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2008-09-11 15:03:46| 人氣961| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Candy Rain。花吃了那女孩

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花與女孩在一起 糖果與愛情在一起 我們要不要在一起?
花與女孩在一起 眼淚與天空在一起 在一起就下雨 我們還要不要在一起?
花與女孩在一起 太陽與月亮不在一起 我們可不可以在一起?
花與女孩在一起 黑板與板擦在一起 我們該不該在一起?


四段故事,都發生在台北的一座老舊公寓裡,公寓裡的戀人都會收到一份寄給Candy Rain的無名包裹…

Flower and girl in together candy and love in together should we be together?
Flower and girl in together tear and the sky in together should we still be together?
Flower and girl in together sun and the moon is not together can we still be together?
Flower and girl in together blackboard and eraser in together shouldn’t we still be

Which of these is true?
Based on true stories, it’s all happened in the same contemporary building, which is located in Taipei.
CANDY RAIN tells four intimate, lyrical of women in love with women.

No.1 (如果南國冰封了 If the southlands were frozen)

Having broken up with her boyfriend and quarreled with her family, Jessie decided to restart her life in Taipei. Her highschool friend and secret admirer-Pon, told her, "I’ll take care of you."

No.2 (看不見攻擊的城市 City Under Invisible Attack)


U is an Aries. She protects herself well. She has been looking for the ideal love but she she doesn’t know where it is.

No.3 (夢見相反的夢 Dreaming The Opposite Dream)


Spancer is in love with Summer, who is getting married. Before saying goodbye, they promise a reunion in 10 years’ time.

No.4 (像花吃了那女孩 Candy Rain)


Ricky’s relationships are always filled with violence. Like fireworks, magnificent but short. For Ricky, it’s a vicious cycle.

辛 佳穎 飾 小捷
王 心凌 飾 Ricky現任女友
陳 泱瑾 飾 小Pon
高 伊玲 飾 Summer
路 嘉欣 飾 Ricky前任女友
許 安安 飾 Ricky前前任女友
林 嘉欣 飾 Ricky
吳 立琪 飾 Spancer


01. 想想 何欣穗
02. 繼續 黃小楨
03. 尋找 吳立琪vs吳青峰
04. 不散不見 彭靖惠
05. TRISTE 張懸
06. 泡泡 魏如萱


Candy Rain 官方網站
→ http://www.candyrain.com.tw/candyrainnew.html
→ http://blog.sina.com.tw/candyrain/

2008/09/12 上映。

台長: 妮就是N!E
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評)

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