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PLASTIC STATE OF MIND (Empire State of Mind Parody)

Video of song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koETnR0NgLY


張 良伊 (台灣人),於大學國外交換學生期間,發現環境議題並開始關心氣候變遷,於大學時期參與清­大學生自組團隊,參與聯合國氣候變遷大會COP15,與會間受 南太平洋島國的感動,隨­即,加入環浪計畫記錄行動,以及環浪商號籌備,同年在COP16期間擔任亞洲區會議主­席,次年,串起台灣各青年團隊,創立台灣 青年氣候聯盟,並召募更多有志青年,持續為台­灣在國際發聲,讓更多台灣青年分享寶貴經驗。 張良伊 : 12/20/2013 & 12/21/2013 都有出現在會場

* Taiwanese Young man 張良伊 (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012 : Be the one. Be the Change.


Taiwanese Young man 張良伊 (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012 : Be the one. Be the Change. 台灣青年氣候聯盟-故事緣起 Story Of TWYCC

VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmdVXkIspPk


PART 2 :



2013-11-15 圓神出版 文/齊柏林

轉 自 : http://m.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5053887&idSubChannel&fb_action_ids=10200613694984112&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=feed_opengraph&action_object_map=%7B%2210200613694984112%22%3A183741105151531%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210200613694984112%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D


PART 3 :

大家有看過<看見臺灣>這部電影嗎?環保署舉辦了好酷的「看見臺灣創意教案徵選活動」喔~ 總獎金高達30萬元ㄟ!!

快 去網頁看清楚活動辦法吧! https://www.facebook.com/eeschool/photos/a.146902845331930.21237.140579629297585/692822247406651/?type=1&theater ///

活動洽詢電話:02-6630-9988 分機106 吳小姐



VIDEO. 上周主持清碳聯盟大會中的策略對談,感謝與會者環保署副署長葉欣誠、台灣董事學會理事長許士軍、櫃買中心董事長吳壽山、福特六和汽車總裁范炘四位大師精闢的論述對談。短短三十分鐘,有不少論點既廣又深又實質。


video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQe3WmQhWVI

wa. "彭大師" 好棒喔! 謝謝你貼此video. 有 彭博士 & Dr. Jenny & Dr. Yeh & Dr. Huang & Mr. Chang & ..... 真好!


大家有看過<看見臺灣>這部電影嗎?環保署舉辦了好酷的「看見臺灣創意教案徵 不挺身而出,為世界做出一些改變,我們終有一天滅亡/只要多做一點,世界就會不一樣:減量&重覆使用&拒絕浪費&回收利用

環署力倡成立清碳聯盟 近百企業組織熱烈響應

在 環保署力倡之下,「清潔發展與碳權經營策略聯盟(簡稱清碳聯盟) ; 環保署特於103年2月18日假臺大醫院國際會議中心舉辦「清碳聯盟成立大會暨臺灣企業因應氣候變遷倡議」活動,宣布聯盟正式成立並開始運作。 氣候變遷對環境所造成的衝擊遍及全球各領域,減碳行動刻不容緩,希望藉由「清碳聯盟」的成立運作與永續經營,達到向企業提倡因應氣候變遷、強化低碳作為、 促進低碳轉型、提供減碳技術諮詢與輔導及建立產業資訊交流等功能,以協助產業瞭解全球減碳發展動態與我國政府部門減碳政策,以促進綠色經濟轉型與企業永續 發展。




減碳第一 PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203399839265274&set=p.10203399839265274&type=1&theater

孫國勛理事長代表 桃園縣中小企業服務協會參加環保署主辦之2014清碳聯盟成立大會暨台灣企業因應氣候變遷倡議, 桃園縣中小企業服務協會並成為 清碳聯盟 創始會員

「綠色企業、學校與社區輔導」種子講師社群 fans FB : https://www.facebook.com/groups/376800905778839/

PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php......
It's a wonderful sunny day!!
You are shining always!!

video with music. 上周清碳聯盟,很特別是辦了場音樂會,這是環保署溫減室簡慧貞執秘的創意,而大提琴家張正傑被她的誠意感動,特別答應並設計環保的曲目,音樂會現場洋溢著 悠揚的大提琴樂音,引導出面對氣候變遷應有的省思態度,如此巧妙的連結,也讓與會者眼睛一亮、反應佳評如潮!

