★【碳捕獲與封存】(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)
= 【碳補獲】(Carbon capture) + 【碳封存】(carbon storage)
★【碳捕獲與封存】(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)技術係指能將能源或產品生產過程中排放出之CO2從排放源分離,再經過濃縮與壓縮送至適當地點進行長期的封存的相關技術。
★【碳補獲】(Carbon capture) :
許多工業產品的製造過程中都會產生大量的廢氣排放,例如火力發電廠。而二氧化碳就是這些廢氣當中主要的成分之一,也是造成地球溫室效應的主要元兇。碳補獲 ( Carbon capture,又稱 碳捕捉 ) 的技術就是透過各種方法,將這些廢氣當中的二氧化碳分離出來,然後再進行處理,不讓二氧化碳直接排放到大氣當中,以減輕溫室效應。
★【碳封存】(carbon storage)
經由【碳補獲】(Carbon capture) 過程所分離出來的二氧化碳,還需加以【儲存】,才能真正有效的減少大氣當中的二氧化碳濃度,而這道程序就稱為【碳封存】(carbon storage)。
目前封存的方式與地點包含了採用生物固定技術的【生物封存】、將二氧化碳與礦石進行碳化的【礦化封存】(mineral carbonation)、將二氧化碳注入地質表面下的地下鹽水層、舊油氣田或是深層煤層等地下的地質封存(geologic sequestration)及【海洋封存】(ocean storage)等技術。
http://www.cier.edu.tw/ct.asp?xItem=13479&CtNode=253&mp=1 [ 火力發電零廢氣, 可減少90%火力發電排碳量!加拿大正在測試廢氣補碳新技術,預計六月份正式商轉 ] ( 03/10/2014 行政院環保署 推動碳補集及封存資訊網 )
[ In Saskatchewan, a utility tries a coal power play ]
這家位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的電力公司,基本上已完成其邊界大壩3號發電廠(Boundary Dam 3)總經費13.5億加元的改裝更新工程,未來3個月將進行一連串的測試,預定6月正式啟用。
薩斯喀電力公司再將二氧化碳賣給卡加利市的 Cenovus 能源公司。除了二氧化碳,該套設備還可捕集可以轉售的二氧化硫、一氧化二氮與其他懸浮粒子。
薩斯喀電力公司執行長華生(Robert Watson)日前受訪時指出:「它不僅是一個好的環保計畫,未來也將是一棵搖錢樹。」他說,薩斯喀電力公司擁有相關技術的智慧財產權,未來全球商機相當可觀。
光是加拿大之前就有多個碳捕集投資計畫宣告失敗,2012年在亞省保加利市的 TransAlta 公司宣布放棄總規模14億美元的廠房投資計畫,去年亞省省政府也以天然氣價格偏低為由,宣布終止與 Swan Hills Synfuels 公司2.85億美元碳捕集投資融資協議。
由於人口快速成長,景氣強勁,薩省用電需求不斷擴增,省政府考慮各種可以滿足需求的可能選項,包括再生能源與向馬尼托巴發電廠(Manitoba Hydro)購買水力發電。
[ In Saskatchewan, a utility tries a coal power play ]
SaskPower is drawing interest from around the globe with a coal-fired power plant that captures most of the carbon dioxide before it’s released into the atmosphere.
The Saskatchewan power utility is set to fire up the world’s first coal generation facility equipped with post-combustion, carbon-capture technology to remove 90 per cent of CO2 emissions from the flue gas.
SaskPower has essentially completed the $1.35-billion renovation of its 110-megawatt Boundary Dam 3 plant and will spend the next three months running tests before commissioning it in June.
The amine-solution unit will capture 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the waste stream after the coal is burned in boilers, and SaskPower has a long-term contract to sell the CO2 to Calgary-based Cenovus Energy Inc. to stimulate enhanced oil recovery at its Weyburn operations. The plant will also capture most of the sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide and particulates, which can be turned into salable products.
“Not only is the project a good environmental project, it is also going to be a multifaceted money maker,” SaskPower chief executive Robert Watson recently told The Globe and Mail’s editorial board. SaskPower owns the intellectual property involved in the project and sees a global business opportunity, he said.
Carbon-capture and storage (CCS) technology is seen as a critical component in the global battle against climate change, but faces huge hurdles due to the high cost and questions about the ultimate fate of the carbon that is stored underground. Ottawa contributed $240-million to the SaskPower project, as well as $120-million for Royal Dutch Shell PLC’s carbon-capture project at its Scotford upgrader in Alberta.
Mr. Watson said the utility will examine the feasibility of equipping other aging coal-fired units with carbon-capture technology as it figures out how to meet new federal regulations. Those rules prohibit the construction of traditional coal-fired units after 2015, and require existing ones to be closed when they reach 50 years of life unless equipped with carbon-capture technology.
He said it is nearly as cheap to retool plants with CCS than build new natural gas-fired ones, and it may be a better bet for SaskPower since coal is cheap and plentiful in Saskatchewan while the province needs to import natural gas, prices of which are volatile.
Like its Alberta neighbour, Saskatchewan relies heavily on coal for electrical power – 50 per cent in Saskatchewan’s case – and is most affected by the federal emission regulations. With a fast-growing population and a strong economy, SaskPower is looking at all options to meet growing electricity needs, including renewables and purchasing hydroelectricity from Manitoba Hydro.
