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2009-03-22 11:59:43| 人氣212| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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That's really amazing that i am going to test three exams on May...!!!

omg...."it's too late to prepare for colleges", said the top student in Washington High School
we all knew that... last semester...what the hell was i doing?
i didn't do anything meaningful but playing whole day...
that's such the crap ....
My life is almost ruined by myself...
i'm really afraid of failing my goals...
plz.... wake up, winnie
u can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

台長: Winnie
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全站分類: 興趣嗜好(收藏、園藝、棋奕、汽機車) | 個人分類: hurry up |

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