剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長.
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剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長.
COP 20 / CMP10 in LIMA Meeting : 右男是工研院 胡耀祖 所長 ; 旁邊 氣質美女是 Jenny 慧貞,
哇, 愛國 環保外交女神 Jenny 貞公主 上大報. = "環交"大臣 , 環教:"女王 ; JENNY 女王 立大功! 打勝仗!
擦亮台灣招牌 ; 打響台灣和清碳聯盟 C.C.A. & EPA in 台灣 =啟明 FB 貼好幾張妳的主照片 = 讚! 台灣之光!
張豐藤 WRITE:
候變遷政策」項目表現最差,只有○.四五分,0.45分 = 幾近零分,政府失政拖垮了台灣總排名!

剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長.
環保署長魏國彥說,他與葉欣誠原本上週要出國參加COP 聯合國全球氣候變遷會議,機票都買好了,但因為「看守內閣」而未成行,「還好沒去,否則毛院長的垂詢電話費會很貴。」台下笑成一片。
- 查看其他 7 則貼文
剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長. great.



COP 20 / CMP10 in LIMA Meeting : 右男是工研院 胡耀祖 所長 ; 旁邊 氣質美女是 Jenny 慧貞,
哇, 愛國 環保外交女神 Jenny 貞公主 上大報. = "環交"大臣 , 環教:"女王 ; JENNY 女王 立大功! 打勝仗!
擦亮台灣招牌 ; 打響台灣和清碳聯盟 C.C.A. & EPA in 台灣 =啟明 FB 貼好幾張妳的主照片 = 讚! 台灣之光!
⋯⋯繼續閱讀【COP20 Day 8】聯合國秘書長致詞 加速談判進度?
COP20開始!! (聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第20屆締約國大會)
本屆大會主席 Pulgar-Vidal表示:「地球在等待我們,而世界並不希望我們再次失敗。」
⋯⋯ 更多
COP20開始!! (聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第20屆締約國大會)
本屆大會主席 Pulgar-Vidal表示:「地球在等待我們,而世界並不希望我們再次失敗。」
⋯⋯ 更多[COP20最新]
更多P.S. ★【 COP20 / CMP10 】聯合國氣候變化大會,將於(12月1日至12月12日)在南美洲【 秘魯首都 : 利馬 Lima 】舉行
COP20 / CMP10 in Peru, Lima : 祕魯 利馬 : CLIMATE CHANGE MEETING : UN climate talks begin in Peru, Lima : :
ON LIVE (VIDEOS / WEB SITE) NOW : ★【 COP20 / CMP10 】聯合國氣候變化大會,將於(12月1日至12月12日)在南美洲【 秘魯首都 : 利馬 Lima 】舉行
⋯⋯繼續閱讀This website requires javascript. Your browser...
from more than 190 countries get together Monday in Lima for the last
main stop of the U.N. climate negotiations on the road to a planned
global warming deal in Paris next year.
李河清 老師 & TWYCC at COP 20 / CMP10 in Lima :
更多剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長.
⋯⋯ 更多 【本報記者吳麗香台北報導】前環保署副署長葉欣誠升任政務委員,環保署昨(8)日舉辦歡送會,署長魏國彥稱許來自學…
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剛在民視電視看到葉欣誠跟毛治國院長和同仁們一起宣示的畫面最搶眼的畫面&位置, 說不定欣誠以後可能會被指派當部長. great.



The #COP20 in Lima comes at a critical time for the future of our planet. We must choose a sustainable path forward.
The #COP20 in Lima comes at a critical time for the future of our planet. We must choose a sustainable path forward.
The #COP20 in Lima comes at a critical time for the future of our planet. We must choose a sustainable path forward
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Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has backed down on her demand that a new
global climate change deal should be legally binding, but is now caught
up in a new row at United Nations talks in...
the Abbott gov continues to bury their heads in the sand, other
countries, world leaders, scientists, insurers and investors all say we
need to move forward together. #COP20
TAKE ACTION: Co-sign our letter to the Abbot gov: don't leave Australia
isolated, Australians want to be part of global climate action -- http://grns.mp/dont-isolate-us
the Abbott gov continues to bury their heads in the sand, other
countries, world leaders, scientists, insurers and investors all say we
need to move forward together. #COP20
TAKE ACTION: Co-sign our letter to the Abbot gov: don't leave Australia
isolated, Australians want to be part of global climate action -- http://grns.mp/dont-isolate-us
Some of the world’s smallest island nations have become the loudest voices in...
of island nations aren't settling -- they cannot settle -- for a weak
climate deal. They are the moral voice that needs to be heard.