Hc Jenny Chien 清碳加油~go~go~go.....

2014清碳聯盟成立大會-低碳音樂會 - 張正傑 老師

「體驗綠色商品」的一系列導覽活動 ON : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326984239



Hsinchu ; 2/25 Zhang Yi in the wilderness , " Hsinchu " Branch lecture / Instructor: Zhang Yi ( Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition) TWYCC'ers) 2/25 benign Iraq speech at " Hsinchu " Yeah , is not in Taipei. Wilderness Hsinchu write & attached 3 photos as below:

Hsinchu wilderness to see ] how to create change Tuesday : International Environmental Youth participation

Time : February 25 , 19:30-21:30

Location: Wilderness " Hsinchu " Branch 2F

Free speech

Everyone in creating change, and these changes must go through the life of temper .
International involvement in the process , there are many small stories, vignettes , little accidents will need to practice in the face .

Participated in several international NGO conference experience, so that we can better see ourselves, the true appearance, through the process of interaction with people around the world , the practice continues to move forward through participation on the road , we come to know their direction , to bring young people to participate in experience sharing .

Wilderness Week Week [ see ] free to share - how to create change Tuesday : International Environmental Youth participation

Time : February 25 , 19:30-21:30

Location: Wilderness Hsinchu Branch 2F

Instructor: Zhang Yi

25 -year-old university exchange student to Sweden a year , the way the European Tour , found that environmental issues and begin to care about climate change , college became involved in the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP, among the participants by the South Pacific island nation of shock, then joined the South Pacific 8 island "ring wave plan " Record action , the same year during the COP16 conference in Cancun, Mexico , Asia , chaired the meeting , returned to Taiwan in 2011 , and a partner opened a cafe spiritual environment " ring wave firm" and Taiwan's various youth teams strung of the group " Taiwan Youth Climate coalition ," expect inspire Taiwanese youth , so that more young people to share Taiwan's experience in environmental action . 2012 boarded the "Business Week " reported , TEDxTaipei annual stage , selected international youth representatives , and elected to the 2041 Antarctic expedition teams.

Christine Chen write: I hope after March Mr Zhang Yi can lecture in Taipei .


I wish success to the new year everyone ! ! ! Have to remember to be more concerned about the planet , after all, we only have one earth ! ! !

The following information is part of Zhang Yi , we want to enter to see information .... :


3 PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=591368577607291&set=pcb.591368637607285&type=1&theater


The following information is part of Zhang Yi , we want to enter the following URL to see all the information & photos .... :

PS -1 Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition) FB: https://www.facebook.com/rocktwycc?fref=ts

ps-2 push-off to help TWYCC'ers FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twyccers/

P.S. -3:

PS - 4: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511
U.S. staged a real version of " The Day After Tomorrow " was frozen Chicago: even down to 53 degrees Celsius colder than the north and south poles are therefore many U.S. cities appear frozen

It is time for us to make changes in the Earth / climate change has been non- future tense , and extreme weather , climate refugees , food and water crisis affecting our lives

Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition) Team / climate justice can not be compromised

" The only Earth , environmental justice , intergenerational welfare , sustainable development " / We love Taiwan We love Taiwan, ROC Formosa

"Thirsty " Hope justice / not the same as chairman of Earth Day / Environmental Quality Protection Foundation Xieying Shi / Climate Change / Warsaw COP19 / Polar aspect of the world to witness - Zhang Yi

Together quite you ! ! ! COP20 conference Come on! !

