小白屋的故事,讓我想起這一段文字:「一個人蓋房子,深深地挖地,把根基安在磐石上,到發大水的時候,水沖那房子,房子總不能搖動,因為根基立在磐石上。(路加福音6:48)」La Petite Maison Blanche (The Little White House) 1996 年的豪雨造成洪水溢過水壩淹沒整個地區,大水沖走了附近所有建築物。這棟建於 1900 的小白屋撐過四天的洪災仍屹立不摇。現在已小白屋成了博物館,象徵當地居民的堅忍不拔。好友攝影大師到美加東岸,作了一趟聖勞倫斯河遊輪之旅。以上兩張照片和小白屋的說明,都拮取自他的臉書。小白屋在1996年洪水來襲時的情形:小白屋和鄰居那棟房屋在圖片左上角處小白屋旁邊的房子已經被沖掉了:屹立於兇惡大水中的小白屋:現在的小白屋情形:雪中的小白屋:The Little White House, Canada
What makes the Little White House in Saguenay, Que. so extraordinary isn’t its age or appearance but its precarious-looking position and the fact that it’s still standing. In July 1996, one of the worst flash floods in recent Canadian history hit the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region after 280 mm (11 inches) of rain fell in the span of a few hours, the equivalent to the amount of rain usually received in a month. Thousands of residents were evacuated, 56 buildings were destroyed and many homes were swept away. But not the Little White House.
It remained unharmed as the raging waters of the Chicoutimi River flowed around it. The house was spared in part because it was built on solid rock and also because its earlier owners took precautions after a previous flood and raised the dwelling on higher concrete foundations.