As in Alberta, carbon capture is more viable in Saskatchewan because the captured carbon dioxide is a valuable commodity for oil companies that are attempting to boost production from oil fields. Producers in Texas have long use carbon dioxide to enhance crude recovery, though CO2 injections have recently been blamed for mini earthquakes.
Mr. Watson said the SaskPower project is being watched by coal-dependent countries from around the world that want to continue to make use of the abundant fuel while reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases.
Cenovus has operated one of the world’s largest CCS projects in Weyburn, Sask., where it pipes CO2 from North Dakota for use in enhanced oil recovery. The Regina-based Petroleum Technology Research Centre has studied the Weyburn facility for years to determine what happens to the CO2.
In projects such as Cenovus’s, carbon dioxide molecules mix with the hydrocarbons and help loosen the oil from the rock to allow extraction, Neil Wildgust, chief project officer at the centre, said in a phone interview. Some of the CO2 remains sequestered in the oil-bearing deposit, and some returns to the surface with the crude and is then separated and recycled for use again.
“It’s a closed loop system so essentially there is no CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere,“ Mr. Wildgust said. There has been considerable research done in conjunction with the International Energy Agency on what happens to the CO2 in the reservoir – which is 1,400 metres underground – and there is no evidence of leakage, he said.
Editor's note: An earlier online version of this story incorrectly said Cenovus will use carbon dioxide from SaskPower at Cenovus’ nearby Canadian Bakken oil fields. In fact, Cenovus Energy Inc. will use carbon dioxide as part of oil recovery at its Weyburn field in Saskatchewan, but not to produce crude from the Canadian Bakken. This version has been corrected.
OTTAWA — Globe and Mail update (includes correction)
Published Sunday, Feb. 16 2014, 8:45 PM EST
Last updated Tuesday, Feb. 18 2014, 6:06 PM EST
加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的邊界大壩3號發電廠(Boundary Dam 3)/Boundary Dam Power Station in Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada. 06/13/2013
[ In Saskatchewan, a utility tries a coal power play. ]
[ SaskPower signs agreement on CCS with one of Europe’s largest power companies/ 薩斯喀電力與歐洲大型電力集團簽訂火力發電廢棄碳補集與儲存技術合作同意書 ](04/16/2014 SaskPower 官網新聞發佈)
[ Boundary Dam Fact Sheet: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project by MIT/美國麻省理工學院邊界大壩3號發電廠(Boundary Dam 3)技術資料表:MIT 二氧化碳捕捉及封存計劃官網 ]
[ ★ 嚴正聲明!針對核四案,全國廢核行動平台聲明全文 ★ ] 請大家幫忙廣為轉寄,謝謝!
[ ★★★ 緊急通知!! 4/26 明天下午四點,我們一起上凱道展現廢核決心!★★★ ] 懇請朋友們幫忙轉寄這個重要訊息!謝謝。♡ 請記得明天 4/26 風雨無阻,我們大家凱道見 !!! ♡
[ 氣候變遷風險增, 汪中和:海平面上升,核安首當其衝!! ] ( 04/25/2014 TEIA 環境資訊中心 ) - 以氣候變遷角度看台灣能源。
[ 原能會證實:核四儀控系統 美核管會拒審, 台電:應該不至於有問題! ] ( 04/25/2014 自由時報 )
♡ 請記得明天 4/26 風雨無阻,我們大家凱道見 !!! ♡
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♡ 懇請大家也幫忙一起將以下這個訊息分享出去... ♡
★★ 核四廠發電裝置容量只占台電發電裝置容量的 6%,透過現有各種省電、節能的技術與設備,台灣可以輕易的省下超過核四發電量數倍的電力,而且省電節能的技術日新月異,還在不斷進步當中,電氣設備的能源效率也ㄧ直在提升,我們在省電、節能方面有著巨大的潛力有待你我一起攜手落實!天下沒有白吃的午餐,怕困難、怕辛苦,到頭來就一事無成,苦果還是只有自己吞,大家冷靜想想,是不是這樣呢?
[ 隨手省6%! 減六除四 - 隨手省6趴, 廢除核四吧!] 省電、節能減碳,實現非核家園,咱們大家一起來~~ 廢除危險核電,實現非核家園,YES! WE CAN!!!
☞ 更多的相關內容請至媽媽監督核電廠聯盟臉書粉絲頁。(https://www.facebook.com/momlovestaiwan )謝謝!! ♡
★ 瑞士《2050能源策略》-【再生能源】
★ 在今天,瑞士有【80%的電力】來自於【不可再生且需要進口的能源】,只有【20%的電力取自可再生的自然資源(太陽、風力、潮汐等)】。《2050能源策略》的一大目標就是【提升再生能源的發電比率】。
★ 為什麼這是我們的一大目標?
★ 那為了達成目標,我們該怎麼做呢?
★ 藏在地殼深處的熱力也是另外一項可利用的天然
★ 但是別忽略了其他看不見的好處,像是【保護環境和自然景觀】等等。想要【魚與熊掌兼得】不是不可能,但是需要你我的妥協與配合 !