“No national leader in the history of humanity has ever faced this
question: ‘Will we survive or will we disappear under the sea?’” said
Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga yesterday at the UN Climate Talks in
Lima #COP20
of island nations aren't settling -- they cannot settle -- for a weak
climate deal. They are the moral voice that needs to be heard.
“No national leader in the history of humanity has ever faced this
question: ‘Will we survive or will we disappear under the sea?’” said
Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga yesterday at the UN Climate Talks in
Lima #COP20
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Good meeting with Bishop Gomez of Dhaka & CAFOD to hear Catholic views on tackling climate change #cop20 http://t.co/dODV6kzKrb
Get the whole picture - and other photos from Edward Davey
the Abbott gov continues to bury their heads in the sand, other
countries, world leaders, scientists, insurers and investors all say we
need to move forward together. #COP20
TAKE ACTION: Co-sign our letter to the Abbot gov: don't leave Australia
isolated, Australians want to be part of global climate action -- http://grns.mp/dont-isolate-us
the rest of the world is moving forward at the COP20 conference in
Lima, Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop & Andrew Robb are determined to
obstruct global action on climate change. Co-sign our letter to
Australia's government...
“We have a real opportunity now to do something important." What do you think needs to be done to counteract climate change? http://goo.gl/JssLKp #COP20
theme that is emerging loud and clear from the UN Climate Talks (much
more so than any other previous negotiation) -- if the world is serious
about addressi⋯⋯
theme that is emerging loud and clear from the UN Climate Talks (much
more so than any other previous negotiation) -- if the world is serious
about addressing the climate crisis, we must get off fossil
We can't just leave it up to governments, will you be a part of creating the solution we need?
Read more ---> http://buff.ly/1zVkaM7 #COP20
theme that is emerging loud and clear from the UN Climate Talks (much
more so than any other previous negotiation) -- if the world is serious
about addressing the climate crisis, we must get off fossil
We can't just leave it up to governments, will you be a part of creating the solution we need?
Read more ---> http://buff.ly/1zVkaM7 #COP20
Myth: Scientists disagree about the causes of climate change.
Fact: 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real and man-made.
It’s time to listen – hit Like if you agree. #COP20
US Sec. of State John Kerry arrives in Lima Peru for UN climate talks today.
When he does he'll be greeted by #noKXL messages like this one, online and in t⋯⋯
更多US Sec. of State John Kerry arrives in Lima Peru for UN climate talks today.
When he does he'll be greeted by #noKXL
messages like this one, online and in the streets. The message is
simple: Keystone XL is incompatible with a safe climate future
Tweets with the #COP20
hashtag are being projected all over the conference center in Lima. If
you want to tweet at Kerry, go here to find images and tweets you can
use to say #noKXL today: http://350.org/twitterstorm-to-tell-us-sec-state-kerry-nok…/
US Sec. of State John Kerry arrives in Lima Peru for UN climate talks today.
When he does he'll be greeted by #noKXL
messages like this one, online and in the streets. The message is
simple: Keystone XL is incompatible with a safe climate future
Tweets with the #COP20
hashtag are being projected all over the conference center in Lima. If
you want to tweet at Kerry, go here to find images and tweets you can
use to say #noKXL today: http://350.org/twitterstorm-to-tell-us-sec-state-kerry-nok…/
- 查看其他 4 則貼文
David Hill: 13 judges meet in Peru to hear accusations that the rights of...
theguardian.com|由 David Hill 上傳
Lima this week, a tribunal met to discuss possible violations of the
Rights of Nature, including fracking, REDD, and the Great Barrier Reef,
outside the U.N. #COP20
climate talks. In total 12 cases were heard, by 13 judges, with an
Ecuadorian lawyer, Ramiro Avila, acting as “prosecutor for the earth”
and numerous experts and impacted people from around the world called as
An International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature was held in Lima
last week, in which a Prosecutor for the Earth was appointed and judges
heard cases of destruction committed against the Earth.
“We the
people assume the authority to conduct an International Tribunal for
the Rights of Nature. We will investigate cases of environmental
destruction, which violate the Rights of Nature.”
“We have a real opportunity now to do something important." What do you think needs to be done to counterteract climate change? #COP20 http://goo.gl/JssLKp
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry deliver remarks on climate change at COP-20 in Lima, Peru, on...
every nation on Earth must apply current science and make state of the
art energy choices if we are to have any hope of leaving our future to
the next generations the safe and healthy planet they deserve."
