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2008-10-19 16:27:39| 人氣161| 回應0 | 下一篇

I am sorry.

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I always think that I know everything

But you insist I know nothing

I always fight to have very last word

But your thoughts were never heard

I'm sorry, so sorry

Didn't mean to hurt you

I'll borrow your sorrow

Don't tell me it's through

I wish I could take back some things I said

I wish I could make things better

I wish I could take back some things I did

Everyday I'm feeling sadder








Never fear I'll be here

Say a prayer

We can take on the hands of time

And I, I know we can make it

If we just stay together

And trust each other on this one .




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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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