Liang Yi VS good doctor : Zhang Yi & TWYCC care for these children in the spirit of the Earth

Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change conference blog & photos on: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326939170

Love waves steadfast guardian of the world's environment Earth + Dream Taiwanese youth leapt United Nations Environment audible : Zhang Yi Liang-Yi Chang) Caring for Climate Antarctica

One for all , all for one Confucius said: " everyone should be willing to " Earth unique , environmental justice , intergenerational welfare , sustainable development " ; no intention to do as long as environmental protection, but also to do with the brain & Environment , frugal life . scientific spirit, as adaptation , beyond carbon reduction , immediate action , not only hard to do environmentally , but also to do with the brain green : Full叶欣诚saying ; Be the one concerned about the environment is not difficult ; now is the time for us to make changes in the Earth / ! climate change has been a non- future tense , and extreme weather , climate refugees , food and water crisis affecting our lives ; "

Young can definitely change the world / youth Zhang chaired the International Conference on Iraq in Taiwan / Department of State can not get ! Taiwanese youth into the UN press conference / Danny British men wear clothes Taiwan flag
blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326906112

! Be the one d concern for the environment is not difficult ; Taiwan's youth need an extraordinary power , TWYCCer pushed off to the community "push" to open the doors of climate change

Concern of the international community to assist the Iraqi citizen of the world Zhang youth environmental organizations around the world
blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326905731

* Generation equitable action (Intergenerational Equity) and death . Climate ( Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition Zhang Yi photos: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326540199

Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition) / COP

Women behind climate change will become a major force behind the movement / Green Climate Fund to strengthen the power of youth

Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC Initiative generations principle of equity Equity / carbon / adaptation / climate change = humanity is indeed the culprit

Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC Initiative Climate Justice & Equity generations Chancery / YOUNGO / GCF Green Climate Fund , youth is not absent / [ GCF ] Green Climate Fund , youth is not absent !
blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326996754

Do not come forward for the world to make some changes , we will one day perish / Just do a bit more , the world would have been different : Reduction & reusable waste & refuse & recycling

" He Xin third- Save the Planet" Earth & Environmental love !

Intergenerational Equity + TWYCC + Youth
All English words & photos on: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326540193

TWN youth leader climate change / Intern. Youth Conference / COY

The United Nations Climate Change Conference remarkable States Parties COP is a major international climate negotiations Field

Climate Change and Youth Participation + climate change negotiations in Poland http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326969065

Taiwan Youth Station UN stage : Taiwan passionate young Iraqi & Caizong Han Zhang Foreign Ministry has done the impossible / World Citizen Island final scene
photos on: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326808244

Taiwan again in the face of climate change on harder ! / Renewable energy & carbon emissions fell hard again in Taiwan / out of the ability to think outside the framework / No field talent / temperature gas reduction

Taiwan's youth into the UN press conference / Hideo Danny wear clothes Taiwan flag

EPD in interviews to several international environmental cooperation programs / global youth Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition series "Climate Impact Day" after the Rio +20 sustainable development governance

From Africa to see Taiwan ! / SHS column climate / climate change biodiversity collapse, human spared / track -type climate talks / COPTW

International concern has been the youth climate change series , " Climate Impact Day" (climate impacts day), synchronous response Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition , Greenpeace members , more than 20 men and women , as well as the minimum age of 12 for children , together behind the Taipei City Government the Matsuhisa park to symbolize Taiwan's climate instability umbrella discharge pattern .

Members of the Taiwan Youth Climate Change Coalition TWYCC of Laibo Hong and Guo Yingting express concern damage caused by climate change

Taiwan Youth Climate Change Coalition TWYCC of赖柏宏+ Guoying Ting : continue to promote the concept of caring climate * wonderful videos, listen to fill before broadcasting the interview Oh :! Voice videos:

Part1: http://goo.gl/AdN73u
Part2: http://goo.gl/sqST8C

Climate Change Conference to participate in youth TWYCC blog & photos: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326627619

Light blog Taiwan on:


Guardian World Environment dream : Taiwanese Zhang Yi (Mr.Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012

Taiwanese : Zhang Yi , foreign exchange student at the University during the discovery began to care about environmental issues and climate change , clean college students to participate in college teams from the group to participate in the UN Climate Change Conference COP15, among the participants touched by the South Pacific island

Together quite you ! ! ! COP20 conference Come on! !


