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Somewhere in Time 似曾相識

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Somewhere In Time

Somewhere in time
We met on timeless hills
And in the evening mist we kissed
And time stood still
Before the dawn, we found forever
Moments are timeless when I feel your caress

You'll always be inside of me
And I know when love is true
It's always with you

Somewhere in time
I came to realize
Love never goes

Love nevergoes
Once it has touched your heart
Just like the strength of wine that's left
As two lips part
A taste of love will linger after
I know the meaning of all that I see

You'll always be inside of me
And I know when love is true
It's always with you

Somewhere in time
I came to realize
Love never goes

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(音樂+電影片段) http://youtu.be/o36EXzADXWc
電影中只有配樂而無歌詞,以上的歌詞是電影編曲者 John Barry 所作。
http://youtu.be/uMjtQd7LMR8  (配有歌詞)
另外還有其他歌手所唱的不同歌詞版本,以下是台灣的黃鶯鶯所唱的 Somewhere in time (似曾相識): http://youtu.be/hsW9-iiUHeo

Belinda Foo
Belinda Foo

Somewhere in time
You came into my world
Love was beyond what I imagined love would be
Now just a dream
I hold till the end of time
Hoping someday we'll find what we left behind

There'll come a day
Our paths will meet again
We'll cross the bridge of time and space to a love that's free
No more goodbye
No lonely waiting
That'll be our day to love,to live all our dreams

If we believe and keep alive
The hope that love will stand the test of distance and time
Then we shall find our new tomorrow
Somewhere in time

Someday there'll be no time between us
There'll just be endless days for us to love and share
We'll rise above the tears of our lonely years
Into a world beyond today
In another somwhere


台長: 其石山人


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