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2013-08-02 14:31:30| 人氣1,293| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

幹! 爛殘國軍和爛法官和爛檢察官&爛歹人.....=大家對那些人太失忘和賭爛......

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2小時前 · 

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20 小時前 · 

寫給洪仲丘的歌│在你死了以後 After you are gone
Here is the story

2013年7月4號 饅頭數了300多顆轉眼也只剩下72小
On the 4th of July 2013 when 300 steam buns have been consumed
Only 72hours left

其實你只需要 安安份份過你的老兵生活
You just needed to be a subtle soldier
But you chose to be faithful to the voice in your heart
And you believed you could fight for justice

你這個大傻瓜 你這個大傻瓜 把自己當作 蝙蝠俠
You idiot you idiot, trying to be great Batman

他們說 你攜帶違禁品 他們說 整件事情符合SOP
They said you brought the contraband 
They said the whole thing accorded to SOP
他們說 其實很想救你 其實沒有內幕沒有虐待沒有人 去擋住攝影機
They said: they wanted to help you; there is nothing behind the scene;
no one tried to block the surveillance 
But they don't dare open their own closet
They shirk all responsibility to this scapegoat 

當我們是傻瓜 當我們是傻瓜 原來 台北也需要 蝙蝠俠
Treat us as idiot treat us as idiot; Taipei actually needs great Batman

國房布 他沒種對付菲律賓 玩死自己的兵倒是天下無敵
MND, without guts to face Philippines, but to kill its own soldier it would win
範左線 在部隊叫聲老ㄟ老ㄟ 叫聲老ㄟ 出來還可以借錢
Fan is not just the BOSS in the team, but also loan shark in the street
They told they are all innocent
They all had the perfect proof of absence
你這個大傻瓜 你這個大傻瓜 把自己當作 蝙蝠俠
You idiot you idiot, trying to be great Batman

曹先生 問他什麼都是沒有沒有 很想問他拉屎到底擦了屁股沒有?
Mr chow, answered NO, NO to everything
So did he clean his ass after making a poo poo?
馬先生 你還指望他什麼 什麼都是道歉慰問 連國手名字都能搞錯
Mr. Ma. What do you expect on him? 
What he knows is apologize and sympathy expression
Or confused about national sports players
Their swapping stances like acting 
Their delaying like hiding

當我們是傻瓜 當我們是傻瓜 原來 台北也需要 蝙蝠俠
Treat us as idiot treat us as idiot ; Taipei actually needs great Batman

在你死了以後 我才 發現 有些事情不能想說就說
After you are gone I found you can't tell something you want
在你死了以後 我才 了解 我和你一樣渴望自由 自由 自由
After you are gone I understood we both thirst for freedom, freedom, freedom
在你死了以後 我才 發現 我們都不應該保持沉默
After you are gone I found we shall not stay silent
在你死了以後 我才 了解 那些王八蛋都 早已腐朽
After you are gone I understood they are all decayed assholes

什麼是正義 什麼是程序 如果死的是你家人你在不在意?
What is justice what is procedures 
What if the one who died is your family 
Would you give a shit?

(請洽)王奕傑 0952372698

聯絡信箱 ttshow@ttshow.tw

 ·  ·  · 19 小時前 · 


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