December 5, 2012 , the 18th Conference of Parties to the Convention of the United Nations Platform for Climate Change (UNFCCC, COP18) held in Doha, capital of Qatar , Zhang Yi YOUNGO youth participation in youth organizations of the United Nations representative elections , becoming the " sole representative of the Southern Hemisphere elected official UN . "

Together quite you ! ! ! COP20 conference Come on! !

Zhang Yi , a 24 -year-old young people in Taiwan , to climate change , will be in February 2013 , with the world's explorers Law

[ Who am I ?

After several intense global youth levy election , becoming Taiwan's only youth representative.
However, the total amount of the total travel need more than 700,000 Taiwan dollars, must be fully fundraising .

When I know more , I found:
"I have no way deceived myself not to see the world ."

Zhang Yi , a 24 -year-old this year , had just graduated from the Institute , has been constantly telling myself to constantly break , also expected to become the "Taiwan Youth Climate Change leader ," Antarctic Program , is a difficult task to achieve , I hope My efforts to allow Taiwan's efforts to be seen , but also to climate change to be seen.


Zhang Yi : 12/20/2013 & 12/21/2013 has appeared at the venue * Taiwanese Young man Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012:. Be the one Be the Change.


Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition TWYCC (Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition)


Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Conference of Parties) = COP

TWYCC went to Warsaw, Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition track issues have generations of Chancery , loss and damage mechanisms , climate finance ...... other issues , including the above three are all on display in this climate negotiations focused on several occasions . Generation equitable issues currently belong to a novel concept , but for the future of environmental policies have great potential to influence

The United Nations Climate Change multinational ad hoc group (IPCC) analysis report announcement, aims to explore opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and possible practices


12/ 20 & 12/21/2013 have seen Zhang Yi
3 games are missed , can make listening to the radio and television interview before Oh :! Voice videos:

Part1: http://goo.gl/AdN73u

Part2: http://goo.gl/sqST8C


Zhang Yi : 12/20/2013 & 12/21/2013 has appeared at the venue * Taiwanese Young man Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012:. Be the one Be the Change.


Taiwanese Young man Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012:.. Be the one Be the Change Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition - the story of the origin of Story Of TWYCC:
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmdVXkIspPk


* Nice good song video Video of song..:

Into your food supply,
Into your blood supply ...
Convenience will kill you.
Ban single use plastic, toxic bags!

This is a volunteer for the American environmental advocate and reduce the use of disposable plastic bags made ​​out of a plastic supplies promotional video - nice and very carefully Ah ! ! ^ ^

Bring your own bag together to develop a habit of it ! Tomorrow to breakfast shop , liquor store , I do not have courage to say to the clerk of plastic bags ~ ~ XDD

PLASTIC STATE OF MIND (Empire State of Mind Parody)

Video of song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koETnR0NgLY


Zhang Yi ( Taiwanese ) , during the foreign exchange student at the University , found that environmental issues and begin to care about climate change , clean college students to participate in college teams from the group to participate in the UN Climate Change Conference COP15, among the participants moved by the South Pacific island , then , add the ring waves recorded action plan , as well as preparations for the ring wave firm , the same year during the Asian Regional Conference COP16 presidency next year , Taiwan's various youth teams strung , founded Taiwan Youth Climate coalition , and recruit more young people who continuing to Taiwan in the international voice, so that more young people to share their valuable experiences in Taiwan . Zhang Yi : 12/20/2013 & 12/21/2013 has appeared at the venue

* Taiwanese Young man Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012:. Be the one Be the Change.


Taiwanese Young man Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei 2012:.. Be the one Be the Change Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition - the story of the origin of Story Of TWYCC

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmdVXkIspPk



"My heart , my eyes , and saw Taiwan " Zeppelin 0 years of persistence and affectionate

Taiwan insists empty shot a 20-year photographer Zeppelin , the first disclosure of the unknown spiritual path, and "see Taiwan " documentary behind the scenes story.

