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小提琴家 查理‧席姆(Charlie Siem)小檔案


查理‧席姆是目前英國最閃耀的小提琴明星。天資聰穎的他,自三歲開始習琴,並在聽到已故小提琴大師曼紐因(Yehudi Menuhin)演奏貝多芬小提琴協奏曲後決心投入音樂。並獲得基金會贊助,目前使用曼紐因鍾愛的小提琴1735 Guarneri del Gesu d’Egville於其音樂會中演出。


雙親為挪威-英國背景的席姆出生於倫敦,畢業於英國著名貴族學校-伊頓中學,並於劍橋大學基爾頓學院(Girton College, Cambridge)學習音樂。先後於市政廳音樂院(the Guildhall School of Music)、英國皇家音樂院(the Royal College of Music)師事拉許科夫斯基(Ithzak Rashkovsky)教授與小提琴家明茲(Shlomo Mintz),並在2010年與華納唱片簽約前,即憑藉其音樂專業,在英國及歐洲樂壇受到高度矚目!


擁有豐富的演出經驗,並與眾多國際頂尖樂團合作,包括倫敦交響樂團(London Symphony Orchestra)、皇家愛樂管弦樂團(the Royal Philharmonic)、鹿特丹愛樂管弦樂團(Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra)倫敦莫札特音樂家樂團(London Mozart Players)、挪威卑爾根愛樂管弦樂團(Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra)、捷克國家交響樂團(Czech National Symphony Orchestra)、英國室內樂團(English Chamber Orchestra等。2008年更與莫斯科愛樂(Moscow Philharmonic)於英國巡演,演出蕭士塔高維契的第一號小提琴協奏曲,受到樂評極高評價。


2010年參與捷克國家交響樂團巡演,演出布魯赫與德佛札克小提琴協奏曲,並受邀至英國皇家亞伯廳演出多場,以及紐約與台拉維夫等地的音樂會。同年秋天受邀至國際最受歡迎的逍遙音樂會歐洲之夜巡迴(European Night of the Proms concert series)演出,40場次的巡演走遍歐洲多國,達到少數年輕音樂家難以超越的紀錄。


2008年推出首張CD(葛利格及艾爾加小提琴奏鳴曲)即受到好評,在Strad雜誌獲選為當月最佳獨奏類唱片,以及BBC音樂雜誌五顆星的佳評,並在英國兩大古典電台Classic FMBBC Radio 3播出。2009年,這位被視為古典樂閃亮新星的小提琴家,於巴黎、倫敦、挪威奧斯陸、挪威卑爾根、瑞士巴塞爾等地演出。更令人印象深刻的是他與英國皇家芭蕾舞團合作於倫敦日本、丹麥及古巴等地巡迴演出,令人們見識到他豐富多元的音樂表現。


2010年席姆成為華納唱片簽約音樂家,並於當年出版獨奏新專輯,收錄許多經典小提琴獨奏曲,包括小提琴巨匠帕格尼尼、薩拉沙提、韋尼奧夫斯基、克萊斯勒的作品。20118月與倫敦交響樂團合作推出第一張協奏曲專輯,演出布魯赫、韋尼奧夫斯基的小提琴協奏曲,以及布爾(Ole Bull)Cantabile doloroso e Rondo giocoso,這張專輯更得英國古典音樂排行榜第三名佳績,英國古典音樂雜誌Classic FM稱讚為「最令人興奮的年輕小提琴家誕生了!」,並入選古典音樂電台John Suchet節目的當周推薦專輯。


席姆對於時尚亦有濃厚興趣,除了身為2013年國際知名品牌Armani的形象代言人外,2011年也曾擔任知名品牌Alfred Dunhill的形象代言人,並持續在眾多媒體/出版品露出,包括義大利男性Vogue雜誌L’Uomo Vogue、國際知名搖滾樂巨星布萊恩‧亞當斯(Bryan Adams)個人攝影集,之後並於亞當斯的演唱會上合作演出。同時亦並獲得知名攝影師Mario Testino的背書,讚揚他「帶給古典音樂世界一股新鮮氣息,他精湛琴藝與當代時尚臉龐的結合,創造出令人驚豔不已的火花!