Secretary of State John Kerry @ #COP20 in Lima, Peru today.
#INTERdependence Gospel of #Peaceandsecurity
"Ultimately, every nation on Earth must apply current science and make
state of the art energy choices if we are to have any hope of leaving
our future to the next generations the safe and healthy planet they
deserve." Secretary of State John Kerry @ #COP20 in Lima, Peru today. (#Johnkerry) today
The Declaration of INTERdependence (Then) #NWO #CLIMATECHANGE Unites USin a global interconneccted seamless WEB called⋯⋯
繼續閱讀- 顯示全部
Good spirits at #COP20 kick off: Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of the Environment of #Peru and President-Designate of COP 20/CMP 10, assumes the gavel from COP 19/CMP 9 President Marcin Korolec, Poland
is no rain anymore. The rivers have dried up because the miners use
water, and that water is poisoned," says Atoq Kurturkanki. "For us, the
Andean or indigenous community, they have eliminated our economy,
including agriculture, textiles and cattle raising. All of these things
they have taken from us. Effectively, they have cut off our arms — and
we are practically like walking dead."
#COP20 #YoMarchoD10
is no rain anymore. The rivers have dried up because the miners use
water, and that water is poisoned," says Atoq Kurturkanki. "For us, the
Andean or indigenous community, they have eliminated our economy,
including agriculture, textiles and cattle raising. All of these things
they have taken from us. Effectively, they have cut off our arms — and
we are practically like walking dead."
#COP20 #YoMarchoD10
Please sign & share the petition TODAY - it will be delivered tomorrow at #COP20.
It’s important that we deliver our message that large dams are neither
clean nor renewable energy. We must insist that development funding
support energy projects for people, not profits; protect free-flowing
rivers; and support truly renewable energy solutions like wind, solar
and geothermal.
Presented by International Rivers, Amazon Watch & AIDA CC: Christiana...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry deliver...
Secretary of State John Kerry at #COP20
in Lima, Peru today: "Ninety-seven percent of peer-reviewed climate
studies have confirmed that climate change is happening and that human
activity is responsible."
every nation on Earth must apply current science and make state of the
art energy choices if we are to have any hope of leaving our future to
the next generations the safe and healthy planet they deserve." said
Secretary of State John Kerry at #COP20 in Lima, Peru yesterday. Read of watch the full speech here:
- 顯示全部
In Bolivian rural communities the loss of life-sustaining glaciers is a spiritual matter. #COP20 (via The Democracy Center)
As the world discusses the looming threat of climate change, we must listen to the stories...
Join us this morning from 8-9AM ET for @democracynow broadcast of #UNClimate Talks. Tune in live here: http://ow.ly/Fz9Jo #COP20
Join Bioneers for a Democracy Now! Broadcast of the UN Climate Change...
How can your community better prepare for extreme weather events?
NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center says that 2014 will go down
as one of the warmest years on record. Watch as the White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy walks through recent climate resilience
efforts. Tune in at 13:30 ET (19:30 Croatia) at www.youtube.com/theuscenter. #COP20 #ActOnClimate
- https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/cop20?source=feed_text&story_id=822674261104719&pnref=story
U.S. Department of State has organized and hosted a U.S. Center at the
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the
Parties for t...
can your community better prepare for extreme weather events? Today,
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will walk
through President Obama’s recent climate resilience efforts. Tune in at
19:30 at www.youtube.com/theuscenter. #COP20 #ActOnClimate
#COP20 wraps up in Lima today. ICYMI: Check out all of the #climate side events from the @US_Center at http://goo.gl/psEFyZ!
can your community better prepare for extreme weather events? Today,
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will walk
through President Obama’s recent climate resilience efforts. Tune in at
13:30 ET at www.youtube.com/theuscenter. #COP20 #ActOnClimate
¿Cómo puede tu comunidad prepararse mejor para los efectos de climas extremos?
HOY, la Oficina de Política de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Casa Blanca
platicará sobre los recientes esfuerzos de resiliencia climática de la
administración del Presidente Obama. Puedes sintonizarlo en este momento
en www.youtube.com/theuscenter . #COP20 #ActOnClimate
can your community better prepare for extreme weather events? Today,
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will walk
through President Obama’s recent climate resilience efforts. Tune in at
13:30 ET at www.youtube.com/theuscenter. #COP20 #ActOnClimate
U.S. Department of State has organized and hosted a U.S. Center at the
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the
Parties for t...