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2007-10-24 18:38:01| 人氣325| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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上圖純粹只是台主想給個位看看我現在的樣子而已,別無他意 ︿︿



Description of a Scene – Traveling on a train

A jolt, I open my eyes, the sudden sunshine light blindingly after a long period of darkness behind my eyelids. I can hear rumblings nearby. I realize I’m on a train.

There aren’t many passengers on the 3:33 to Flinder Street, mostly students. I suppose those kids are just having an extreme PE class, because the stink of sweat that comes from a student who sits diagonally across from me is practically choking me. But there are other smells that fascinate me. I start seeking where the smells come from. It eventually ends up with two girls eating a slice of potato cake and a cup of hot chocolate. You could see the steam is coming out from the food and causing my stomach begins to rumble.

People chat on the train. Some passengers are just murmuring to each other which would not influence others, but some impolite people do speak out loud rudely like they are in their house having an afternoon tea. They speak with gestures that are big enough to hit you if you sit beside them. They are talking so rapidly that they practically spit on me. I think I better go and change the seat.

There is a man about 25 sitting at the far end of the carriage. He is dressed in jeans and a pure white T-shirt with a quite old bag hanging on his back. He sits with his head all the way down that it looks like someone just punched him so he is sobbing between his knees. But I look at him a few more seconds and realize that he is actually sleeping. I could even hear him snore.

At the other corner, there sits a young couple, spooning intensely. The girl is sitting on the boy’s lap facing him with her hands round his neck. I think neither one of them is over sixteen because they are in school uniforms. In a few seconds time, if I’m not deaf, I think I hear them saying “I love you.” and “I love you, too.” I can’t stand this, so I swap my seat again.

I lean on the sill and get into a trance. Gradually, my eyelids seem start to become heavy as they are pulled down by a naughty boy. I fall into dreams once again.

我想嘗試把他翻成中文看看, 到時候還請多多光臨啊!

台長: 失眠的學者
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全站分類: 藝文活動(書評、展覽、舞蹈、表演) | 個人分類: 功課 |
此分類下一篇:景像描述---火車篇 (中文版)

~&quot~等中文出來時,我想 我才有感想吧 XDDD

2007-10-25 03:11:23
中文版喔, 在幾個禮拜吧~~

依我看, 你是英文不好又懶得看又會留言的人...
2007-10-25 14:47:23
哈哈 被發現了:p
2007-10-25 23:36:07
Miss 王小貓*
2007-11-03 18:57:30
真的? 你太厲害了
2007-11-04 18:33:25
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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