發表時間:2003-02-20 00:34:53 | 回應:0
一棵開花的樹 (作者:席慕容)如何讓你遇見我在我最美麗的時刻為這我已在佛前求了五百年求祂讓我們結一段塵緣佛於是...
發表時間:2003-02-12 12:34:53 | 回應:0
發表時間:2002-07-28 06:34:54 | 回應:0
Could there be another you? Could anybody take you place? Could I see Heaven shining through In any other lo...
發表時間:2002-05-21 05:34:55 | 回應:0
發表時間:2002-05-09 04:34:55 | 回應:0
Cheer up! Things are never as bad as they seem if you dream your favorite kind of dream. If you're not fel...
發表時間:2002-04-20 06:34:55 | 回應:0
其實 我盼望的也不過就只是那一瞬我從沒要求過 你給我你的一生 如果能在開滿了梔子花的山坡上與你相遇 如果能...
發表時間:2001-11-23 01:34:59 | 回應:0
發表時間:2001-11-14 15:35:00 | 回應:0
(photo: Mirei Kuroda)明知這是一條孤獨的長路離開了你我也只好一個人自己走
發表時間:2001-11-04 08:35:00 | 回應:0
西崎華子Now is the hour When we must say good-bye Soon you'll be sailing for across the sea While you are away...
發表時間:2001-11-04 06:35:00 | 回應:0
Fire and Rain I've seen fire and I've seen rain I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end I've seen ...
發表時間:2001-10-29 00:35:01 | 回應:0
發表時間:2001-09-27 04:35:03 | 回應:0
The house is so still when you are awayThe furniture assumes a listening airThe figured cretonne, bright a...
發表時間:2001-07-04 14:35:04 | 回應:0
You are in my heart --It's been so lonely without you all these daysI've missed you in a thousand waysI fo...
發表時間:2001-06-28 08:35:04 | 回應:0
唐 . 劉方平
發表時間:2001-05-01 13:35:05 | 回應:0