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2007-10-26 06:32:50| 人氣211| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

California Wild Fire 2007

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Dear Friends,

As you already knew the current Southern California wild fire has cause many people lose their home. Just four years ago, we also had the severe wild fire at San Bernardino and San Diego, both areas have suffered tremendous lost. It is hard to believe it could happened again in such a short time.

Tzu Chi Foundation USA has distributed emergency cash relief for over 3 million dollars for both the fire and the Katirna survivors. And we will do it again for this terrible tragedy.

This coming weekend, 10/27 and 10/28, all Tzu Chi volunteers through out United States will go onto streets to ask for donations to help the fire victims. We would like to invite you to join our efforts either by donating your time or making monetary donation. Any small effort will help. It is truly the compassion of the people that counts.

If you are interested to help out fund-raising, please see attached file, and feel free to fill in your name and e-mail back to me your preferable time slots. We will be doing fund-raising at four locations from 10AM ~3:30PM, both Sat. and Sunday.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.

Thank you for your continuous support. Looking forward to see you there !

Gratefully yours,
Karen Lee, Tzu Chi Volunteer, West Los Angeles Tzu Chi Service Center

Jing Si Aphorisms~
Giving is not the privilege of the rich, it is the the privilege of the sincere.
by Master Cheng Yen, Founder of Tzu Chi Foundation

Picture taken in TW 2007 by PuPpy
Hi, everyone,
Here’s a short quote from an article I saw today:
”The fires, now in their fourth day, have destroyed 1,500 homes and caused at least a half-million people to flee ¡X the largest evacuation in state history. At least 1,200 of the damaged homes were in San Diego County, and the officials believe that number will rise.”

When I see something like this, I wonder what we can do to help. So far, I know that Tzu Chi Foundation has formed a disaster response center and is assessing the situation. I believe that there are plans to have a street fundraiser this weekend or perhaps next weekend. Then, what usually happens is that Tzu Chi will send volunteers to various shelters or help centers to give out emergency cash cards, to comfort people, as well as to find out if there are cases that need special assistance. And, Tzu Chi will continue to follow up to provide long-term care to special cases, if there is a need. In any case, all the volunteers are on standby now, and we’re waiting for the assessment report from headquarters.

If you’re interested in volunteering to help out at street fundraiser or at shelters/help centers, please let me know your availability (i.e, weekdays, weeknights, weekends). Or, if you cannot volunteer in person but would like to contribute, you can always donate money or help to translate articles relating to the disaster or help out with researching disaster updates (if you’re interested, i can provide more info).

In any case, once we hear the assessment report from the headquarters, I will pass on the word to everyone. Or if you already belong to a local Tzu Chi office, I’m sure that your local team leader will contact you.

Thank you!

Picture taken in TW 2007 by PuPpy

感謝你 給了我 溫暖的擁抱
讓我擺渡過 生命低潮

一顆心 裝滿愛 風再大 不飄搖
學會把肩膀 借別人依靠
用真心 給了你 了解的微笑
陪著你解開 心事困擾

看著你 抬起頭 淚停了 那一秒
體諒會化解傷害 關懷會化解疑猜
最動人的愛  是信賴

台長: 麻薯 PuPpy
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感謝你 給了我 溫暖的擁抱
讓我擺渡過 生命低潮 ^^
2007-12-28 17:04:34
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