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Warsaw Climate Change Conference table to share experiences

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希望各媒體能報導播此新聞影音檔! 華沙氣候變遷會議台分享經驗 (葉欣誠 EPA 政務副署長受訪 VIDEO.) 中央社發布的。TVBS 有ㄧ則綜合外電報導,其餘有ㄧ些特別方式的報導....
COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. /// 

VIDEO in English (speach) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

video 發佈時間:2013年11月19日 Nov. 19, 2013 video.

  • ⋯⋯
    (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Professional, Good, Great, Concerned about environmental protection, Very good, Approachable, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Vitality, Smark, Spiritual, Wise, Kindn⋯⋯更多
    相片:(Dr. S. C. Yeh) Knowledgeable,  Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Professional, Good, Great, Concerned about environmental protection, Very good, Approachable, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Vitality, Smark, Spiritual, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Good looking  Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. /  Handsome, Honest, Empathetic,  Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth),Environmental Education, Special prof. /  Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted,  Genuineness  ................etc. ( I think so.  ^_^)========COP19 Side Event (6 張相片)Dr. S. C. Yeh 參加由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013====幾個報導,大家參考一下http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201311170220-1.aspxhttp://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464960http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw
    · · 推廣 ·
  • COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors a...
  • Warsaw Climate Change Conference table to share experiences (special) Video.

    COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. ///

    VIDEO in English  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share

    Nov. 19, 2013 video.

    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


    video can be showed English words & another 16 languages words in video.

    Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences (Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.)   

    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts

    Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.  


    (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Professional, Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Good, Great, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. / Handsome, Honest, Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness
    ................etc. ( I think so. ^_^)


       Nov. 19, 2013 video.

    COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


    BLOG in English : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


    Warsaw Climate Change conference table to share experiences ( EPA Chief Deputy Director Ye Xincheng respondents VIDEO.) CNA     


    I hope the media can report this news & broadcast audio and video files ! Warsaw Climate Change Conference table to share their experiences (Dr. Shin Cheng YEH   EPA Deputy Director of Home Affairs respondents VIDEO.) CNA released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , and the rest reported ㄧ some special way ....


    Climate change television interview broadcast
    Dr. Shin Cheng YEH

    CNA - November 20, 2013 5:14 pm

    http://tw.news.yahoo.com/un Climate Change TV broadcast Ye Xincheng interview -091434562.html

    ( Central News Agency reporter Lin Lin Warsaw on the 20th Reuters ) Head of the delegation during the visit Climate Change Conference held in Warsaw in the United Nations ' Climate Change TV " to " Taiwan can educate Chinese mainland in terms of reducing air pollution , " the title, broadcast Republic Environmental Protection Administration deputy DirectorDr. Shin Cheng YEH interview.

    " Climate Change TV " (Climate Change TV) The reporter access Dr. Shin Cheng YEH on the 16th , the delegation participated in talks and carbon emissions in Taiwan . Ye Xincheng said that the delegation during the Warsaw meeting with representatives of other countries to reduce emissions in response to climate change strategies and measures to exchange views .

    Relatively high average emissions for the issue of Taiwan , Dr. Shin Cheng YEH instructions, Taiwan's production of many commodities on the international market , including bicycles and PC , industrial carbon emissions during production accounts for about half of Taiwan's total emissions. In addition to actively promote government hopes to reduce carbon emissions bill , Taiwan's industry has developed towards heavier ecological protection .

    The reporter interviews made ​​: Taiwan geographically very close to the Chinese mainland , whether this experience can learn from the Chinese mainland to allow the Department

    Dr. S. C. YEH said that Taiwan's industrial structure and is similar to the Chinese mainland , he believes can share relevant information.

    He pointed out that the cross-strait common cultural , residents also have a lifestyle change, and Taiwan experienced the process of industrial growth , perhaps Taiwan could share this experience , so that mainland China can " jump in reducing air pollution some stage . " 1021120


     Fantastic . This lower right corner of the first two video captions or "CC" press down , you can choose Chinese or English subtitles can show off should be seen = Fantastic . Fantastic. ( Just point out that I found to be Subtitles term ~ throat . ) do not test everyone and hearing my English friends . could be Chinese or English subtitles subtitle Click to watch out for praise !

    Released . TVBS has ㄧ the Dow Jones reported , the rest have been reported H.264/AVC SVC special way .....


    COP19 Side Event (6 photos)
    Dr. S. C. Yeh  attend  COP 19   side eventsorganizedby theIsrael andIndia,Topic:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013


    Nov. 20, 2013:
    E BOOK  / flash / video. .pdf /
    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C

    COP19 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2013 COP19:  


    for reference:


    http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


    =    http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/....../cop19-taiwan....../

    : COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at: http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/....../cop19....../...... http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/....../cop19-taiwan....../
    COP19 Side Event (6 張相片)
    參加由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation
    相片:參加由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation
    • 你覺得這真讚。
    • Christine Cheng

  • COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

    Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

    Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


    BLOG in English : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

    COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙



    http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


    太棒了. This video 右下角第2個字幕或"CC"按下去, 可選出中文或英文可秀出中應文字幕可看=太讚了. 太棒了. (剛我才發現可點出字幕來看~喉. ) 不用考大家和我的 English 聽力啦. 可將中文或英文的字幕點選出來為有字幕可看 讚!

    Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Ye Xincheng EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS reported

    VIDEO in English (speach) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 


    BLOG in English : http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

    COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

    • ⋯⋯
      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
      COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors a...
    • 你和 Christine Chen 都說讚。
    • Christine Cheng 太棒了. This video 右下角第2個字幕或"CC"按下去, 可選出中文或英文可秀出中應文字幕可看=太讚了. 太棒了. (剛我才發現可點出字幕來看~喉. ) 不用考大家和我的 English 聽力啦.
    • Christine Cheng
    • ⋯⋯
    • ⋯⋯
      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
      COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors a...
    • ⋯⋯
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