 2011年席姆曾於日本、斯堪地尼維亞、美國,以及其家鄉英國等地演出,並受英國Classic FM Live節目邀請至英國皇家亞伯廳演出,以及11月受邀至英國皇家節慶廳的群星之夜演出。


2012年席姆並與中國新生代聲樂家張軍合作,6月更成為英國里茲音樂學院(Leeds College of Music)最年輕的訪問學者,隨後並在涅傑瑟貢(Yannick Nézet-Séguin)指揮下與荷蘭鹿特丹愛樂管弦樂團合作,席姆也在丹麥舉行獨奏會及與挪威室內樂團合作參與挪威的Ultima音樂節並演出施尼特克(Alfred Schnittke)第一號大協奏曲。9月並與鋼琴家戈朗(Itmar Golan)合作登上倫敦的威格摩爾廳。之後並在荷蘭與鋼琴家拉特南(Caroline Jaya-Ratnam)合作數場獨奏會,並與BBC音樂會管弦樂團(BBC Concert Orchestra)錄製電影音樂作曲大師約翰威廉斯(John Williams)的生日紀念專輯。今年席姆也將與挪威的奧斯陸愛樂(Oslo Philharmonic)以及克里斯地安桑交響樂團(Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra)合作演出。



Violinist: Charlie Siem


Charlie Siem is one of the UK’s brightest classical stars. Born in London to a

Norwegian father and a British mother, Charlie began to play the violin at the prodigious age of three, after hearing a performance by the late Yehudi Menuhin playing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto. Later Charlie studied with Professor Itzhak Rashkovsky and Maestro Shlomo Mintz.


Since then Charlie has appeared with orchestras around the world including the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Czech National Symphony Orchestra and Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2008 Charlie toured the UK with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra playing Shostakovich’s First Violin Concerto to great critical acclaim.


Charlie’s debut CD was released in 2008 and featured violin sonatas by Grieg and Elgar. The recording was widely praised and it was named “Recital CD of the Month” by the Strad magazine and received ☆☆☆☆☆ in the BBC Music Magazine.


Throughout 2009 Charlie’s reputation as one of the brightest new classical artistes grew with concerts around the world and his versatility was further manifested by a unique collaboration with Johan Kobborg and the Royal Ballet with whom he performed in London, Japan, Denmark and on a tour to Cuba.

2010 was a significant year for Charlie with a tour of Bruch and Dvorak Violin Concertos alongside the Czech National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Libor Pesěk, several dates at the Royal Albert Hall and concerts in New York and Tel Aviv. Autumn 2010 heralded Charlie headlining European Night of the Proms Tour alongside Grace Jones, John Fogerty, Boy George and Cliff Richard. This 40 date tour covered Belgium, Holland and Germany.


Charlie also signed to Warner Classics and Jazz – the home of generations of celebrated artists and ensembles. This new relationship has already produced a critically acclaimed debut album, which includes spectacular virtuoso repertoire from the great violin masters Paganini, Sarasate, Wieniawski and Kreisler. Charlie chose the London Symphony Orchestra to accompany him for his first orchestral offering with Warner. Released in August 2011 his concerto album ‘Bruch Wieniawski Ole Bull’ led Charlie to become No.3 in the UK Specialist Classical Chart following appearances on BBC Breakfast among other venues in London. Classic FM Magazine wrote: ”…one of the most exciting young violin talents around” and Classic FM radio’s John Suchet show made the album CD of the week in August 2011. The CD includes Ole Bull’s Cantabile doloroso e Rondo giocoso - the composer being one of Charlie’s own distant relatives.

2011 also found Charlie as the global face of Alfred Dunhill. In March he performed at the Royal Albert hall with The Who’s Roger Daltrey and Pete Townsend. Charlie returned to the Royal Albert Hall in October to launch his second CD. Later in November he appeared on Night of the Stars at the Royal Festival Hall. Charlie is a great believer in giving back to worthwhile causes and is delighted to be an ambassador of the Princes Trust where he performed at their Rock Gala 2011 in the Royal Albert Hall.


In 2012 Bruce Weber and Charlie collaborated on the Dior Homme movie “Can I Make The Music Fly” Other endorsements come from revered names such as photographer Mario Testino who says: “Charlie Siem brings a freshness into the world of classical music, with his contemporary look mixed with his mastering of the violin, the combination make for an exciting spectacle.”


