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2009-08-14 00:30:11| 人氣1,183| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

May I sing a simple song for you

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May I sing a little song for you?
A little simple song for you.
It's not complicated,
But it can let you calm down and feel peaceful in the end.

May I sing a simple song for you?
A little simple song for you.
It’s not complicated,
But it’s a lovely song and full of happiness in the end.

The time is being difficult,
it seems like all the darkness around you,
But you should see through the cloudy and find the sunshine
It’s not far away from us

Keep the hope on your hand,
Keep the smile on your face,
You will see the beautiful of the world
You will see how strong you can be

May I sing a little song for you?
A little song for you.
It’s not complicated
But you will feel be loved and happy in the end.

A little song for you
A simple song for you

P.S. 我有錄一段我自己哼的曲子起來,請問怎麼放到這裡來讓大家聽?

台長: Sunflower's whisper
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