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近日,國際佛教僧尼總會公佈了第三世多杰羌佛開示128條邪惡見和錯誤知見的英文翻譯,並刊登在很多網站上,但由於該英文翻譯未經第三世多杰羌佛親自審定,其中尚存有翻譯義理上的錯誤,比如因沒有懂得《解脫大手印》的涵義,就只是其標題,就已經是翻錯了,將《極聖解脫大手印》標題的英文翻譯成《TheMahamudra ofLiberation》,這是極其錯誤的。《解脫大手印》是簡稱,大手印中的三心髓和境行、六師聖量和五大無上至高頂聖灌頂是由多杰羌佛傳給阿彌陀佛等所有佛陀和大菩薩們在修行階段的最無上的頂聖佛法,無有任何佛法能超乎其上。因末法時期魔妖猖獗,騙子橫行,誤導眾生,為了讓眾生不被殘害,同時恰逢第三世多杰羌佛正住娑婆,大事因緣福報成熟,行人們才能學到《解脫大手印》,尤其是《解脫大手印》境行灌頂已高到極聖程度,一個時辰之內就讓弟子進入聖境的生起次第,因此,其它任何的佛法、任何的大手印都無法與《解脫大手印》相提並論,故《解脫大手印》不是密宗,不能翻譯成密宗裡面的大手印概念,如《TheMahamudra of Liberation》,正確的含義應該翻譯為《TheSupreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra ofLiberation》。凡有刊登、轉載、流通國際佛教僧尼總會發出的128條知見的英文翻譯,所有文字版本和電子版本等,務必立即更正。








         TheInternational Buddhism Sangha Association recently made public anEnglish translation of a discourse given by H.H. Dorje Chang BuddhaIII on the 128 Evil Views and Erroneous Views. Moreover, thattranslation was posted on many websites. However, since H.H. DorjeChang Buddha III did not personally review and approve thattranslation, it still contains mistranslations of the meaning ofwords. For example, because the translators did not understand theconnotation of the words “The Mahamudra of Liberation,” thistitle was mistranslated. The title The Supreme and UnsurpassableMahamudra of Liberation was translated into English as TheMahamudra of Liberation. This is extremely erroneous.

TheMahamudra of Liberation is an abbreviation. That Mahamudracontains the Three Mind Essences, the state practice, the six levelsof holy realization of masters, and the five great, unsurpassable,highest, and holiest initiations. All of those are the highest andholiest Buddha-dharma that Dorje Chang Buddha transmitted to AmitabhaBuddha and all of the other Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas duringtheir cultivation stage. No other Buddha-dharma can surpass suchBuddha-dharma.

Inthis Dharma-Ending Age, demons and charlatans run rampant, misleadingliving beings. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is now living inthis earthly realm and wants to prevent living beings from beingharmed by those demons and charlatans. Therefore, when great karmicconditions relating to the good fortune of living beings mature,practitioners will be able to learn The Supreme andUnsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. The state-practiceinitiation in The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra ofLiberation is on the utmost holy level, enabling the disciple toenter the generation-stage holy state within two hours. Therefore,any other Buddha-dharma or any other Mahamudra cannot be mentioned inthe same breath with The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra ofLiberation. Thus, The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra ofLiberation does not belong to esoteric Buddhism and thereforecannot be translated into a phrase that conveys the concept of simplybeing a Mahamudra within esoteric Buddhism, as the translation TheMahamudra of Liberation does. The translation that conveys thecorrect meaning is The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra ofLiberation. Whoever posted, published, forwarded, or distributedin any way the English translation of the 128 Evil Views andErroneous Views issued by the International Buddhism SanghaAssociation must immediately make this correction concerning thetitle. This applies to both printed out paper versions, electronicversions, or any other versions of that translation.

TheOffice of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III would also like to take thisopportunity to inform everyone once more that all writtentranscriptions and all translations of oral dharma discourses givenby H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that have not been personally reviewedand approved by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can only be used as areference. They cannot be relied upon as being accurate. That isbecause it is very easy to make mistakes in the transcribing of thoseoral discourses. There are even more numerous mistakes contained inthe translations. Therefore, the only standard is the original dharmadiscourses personally spoken by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!


                                     Office of H.H. DorjeChang Buddha III

                                     May 25, 2010 

台長: 不肖學徒

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