
Let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying = MR. Zain Dean request arresting wine fled to Switzerland
Actually catch back again to escape the government's foreign and domestic. President also said to be retaken. / More he escaped the more people will believe him guilty!!
English as below :
let foreigners bully Taiwanese. Gently bad British businessmen, judges
on the Taiwanese not fair not hesitate!
catch back again to escape the government's foreign and domestic.
President also said to be retaken. / More he escaped the more people
will believe him guilty!!
let foreigners bully Taiwanese. Gently bad British businessmen, judges
on the Taiwanese not fair not hesitate! really outrageous! suck most of
the civil servants!!! really did not the rotten justice and heartless
people a lot!!! let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying
request arresting wine fled to Switzerland and France driving killed a
dutiful son to send students reported that the unscrupulous British
merchant Lin Keying fled the country ‧ Foreign Ministry: do not rule out
the "moral force" to Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences
‧ Lin Keying: I first left all the talent in Taiwan will listen to me ‧

consultations would never return to the station" Lin Keying blew the
slip Switzerland ‧ human rights groups the Jury before returning to
Taiwan, Chu was: the true experts ‧ Linke Ying Lin Keying his mother:
and David does not look like I sent Birth family collapse ‧ a missing
British supplier Lin Keying the killed children Huangjun De parent
claims 10 million ► ► more nice content "ETtoday News Cloud
let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to
Switzerland and France to request the arresting Reviews: Jiaotusanku you
too will be bypassed in a social center /
fled the country in February 8, 2013 British businessmen Lin Keying the
past few days constantly put words to escape to neutral first Three
Swiss Ministry of Justice confirmed that the news is true, Lin Keying in
Switzerland on the evening of the 7th; related units have been
requesting, hope and arresting Lin Keying, handed over to Taiwan and
brought to justice.
Lin Keying a bunk in the past six months, the Ministry of Justice
confirmed that others in Switzerland. Taiwan Branch (NCL Media), the
British supplier grace Jubilee CEO Lin Keying (Zain Dean) three years
ago, wine driving killed to send reported raw Huangjun De, in July last
year, has been sentenced to four years in prison is rendered,
out in August last year, the 29th 14th holding the British nationality
whites passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok, Thailand, the
prosecution immediately issued arrest limitation to September 20, 120
years. Fled the country after Lin Keying across the sea facsimile
published the three-point statement, said that the judicial authorities
do 3:00 on the 1st of this month, he was willing to return to Taiwan.
First of all, he wants to international human rights organizations as a
trial observer; followed during the trial, in addition to human rights
organizations, but also by the legitimate human rights units with
hand-court; Finally, the time of the incident the key videotapes must be
a court exhibit, because videotapes The content can prove that he is
"innocent". But for Lin Keying out conditions, collected evidence to
reject Lin Keying appealed his conviction to be followed the very appeal
or retrial way to relief, rather than escape.

