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12/4 演講者:陳玉峯老師//12/7 ~ 12/28 某幾天有活動: 文山社區本位氣候變遷環境教育種籽培訓工作坊

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    1. 11月22日在 Taipei 附近
      希望各媒體能報導此新聞&VIDEOS.: (波蘭)華沙氣候變遷會議台分享經驗 (葉欣誠 EPA 政務副署長受訪 VIDEO.) 中央社發布的。TVBS 有ㄧ則綜合外電報導,其餘有ㄧ些特別方式的報導....
      COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙


      COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. /// 

      VIDEO in English (speach) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 

      video 發佈時間:2013年11月19日 Nov. 19, 2013 video.

      COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, says his country has a great deal to offer neighbours like China.

      Taiwan is in the process of setting emissions standards for the industrial sectors and has set a national target to reduce CO2 back to 2005 levels.

      Because of its cultural ties and a similar industrial framework to China, Yeh says Taiwan could help China "skip some steps" when it comes to reducing air pollution.


      BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

      COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. From Warsaw 波蘭華沙



      http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=464886&id=1 — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


      太棒了. This video 右下角第2個字幕或"CC"按下去, 可選出中文或英文可秀出中應文字幕可看=太讚了. 太棒了. (剛我才發現可點出字幕來看~喉. ) 不用考大家和我的 English 聽力啦. 可將中文或英文的字幕點選出來為有字幕可看 讚!

      Warsaw COP 19 Climate Change Conference Taiwan share experiences ( Ye Xincheng EPA Chief Deputy Director of the respondents VIDEO.) CNA & TVBS reported

      video. COP19 : Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts /// Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. /// 

      VIDEO in English (speach) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UIWRmJbziM&feature=share 


      BLOG in English :http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1326234069

      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

      COP19 聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts⋯⋯

      (Dr. S. C. Yeh) Professional, Knowledgeable, Excellent, Remarkable, Incisive speech, Good, Great, Very good, Charmming, Outstanding, Brilliant, Smark, Wise, Kindness, Perfect, Good teacher, Great professor, Merciful, Gracious, Exalted, Mercy, Concise, Friendliness, Real good, Friendly, Brave, Famously, Cool person, Cool, Responsible, There is a strong sense of mission. / Handsome, Honest, Empathetic, Wonderful, Upright, Intellectuality, Speeches and decent performance, (Save mankind, Save the earth), Good person, So Kind, So good, Kind-hearted, Genuineness
      ................etc. ( I think so. ^_^) (9 張相片)

      相片:COP19 Side Event (6 張相片)ONhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=637511846287629&set=pcb.637515442953936&type=1&theater
      Dr. S. C. Yeh 參加由以色列與印度主辦的 COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National StadiumCOP19 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw 2013

      華沙氣候變遷會議台分享經驗 / 由以色列與印度主辦的COP 19周邊會議,演講題目:Integration of Technologies, Policies, and Education on Climate change Adaptation — 在 National Stadium,Warsaw


      電子書 / flash / video. .pdf / 
      COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh , Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C


      : COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013 in November 2013 COP19: Taiwan to educate China on air pollution cuts - See more at:http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/#sthash.tfi6xG6J.dpuf http://climatechange-tv.rtcc.org/2013/11/18/cop19-taiwan-to-educate-china-on-air-pollution-cuts/


      葉欣誠 ,環保EPA總局行政院

      :COP19聯合國氣候變化大會2013年 在2013年11月
      November 2013


      12/7 ~ 12/28 某幾天有活動: 文山社區本位氣候變遷環境教育種籽培訓工作坊 - 文山社區大學 :

      free / 精采可期:中研院院士劉紹臣、研究員汪中和、中興大學農糧專家陳吉仲、台大暴雨防洪專家李天浩,以及帶食農實作的樸門亞曼,而且有兩天的戶外實地參訪實作,絕無冷場喔!

      曾幾何時,雨水不再是老天爺降下來的禮物,而是釀成災難的禍源? 根據IPCC報告及中研院的研究,全球與台灣的熱浪、暴雨、海平面變化現象已經或即將改變你我的生活。我們以及下一個世代要如何因應新的極端氣候挑戰?海綿城市、垂直農場、樸門永續設計又能如何發揮調適作用? 參加對象:社大師生、有意願投入推廣氣候變...

      鄭s. write; 各位如果沒點進網頁瞧瞧,一定還不知道這次工作坊32小時邀請到空前(希望不要絕後)的師資陣容,包含中研院院士劉紹臣、研究員汪中和、中興大學農糧專家陳吉仲、台大暴雨防洪專家李天浩,以及帶食農實作的樸門亞曼,而且有兩天的戶外實地參訪實作,室內課在聽講外,也會分組討論,再由老師們解惑互動,絕無冷場喔!!


      文山社區本位氣候變遷環境教育種籽培訓工作坊 - 文山社區大學
      曾幾何時,雨水不再是老天爺降下來的禮物,而是釀成災難的禍源?根據IPCC報告及中研院的研究,全球與台灣的熱浪、暴雨、海平面變化現象已經或即將改變你我的生活。我們以及下一個世代要如何因應新的極端氣候挑戰?海綿城市、垂直農場、樸門永續設計又能如何發揮調適作用? 參加對象:社大師生、有意願投入推廣氣候變... ===== 

      12/7 林文印/環保聯盟會長+簡慧貞/環保署溫減管理室執行秘書+林子倫/台灣大學政治系助理教授+徐光蓉/台灣大學大氣科系教授 /要先報名

      free / 精采可期 :





      12/4 演講者:陳玉峯老師(山林書院主講者、前靜宜大學副校長、山態環境學者)
      日期:12/4 (三)
      地點:國立中正大學 法學院101階梯教室


      COP19: Shin-Cheng Yeh, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C.
      COP19 (16/11/13) -- As the second country in the world to classify greenhouse gases as an air pollutant, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Deputy Minister for the Environmenta...
      收回讚 ·  · 推廣 · 
      • Christine Chen

安居樂業、努力向學的人民都是可愛的!希望兩國的人民都要加油過生活喔!【屏科大甘比亞學生 想完成學業再回國】http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/politics/20131115/293305/


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