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2007-10-26 11:36:29| 人氣141| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wildfires - Volunteers for fundraiser this weekend update

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Hi, everyone,
Thanks to those who offered to help! Here’s an update on volunteering opportunities and donation information. Tzu Chi Foundation has already gone into some shelters to assess the situation and to provide comfort, and there have been many touching stories that happened. We will share with you the stories later on via email or website.
(for those who want to help out in shelter/one-stop help center, I will provide you an update later next week once I receive more updates)

Donation Information
There aer 2 ways to donate money to help the victims through Tzu Chi (the money you donate will go directly to the hands of the victims, through the use of emergency cash card. Volunteers will personally deliver your donations to the victims at shelters/one-stop help centers). The money you donate will be tax-deductible.
1. See the instruction on the website: www.us.tzuchi.org
2. Or, you can write a check payable to "Tzu Chi", in memo space indicate "charity funds", and mail to my house. I will personally bring in your check to Tzu Chi headquarters. Please remember to write your address & name, so that we can mail the receipt to you. (If you need my address, please email me and I will respond right away with my address)

Volunteer Opportunity
We are going to the streets to fundraise for money, so that we can use those donation to distribute emergency cash cards to the victims in need. Therefore, we need your help to fundraise. If you’re interested in participating in the street fundraiser, please contact either me or Allen OuYang (I will be out of town on business trip this weekend, so Allen will be taking some volunteers to help out, but I will be back next week to help at one-stop help center/shelter).

Here’s the location & time for street fundraise:
Time: (10/28 Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m .
(10/29 Sunday) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: 99 Ranach Market on Valley Blvd., San Gabriel, Ca.
Contact: Allen OuYang (copied on this email)
***For those who belong in a local Tzu Chi office, I’m sure that you have already received street fundraise location from your local group leader. If not, please call me and I’ll see what I can find out for you. Thanks!

Thank you for your help!

台長: 麻薯 PuPpy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Tzu Chi |
此分類上一篇:California Wild Fire 2007

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