on but also as partof inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki’s beloved animation movie “Spirited Away”.
>Narrow steps and low-rise buildings are also picturesque features ofJiufen.
>Jiufen’s most-visitedspot located on Jishan Street is a traditional market. There are bunch ofauthentic local food and snacks addictive like Taro balls, rice meatballs withred yeast, and steamed taro cakes…etc. Moreover, people could always enjoy acasual day by sitting and chatting in cozy teahouses when they are sort ofdrained on the trips.
We made a trulylovely day, but we could not even stay awake for a second in car in the end ofthe tour. To be honest, we both had so much fun throughout the tour with thoseglamorous attractions and yummy food. Like I mentioned, we did not care aboutany touring things but us. All memories we got are from enjoyment of the trip.I will recommend those small group who would like to have a relaxing and safetrip without thinking about driving troublesome on limited budgets a perfectsolution booking private tour and charter services. Options could be various,so you can pick a best deal meets your needs by simply making a call.
後記:後來我美國朋友要回國時還特地要我打電話指定Rock做機場接送呢!他說他搭過這麼多次包車和接送服務,就這位司機大哥服務的最周到。雖然包車公司有說他們所有的司機都是有特別挑選過,但我們還是覺得這位司機大哥最”對味”啦 ><
Postscript:My American friend was impressed by Tang’s service, so he asked me to bookanother pickup service for getting to the airport on his way home. He said thatTang is the best and most thoughtful driver he has ever met even though theother drivers claimed they were qualified by some good reviews as well. Sorry,we just love this guy.
Contact Information:
包車/機場接送服務公司:Road-roll 全台服務網
Company: Road-RollTours and Charters
Driver: Tang
Cell Phone: +886(911)509-239
When I am on vacation, I prefer to enjoy some landscapes and naturalattractions or be obsessed by shopping deals and yummy foods. I know that theyare quite different, but they are all saving me from workplace stress. However,some spots are not easy to be reached by distance. Many awesome vacation planswere eventually ended up staying at home as I compromised with my laziness.Recently, private tour and charter services are popularly chose by many localvisitors like me. Once trip ideas pop into my head, all I need to do is to bookservices by phone and then a few tour itineraries are ready to be picked for me.During a trip, I could even casually fall asleep in a comfortable chartervehicle anytime without saying a word, and the driver will wake me up when wearrive spots. How can I say? It perfectly fits my needs!
Not long ago, one ofmy friend from U.S. was visiting me in Taiwan. I was keen to accommodate himwith a nice tour without any suffering from driving and parking, so I booked atour and charter service ahead for visiting Jiufen Village as a destination in NewTaipei City. The itinerary we had is followed by Taipei City -> Yehliu ->Golden Waterfall -> Gold Museum -> Jiufen Old Street. I hoped that we couldcatch some amazing experiences from revealing the natural beauty of Taiwan.Also, I could free myself during the day.
>We started the tour from Taipei City. Road-Roll the charters companywe chose offered a fair and reasonable rate for their services including a reliableand clean vehicle which had routine service on schedule. Vitally, we were beingcovered by the automobile insurance, which means our safety issues wereinsured!

>Mr. Tang, which was ourdaily driver, is a punctual man with great reviews in Road-Roll. He had beenwaited for us for a while since we were kind of running late on the hot day.However, he still dressed modestly and welcomed us gently. He was such a niceguy.

>Thoughtfully, he wasasking us if we would like to either put our belongings into the trunk or wecould just keep them with us in somewhere we can see. After that, he explainedour itinerary and every charges could be incurred. Customers can also requestto add some shopping spots upon the itinerary as their needs.

>You can simply find achild car seat in the car. That been said, they also considered if they will behaving a small family as passengers.

>Do not worry about hot weather even though water is necessary foreveryone. Grab and drink the bottled water in car as you like.

>Magazines are right beside you in seat pouches, and the car mats areextremely clean!

>It is convenient forhanging some bags behind the front seats.

>Running out of juice?Here you go!

>The most impressivething is this convenience kits for customers containing a sunscreen pack, eyemask pack, Aloe Vera gel, wipes, portable mirror, mouthwash, ointment, and lipbalm tin. It’s capable of multi-purpose skin care in the trip.

>The first spot we visitedis Yehliu famous for its grotesque rocks and gorgeous sea view. We took a photofor the “Bean Curd Rocks” shaped along their grain by coastal erosion.Honestly, they totally look like bean curds so-called “Tofu” in Mandarinlanguage. Mr. Tang reminded us that we should not forget to apply sunscreen beforewe get out the car; otherwise, we may easily get sunburn under the blazing sun.

>You can also watchwonderful dolphin shows come up with well-trained dolphins jump out of waterand interact with audiences. The aquarium tunnel up to 400 meters bringsvisitors passing through it astounding and stunning experiences by showing themvivid aquatic lives.

>Looking at theskyline to the sea, you could barely feel any stress you are still holding fromsomewhere else.

>The followingattraction was Golden Waterfall located in Jinguashi village. Rainwater that seepsinto mine shafts will being interact with Pyrite and Enargite and then becomesacidulous water drains out from the cliffy terrain for forming the GoldenWaterfall. There are always so many tourists viewing the spectacular landscape.

>Tourists can have a shorttour around 5 remains of mine pit in Gold Museum. Air compressors and Trolleysare also kept in them. Mine tunnels are also open for those of you who wouldlike to get close to mining work on site.

>Never say that youcould miss out the old street in Jiufen village. Frankly, the weather istotally unable to affect visitors’ interests for having so much fun in this lovelyattraction. Most of them come for the various and fascinating sceneries basedon the location surrounded by mountains and toward the sea. Also, Jiufen is notonly the place Taiwanese movie “A City of Sadness” filmed on but also as partof inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki’s beloved animation movie “Spirited Away”.

>Narrow steps and low-rise buildings are also picturesque features of Jiufen.

>Jiufen’s most-visitedspot located on Jishan Street is a traditional market. There are bunch ofauthentic local food and snacks addictive like Taro balls, rice meatballs withred yeast, and steamed taro cakes…etc. Moreover, people could always enjoy acasual day by sitting and chatting in cozy teahouses when they are sort ofdrained on the trips.

We made a trulylovely day, but we could not even stay awake for a second in car in the end ofthe tour. To be honest, we both had so much fun throughout the tour with thoseglamorous attractions and yummy food. Like I mentioned, we did not care aboutany touring things but us. All memories we got are from enjoyment of the trip.I will recommend those small group who would like to have a relaxing and safetrip without thinking about driving troublesome on limited budgets a perfectsolution booking private tour and charter services. Options could be various,so you can pick a best deal meets your needs by simply making a call.
後記:後來我美國朋友要回國時還特地要我打電話指定Rock做機場接送呢!他說他搭過這麼多次包車和接送服務,就這位司機大哥服務的最周到。雖然包車公司有說他們所有的司機都是有特別挑選過,但我們還是覺得這位司機大哥最”對味”啦 ><
Postscript:My American friend was impressed by Tang’s service, so he asked me to bookanother pickup service for getting to the airport on his way home. He said thatTang is the best and most thoughtful driver he has ever met even though theother drivers claimed they were qualified by some good reviews as well. Sorry,we just love this guy.

Contact Information:
包車/機場接送服務公司:Road-roll 全台服務網
Company: Road-RollTours and Charters
指定司機:RockDriver: Tang
Cell Phone: +886(911)509-239