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2009-03-02 17:07:55| 人氣341| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Us And Them

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Us & Them

Do you dream of living in a world where people do not despise another individual and where the colour of one’s skin is not a significant issue? Here I sincerely apologize for the shattering I may cause to your dream. It is impossible to create a world with free racism and discrimination because of the inevitable differences among us which cause one to think of the others as a “different type” and the fact that we are not able to and not supposed to make us all identical for fixing this problem


Look around ourselves; we are living in a world that consists of various types of people.  Take a further observation; we are different in numerous areas. We might speak the same language but look utterly unalike; we could have similar outfits but we were born in different parts of world that make us do not understand each other’s cultural; or we might be fond of same types of food, music and film but when we meet, you and I would never ever notice. Why is that?


When differences exist between individuals, people instinctively classify those who are dissimilar to themselves as a “different type”. In this case, same type attracts, opposite type repels. Usually when this occurs we do not merely repel, there will be also a voice somewhere in our hearts saying something negative about the others; and even we tend to cover it up because it is against the morality in this modern era, the opinionative sound remains there.


If dissimilarity is what causes this big issue, should we really shift it out of the world? No, we definitely should not. A world without variation would be as dull as the colour black and white, as motionless as stilled water and as fade as toast without any spread of jam. Although racism and discrimination is one of the outcomes of dissimilarity between humans, however the advantages that are carried out are far more than the disadvantages. Places we have not been are worth exploring because they are unlike to the places we are familiar with; people we have not met are worth waiting because they may be different to those we already knew.


The solution to fix up racism and discrimination is to make human beings all the same however this is impossible. Racism and discrimination may become a smaller issue in the future and the voice deep down in your heart may be turned down a little bit, nevertheless they will always be there.

台長: 失眠的學者
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全站分類: 不分類

I really NOT want to see ENGLIGh....

Please give me 中文.....

2009-05-12 14:21:11
呵呵 抱歉這次沒做翻譯...
2009-10-06 15:39:58
我總覺得這好像是作業 XD
加油 XDD
我好久沒更新的說 XD
2009-06-18 03:33:22
是的, 這的確是...
2009-10-06 15:39:30
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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