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2009-12-17 10:41:31| 人氣1,133| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I need your kiss,
Not from MSN, Not from Webcam,
But a real kiss.

I hate to be your fanatical fans,
I hate the feeling could not control my own mind,
I hate your kiss.

It let me know what the happiness,
But your kiss should be kind of poison,
Crush my world in seconds.

Turn my life from color to darkness,
Waiting, fighting, and crying,

Nothing could be done except thinking about you & your eyes,


I lost my wings,

I lost my faith,

I lost everything but your memories,


Your kiss is my only soul antidote.

台長: Sunflower's whisper
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此分類下一篇:我 。想吻

2009-12-23 12:45:53
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