2013-11-15 circle of God publishing text / Zeppelin
This article published by the circle of God , " my heart, my eyes , and saw Taiwan : Zeppelin empty shot 20-year persistence and affectionate ."

Transfer : http://m.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5053887&idSubChannel&fb_action_ids=10200613694984112&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=feed_opengraph&action_object_map =% 7B% 2210200613694984112% 22% 3A183741105151531% 7D & action_type_map =% 7B% 2210200613694984112% 22% 3A% 22og.likes% 22% 7D & action_ref_map =% 5B% 5D



We have seen < saw Taiwan> movie? EPA held so cool " to see the creative lesson plans levy election activities in Taiwan ," Oh total prize money of up to 300,000 yuan ei ! !

Go see website activity approach it ! Https://www.facebook.com/eeschool/photos/a.146902845331930.21237.140579629297585/692822247406651/?type=1&theater / / /

Website : http://eeis.epa.gov.tw/bbtp/Default.aspx
Activities may vary Tel :02 -6630-9988 ext 106 Ng



VIDEO. Clear carbon Union Assembly last week hosted the strategy talk , thanked the participants for the EPD Deputy Director Ye Xincheng , Taiwan Institute of Directors chairman Paul SC Hsu , GTSM Chairman Wu Shou Shan, Fan Hsin , president of Ford Motor incisive Four Masters discussion of the talks. Short span of thirty minutes , there are many arguments both broad and deep and substantive .

2014 Qing carbon Alliance Conference - Strategies for talks

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQe3WmQhWVI

wa. " Peng master" great! Thank you posted this video. has Dr. Peng & Dr. Jenny & Dr. Yeh & Dr. Huang & Mr. Chang & ..... nice !


We have seen < saw Taiwan> movie? EPA held so cool " to see Taiwan creative lesson plans do not come forward to sign for the world to make some changes , we will one day perish / Just do a bit more , the world will will be different : reduction & reusable waste & refuse & recycling

Central Department pushed for the establishment of clear organizational carbon Alliance hundred enthusiastic response

Under the EPA pushed for " clean development and carbon management strategy right Union ( clear carbon Alliance ) ; EPA special leave NTUH International Convention Center on February 18 103 years " clean carbon Alliance Inaugural Taiwan enterprise initiative in response to climate change "campaign , announced the alliance was formally established and operational. The impact of climate change on the environment caused by the various areas throughout the world , urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and hope by the establishment and operation " clean carbon alliance " with the sustainable management , to promote corporate response to climate change , and strengthen carbon as promoting low-carbon transformation, providing technical advice and guidance carbon reduction and the establishment of industrial information exchange and other functions to help the industry understand the developments in the global carbon reduction and carbon reduction of government policies to promote green economy and sustainable development of enterprises .


Source: EPA cut management room temperature


Carbon First PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203399839265274&set=p.10203399839265274&type=1&theater

Sun Guoxun chairman of the SME Association of Taoyuan County representatives participate in the 2014 EPA clean carbon Alliance Inaugural Meeting organized by Taiwan enterprises cope with climate change initiatives , SME Association of Taoyuan County and became a founding member of the Qing carbon Alliance

"Green businesses, schools and community counseling " seed lecturer Community fans FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/376800905778839/

PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php ......
It's a wonderful sunny day!!
You are shining always!!

video with music. clear carbon League last week , is to do a very special concert , which is less room temperature EPA Executive Secretary Jane Hui Ching ideas , and cellist Zhang Zhengjie touched by her sincerity , and specially designed environmental promise tracks concert scene filled with melodious cello tone , guiding the face of climate change should be the attitude of reflection , so clever link , but also to the participants lit up , the reaction rave reviews !

Hc Jenny Chien Ching carbon refueling ~ go ~ go ~ go .....

2014 Qing carbon Alliance Conference - carbon Concert - Zhang Zhengjie teacher

" Experience green goods " in a series of guided tours ON: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326984239

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