Charlie’s busy schedule of appearances continues, including tours in Japan, China, Scandinavia and Europe. In 2012 he has continued to collaborate with many diverse artists including Will Young and Chinese Opera Singer Zhang Jun. In June he was appointed Visiting Professor at Leeds College of Music being the youngest Professor in the UK and he later appeared with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Charlie returned to Denmark for a recital concert and to Norway to participate in the Ultima Festival 2012 performing Alfred Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso No. 1 together with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra. In September he gave his first solo recital accompanied by Itamar Golan in the prestigious Wigmore Hall in London.


Later same year he toured Holland on an extensive recital tour accompanied by Caroline Jaya-Ratnam and recorded with the BBC Concert Orchestra to celebrate the birthday of film composer John Williams.


2013 has started with a number of concerts in Norway with the  Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra and the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra.


Charlie continues to attract audiences, inspire other artists and is respected worldwide for his generosity and belief in classical music and sharing its treasures.


Charlie Siem is kindly loaned the 1735 Guarneri del Gesù violin, known as the d’Egville.





2013 TSMC Hsin-chu Art FestivalCharlie Siem Violin Recital



小提琴:查理‧席姆 (Charlie Siem)

 琴:陳冠宇 (Eric Chen)






●小提琴名家明茲(Shlomo Mintz)門生



●迷人魅力Alfred DunhillGiorgio Armani等時尚精品爭相邀約代言


猶如帕格尼尼再世 演奏魅力風靡席捲 
英國古典音樂雜誌Classic FM盛讚,當今樂壇「最令人興奮的年輕小提琴家!」的英國小提琴家-查理o席姆 Charlie Siem 在台積電文教基金會邀請下,首度參與台積心築藝術季,為台南樂迷展現其熱力四射的演奏風采!


查理席姆為小提琴大師明茲的嫡傳弟子。雖師從古典名門,查理o席姆卻並不迷信國際大賽,對音樂及演出有其獨到見解。查理o席姆曾與倫敦交響樂團、皇家愛樂管弦樂團、奧斯陸愛樂管絃樂團等國際一流樂團合作,也曾跨界與英國皇家芭蕾舞團及搖滾巨星布萊恩亞當斯同台,並受邀於Lady Gaga的時尚指標大賞派對上演奏,憑藉絕佳的演奏技巧,以及如帕格尼尼般的迷人舞台魅力征服無數聽眾。




影片觀賞Charlie Siem recording Caprice in A minor



帥氣合身的西裝與男模般氣質俊美的臉龐,手中的小提琴不斷流洩出兼具技巧與深度的華麗樂音是查理o席姆給人的強烈印象,而查理獨特過人的風采也受到國際精品名牌青睞,紛紛邀請他擔任品牌形象代言,如Alfred DunhillGiorgio Armani的形象代言,而他也曾為男性Vouge雜誌L'Uomo Vogue拍攝男性寫真及時尚短片"A Stylish Rendition",更是時尚大帝Karl Lagerfeld的「The Little Black Jacket」攝影展(http://thelittleblackjacket.chanel.com)中少數入選的古典音樂演奏家。 

影片觀賞-Charlie Siem & J.Crew 
影片觀賞Charlie Siem "Success" - Alfred Dunhill


此次查理席姆將與國內知名鋼琴家陳冠宇合作,帶來具協奏曲般恢弘格局的貝多芬「克羅采」奏鳴曲、胡拜充滿華麗技巧的「卡門幻想曲」、布拉姆斯第三號小提琴奏鳴曲以及十九世紀西班牙小提琴大師薩拉沙提富有吉普賽風情的「流浪者之歌」,一系列古典超技名曲是查理o席姆帶給台灣樂迷的音樂獻禮。誠摯邀您一起來見證時尚琴人- 查理席姆的舞台魅力! 








Beethoven: Sonata for Violin & Piano No. 9 in A Major, Op. 47 "Kreutzer"

J. Hubay: Carmen Fantasie, Op. 3-3

Brahms: Violin Sonata No.3 in D minor, Op. 108

Pablo de Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20




2013531()19:30 台南成功大學成功廳(票券全數售完)





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