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2015-08-24 09:02:51| 人氣155| 回應0 | 上一篇

Dave is going to leave

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Today, Dave gave me a big big big hug, becasue he's leaving 2 days after.
I'm so sad about that, I'm really like him.

He's actually not the boy that you will think he's a boy because he's so gentle and friendly and mild. (except the time while he's trying the facilities of amusement park hahaha)

i think that I'm really going to miss himmmm

everybody starts to leave now, I'm sad but surprisingly, I'm not that sad, don't know the reason why (maybe becasue I have experienced too much so now i'm used to say goodbye to others? or becasue I know that everyone at the end have to seperate, I can only hope the feeling and the freindships last in our memory forever :)))

farewell, Thai, I love you guys :))

Trust me, I will go find you guys :))
Definetely :)))

Wait for me :)))

See you, and take care :))

Wish all of you guys good luck.


台長: 鬿琰
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Thai |

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