London representative also strict refused, and urged Lin Keying as soon
as possible back to the station and brought to justice. According to
the latest news of the Foreign Ministry, Lin Keying in Switzerland, the
Ministry of Justice has been made to the Swiss judicial authorities of
the request, hope and arresting Lin Keying sent to Taiwan justice.
Taiwan and Switzerland signed a Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, but
in the past several specific examples of judicial cooperation. Original
URL: let it be true! Unscrupulous British merchant Lin Keying fled to
Switzerland and France the Ministry request arresting the | ETtoday
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http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130208/162966.htm # ixzz2Kahj07lR Follow
us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook the http :/ /
www.ettoday.net/news/20130208/162966.htm =====
driving killed dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health unscrupulous
British merchant Lin Keying abscond outbound social center / reports
British supplier grace Jubilee Taiwan Branch (NCL Media) CEO Lin Keying
(Zain Dean) 3 years ago for drunk driving killed newspaper delivery
Health Huangjun De, in July last year, has been sentenced to four years
in prison rendered, 29 Day outgoing white British nationals held on
August 8 last year passport from Taoyuan airport to fly to Bangkok,
Thailand, the prosecution immediately issued arrest aging to September
20, 120 years. Lin Keying Indian descent, dark complexion, that we
should be able to holding whites passport departure,
prosecution questioned airport officials negligent, first described
with a witness interviewed by airport customs officers; addition, Lin
Keying British passport holders the others exit, the prosecution in The
evening has also been summoned to the White British, questioning why the
passport will flow into the hands of the forest. Lin Keying in the
early hours of March 25, 2010, drunk driving killed the shoulder ends
meet burden of dutiful son to deliver newspapers Health Huangjun De,
results also commissioned surnamed Dong escape his girlfriend,
Mercedes-Benz cars rushed to the accident Resource Recovery Park,
exhibits attempt disintegration annihilation. North examination after
death in accordance with the public danger, negligence, hit and run
offenses he was charged, and has requested at 2 years and 6 months in
prison, the court sentenced to four years' imprisonment sentence was Lin
Keying, before the North seized winding execution,
of exit restrictions still holding the others passports to illegal
immigrants. Original URL: drunk driving killed dutiful son delivering
newspapers Health unscrupulous British merchant Linke Ying Lam the exit
the | ETtoday Social News | ETtoday News Cloud
http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130129/158749.htm # ixzz2KaiwBHM0 Follow
us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook
the political political focus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: let
Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences with "moral force"
does not exclude
【sleep with precedent Experts: sleep quality affect work performance and promotion speed
British businessmen Lin Keying holding others Passport "bunk" provoked
outrage. Reporter Chen Jiawen / Taipei in Taiwan wine for British
businessmen Lin Keying driving accident, was sentenced to determine,
however, took the others passport case fled the country, Foreign
Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang said, has been linked with all Overseas
Missions, a Lin Keying transfer hideout, but we received the relevant
message, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be let through a variety
of ways Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences, does not
rule out the use of the "moral force".
Foreign Ministry spokesman Xia Jichang. (Figure / reporter Chen Jiawen
photo) Original URL: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not rule out the
"moral force" to let Lin Keying back to Taiwan to serve their sentences
the | ETtoday Political News | ETtoday News Cloud
http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130207/162656.htm # ixzz2KajSyF00 Follow
us: @ ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook


Dumbfounded got cheap and cold it!
"Super dumbfounded! Lin Keying (MR. Zain Dean ) Statement "miscarriage of justice" victims of discrimination "
He was in August 2012, then go and bleach and integer you?? (Malfeasance government staff as hateful and shameful .....!!!)
(Mr. Zain Dean) Lin Keying case fled the country, has been shocked by a high-level, the President Ma tea gatherings with the media, said yesterday, "I am very angry!" And said that the extradition will be through various means Lin Keying to return to Taiwan to face justice, must not light vertical criminals, President Ma symbol of Lin Keying impunity things stand case, national feeling shame.
馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德
林克穎:我先離開台灣 所有人才會聽我說話 »酒駕撞死送報生黃俊德的英國商人林克穎在發監前夕變裝離境,5日上午,他逃出台灣後首度接受媒體訪問,首先他對死者家屬致歉,因為自己很不負責任地離台;但林也強調,事發時車子真的不是自己駕駛,他會選擇離開台灣,是因為這樣所有人才肯聽他說話。
Drunk driving killed people sentenced fled their country, after a four-year sentence was surprising out three conditions that as long as the Taiwan judicial unit can do, will back on trial ... must first be served by the international human rights organizations trial observer ... @ @
Drunk driving killed people sentenced fled their country, after a four-year sentence was surprising out three conditions that as long as the Taiwan judicial unit can do, will back on trial ... must first be served by the international human rights organizations trial observer ... @ @

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
The bunk British supplier Linkeyingti returned to Taiwan three conditions seized refuse
[United Evening News ╱ reporter Wang Sheng quinoa / Taipei】
2013.02.01 03:38 pm
MR. Zain Dean (Lin Keying) in August last year, fled the country, today let it out three conditions, as long as the Taiwan judicial unit can do will definitely be back to the trial.

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
Daily News profile photo
"A missing British businessmen Lin Keying today issued a statement through the school's Institute in Taiwan teacher out three conditions, as long as the Taiwan judicial unit can do, will be back on trial. In this regard, the prosecutor Huang Mou letter the collected evidence hsiang read Director, said "Prosecutor of a final judgment of the state in accordance with the law, it is impossible to negotiate terms with the prospective inmates." For the determination of a sentence, Taiwan already has channels for relief, but will not affect sentence of execution.

