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2001-10-26 06:35:01| 人氣2,066| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Carry Me Back To the Lone Prairie

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Carry Me Back To the Lone Prairie
by Johnny Bond


I'm a rovin' cowboy far away from home
Far from the prairie where I used to roam
Where the doggies wandered and the wind blows free
Oh my heart is yonder on the lone prairie.

Oh, carry me back to the lone prairie
Where the coyotes howl and the wind blows free
And when I die you can bury me
'Neath the western skies on the lone prairie.

Give me back my saddle; give me back my gun
Give me back my bronco that I used to run
Let me spread my blanket by a peaceful stream
Hear the cowboys singin' in the campfire lean

Oh, carry me back to the lone prairie
Where the coyotes howl and the wind blows free
And when I die you can bury me
'Neath the western skies on the lone prairie.



台長: 其石山人
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