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Guardian W.E.D,/Liang-Yi Chang=Youth Action Climate Change

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"Taiwan's youth leader of climate change ."   &    Guardian World Environment dream:

International Youth Conference (Conference of Youth = COY ) The next day, two young Taiwan held a Open Space Discussion at the meeting , the theme of generations Chancery (Intergenerational Equity).

Intergenerational Equity+Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition+Taiwanese youth leapt to United Nations for environmental sound

Youth in Action on Climate Change

Mr. Liang-Yi Chang

Mr. 張良伊 = (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) at TEDxTaipei

Several photos first ; then long articles words on the buttom.

Watching pictures & photos first.

Reading articles after seeing pictures/photos : on the buttom.

Generation equitable action (Intergenerational Equity) and death . Climate ( Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition Zhang Yi = Taiwan youth leapt United Nations Environment vocal

Love waves steadfast guardian of the Earth --- Zhang Yi + World

Environment dream Taiwanese youth leapt United Nations Environment audible : Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) Caring for Climate Antarctica

Mr. Liang-Yi Chang

Generation equitable action (Intergenerational Equity) and death . Climate ( Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition Zhang Yi = Taiwan youth leapt United Nations Environment vocal

Love waves steadfast guardian of the Earth --- Zhang Yi + World Environment dream Taiwanese youth leapt United Nations Environment audible : Zhang Yi (Mr. Liang-Yi Chang) Caring for Climate Antarctica

羅伯特斯旺(Robert Swan) THINK SO :

『 地球最大的威脅,就是你相信人會去拯救她』

(The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it)


fb:  https://www.facebook.com/2041fighting

  1. About the Author

  2. Mr. Liang-Yi Chang

  3. (TWYCC)

  1. 「台灣氣候變遷的青年領導先鋒」

  2. TWYCC

  3. https://www.flyingv.cc/project/136

  4. Mr. Liang-Yi Chang

  5. (The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it)

    ◎南極夢想明信片 (共有兩款圖案的明信片)




    any questions:

    2041fighting@gmail.com 張良伊,



World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)


  1. climateauction

    open space dicusstion

    圖為台灣兩位主辦世代衡平Open Space Discussion的青年與一起合作的挪威青年之合照


    open space dicusstion2

    圖為當場來參與Open Space Discussion的各國青年們用其母語所寫下的「世代衡平」


    《Contemporary issues in international environmental law》,ISBN:978-1-84542-283-7

《Youth in Action on Climate Change》。
UN publication - COYTW

聯合國出版品《Youth in Action on Climate Change》。


  1. ===
  2. http://twycc.org.tw/blog_and_news/7331/pre-cop-19-meeting/《Youth in Action on Climate Change》。
  3. UN publication - COYTW

    聯合國出版品《Youth in Action on Climate Change》。

  4. ======


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