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
Lin Keying in a statement for absconding regarding, explained that he was originally a trust ROC judicial confident that the truth will come to light, but during the trial, but suffer from extreme "prejudice", will be an unwise move, the opportunity to a friend's house and stole each other's passports.
Linke Ying said, if the following three conditions, the judicial authorities to accept that he is willing to go back to Taiwan to stand trial. Must first trial by the international human rights organizations as observers; followed during the trial, but also by the legitimate human rights units with hand-court; third the time of the incident the key videotapes, should become a court exhibit, because the screen is enough to prove that they are " innocent.
FROM: http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC1/7677254.shtml

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
In fact, in the course of criminal proceedings, Lin Keying repeatedly disputed a miscarriage of justice, and said that Taiwan's judicial authorities not to investigate evidence in his favor, it is still death by negligence, the number of public danger and sentenced to four years in prison determined.
Lin Keying case fled the country, has been shocked by a high-level, the President Ma tea gatherings with the media, said yesterday, "I am very angry!" And said that the extradition will be through various means Lin Keying to return to Taiwan to face justice, must not light vertical criminals, President Ma symbol of Lin Keying impunity things stand case, national feeling shame.

Lin Keying also issued a statement after a missing event, Huang Mou letter said that Lin Keying wanted because supervisors perform summoned less than, not the wanted cases in the general trial or investigation, he wanted to make the case number for the "enforcement through. Huang Mou letter said Lin Keying correct judgment is not convinced, through relief program such the sound please retrial, claims appeal, that the defense of their own interests.

BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
Huang Mou letter stressed that prosecutors will not negotiate terms with prospective inmates remain guilty before prosecutors for the execution of the sentence or directing prospective inmates monitoring of legal action in determining a sentence, will not stop. "
【2013/02/01 the United Evening】 @ http://udn.com/
BAD MAN : MR. Zain Dean Drunk driving
Full-text Web Site: the bunk British business Linkeyingti "to return to Taiwan 3 conditions" the prosecution refused | serious cases Pulp Fiction | Social News | BBC News http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC1/7677254.shtml # ixzz2JeRcCQpR
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Liling Hung must also nothing ~ ~ ridiculous ~ rotten ~
Wednesday 21:12 · Like
Zhang Chen Zhong prisoners home to the New Year!
In fact, Lin 14 can be home for the holiday, on behalf of all prisoners were able to go home to the New Year! "
Wednesday 21:53 · Like · 1
Shih-Hung Huang (such judicial really heartbroken heart of the people) helpless.
Wednesday 22:11 · Like · 3
Chen Pei-jung killed people on bail openly escape exit
Wednesday 22:58 from phone · Like
Huimin What a shame ........
Yesterday 1:07 pm · Like · 1
Cathy Tu victims may apply to the State Compensation?
From yesterday 1:34 the phone · Like · 1
Fu Kuei Cheng has not received the $ $ $ $?
Yesterday 9:06 pm · Like
Xiao Ru-Shan bunch of rascals officials of our hard-earned money to feed a group of brain-dead idiots doing only bully their own people
Yesterday 10:23 from phone · Like
Lin Yiqing legal protection of all kinds of evil people, ordinary people rely on themselves
Yesterday 12:10 · Like
Lsp Lee replaced with others so easily? Implying that pass outside the ghost within a ghost?
Yesterday 20:32 · Like · Edited
Kirin Ho AIT king lure was: holds a U.S. visa drunk driving Hajime escape also enjoy prosecutors the diplomatic judicial Kuaisutongguan courtesy? Taoyuan the immigrant mouse designed Brigade PM4 points can skip work and come back at 19:00 of overtime? Central and South America diplomatic envoys to China the dependents to open trade companies, import and export containers Customs inspection-free?
Yesterday 21:02 · Like
Kirin Ho some knowledge will bunk or to bail, some knowingly not run or not to bail, judge the quality, professionalism, the nature of science, but so
英商林克穎陳述車禍事件記者會 @ TWIMI | 獨立媒體 »辯護律師陳達成出示英國在台灣貿易文化辦事處公文證實,林克穎只有一本有效護照,並非有二本護照要作為潛逃之用,而林克穎在三月初(車禍事件之前)於台北扶輪社舉辦的一場活動演講中曾經公開說,他即將於近日返回英國向父母報告要結婚一事,因此回英國是在他既定的計畫中,而非因為車禍事件而想畏罪潛逃。

馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德

馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德

馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德
林克穎:我先離開台灣 所有人才會聽我說話 »酒駕撞死送報生黃俊德的英國商人林克穎在發監前夕變裝離境,5日上午,他逃出台灣後首度接受媒體訪問,首先他對死者家屬致歉,因為自己很不負責任地離台;但林也強調,事發時車子真的不是自己駕駛,他會選擇離開台灣,是因為這樣所有人才肯聽他說話。
馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德
「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德,去年8月在發監前逃亡;黃家人在案發後向林提起民事訴訟,求償1000萬元,台北地方法院5日開庭,林的委任律師則說,希望法官參酌關鍵證人說法,證明林克穎非肇事者。法官於庭末諭知,全案訂27日宣判。
原文網址: 落跑英商林克穎撞死兒 黃俊德父求償千萬 | ETtoday社會新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130205/161698.htm#ixzz2K0coHeLG
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RE: 《超傻眼!落跑英商 得了便宜又賣乖吧!》「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德,去年8月發監前逃亡/ 不幫老外欺負台灣人/馬總統說我非常生氣!表示一定絕不輕縱這種罪犯 / ,林克穎從未向黃家人道歉
馬的! 「落跑英商」林克穎(Zain Dean)酒駕撞死孝子送報生黃俊德

傻眼 這是得了便宜又賣乖吧! 馬總統對林克穎逍遙法外感羞恥。馬總統說我非常生氣!表示一定透過各途徑引渡林克穎返台面對司法,絕不輕縱這種罪犯
他當時8月2012年 那麼快去漂白和整型了嗎?? (瀆職的政府人員一樣可惡和可恥.....!!! )
相片:酒駕撞死人被判刑4年定讞後落跑出境,現在竟然還開出3個條件,說只要台灣司法單位能做到,一定會回台接受審理...首先必須由國際人權組織擔任審判觀察員...@@ http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC1/7677254.shtml
傻眼 這是得了便宜又賣乖吧!
《超傻眼!林克穎聲明 「受歧視審判不公」》
落跑英商林克穎提「返台3條件」 檢拒絕
2013.02.01 03:38 pm
「落 跑英商」 林克穎今天透過在台灣念書的研究所老師發表聲明,並開出3個條件,只要台灣司法單位能做到,一定會回台接受審理。對此,台北地檢署襄閱主任檢察官 黃謀信表示,「檢察官依法執行國家的確定判決,不可能與準受刑人談條件。」台灣對於確定判決本來就有救濟途徑,但絕對不會影響刑之執行。
FROM: http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC1/7677254.shtml
落跑英商林克穎提「返台3條件」 檢拒絕 | 重案追緝 | 社會新聞 | 聯合新聞網
超傻眼!林克穎聲明 「受歧視審判不公」 | 最新 | 即時新聞 | 2013/02/01 | 新聞 | 壹電視 NextTV
【2013/02/01 聯合晚報】@ http://udn.com/
全文網址: 落跑英商林克穎提「返台3條件」 檢拒絕 | 重案追緝 | 社會新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC1/7677254.shtml#ixzz2JeRcCQpR
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相片:C 《超傻眼!林克穎聲明 「受歧視審判不公」》 http://www.nexttv.com.tw/news/realtime/latest/10594602/
Liling Hung 一定又 不了了之~~ 太扯了~ 爛透了~
星期三21:12 · 讚
張臣忠 全部囚犯 都可以回家過年!
其實, 林14 可以回家過年, 代表 "全部囚犯 都可以回家過年!"
星期三21:53 · 讚 · 1
黃世鴻 (這種司法真是傷透人民的心)無奈。
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陳姵蓉 撞死人都可以交保大大方方的逃出境了
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慧敏 真是丟臉........
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Cathy Tu 被害人應可申請國賠吧?
昨天 1:34來自手機 · 讚 · 1
Fu Kuei Cheng 沒有收$$$$嗎?
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蕭洳汕 一群混蛋官員我們的辛苦錢幹嘛要養這群腦殘的白痴只會欺侮自己人
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林益慶 台灣的法律是在保護為非作歹的人,一般老百姓自求多福了
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Lsp Lee 換成其他人有這麼容易嗎?難不成是內鬼通外鬼?
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Kirin Ho AIT王誘曾:持有美國簽證酒駕肇逃,還享有檢調外交司法快速通關禮遇?.桃園移民鼠專勤隊PM4點就可翹班,晚上7點再回來報加班?中南美洲駐華使節眷屬開貿易公司,進出口貨櫃海關免查驗?.
昨天 21:02 · 讚
Kirin Ho 有的明知會落跑還是給交保,有的明知跑不了還是不給交保,法官的素質,專業素養,本質學能也不過如此
約 1 小時前 · 讚