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認真&專業的葉教授 Prof. S.C. Yeh 現是環保署葉副署長, 中間是環保署沈署長參加20120519 全國氣候變遷會議. 還有多位有名環保人士們集聚一堂, 陣容堅強...........


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綠島大象新書將發表 小美人魚來助陣


國立教育廣播電台作者: 胡美足 | 國立教育廣播電台 – 2012年8月31日 上午9:47

    綠島大象新書將發表   小美人魚來助







主題:環境生活與藝術、談兒童的環保教育等議題。講師包含: 吳炫三老師、莊永明老師、林谷芳老師、黃春明老師、丹麥朋友。本次講座由: 國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、中華民國水資源環境教育學會、康軒文教事業、臺北書院、「綠島大象」共同合作舉辦。而大象負責籌辦此講座及聯絡講師工作,因此邀請大家能多多參加,為此活動增加更多人氣喔。

轉自 :  http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E6%96%B0%E6%9B%B8%E5%B0%87%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8-%E5%B0%8F%E7%BE%8E%E4%BA%BA%E9%AD%9A%E4%BE%86%E5%8A%A9%E9%99%A3-014753652.html

主題:環境生活與藝術、談兒童的環保教育等議題。講師包含: 吳炫三老師、莊永明老師、林谷芳老師、黃春明老師、丹麥朋友。本次講座由: 國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、中華民國水資源環境教育學會、康軒文教事業、臺北書院、「綠島大象」共同合作舉辦。而大象負責籌辦此講座及聯絡講師工作,因此邀請大家能多多參加,為此活動增加更多人氣喔。


內 容     講座系列:

講師:丹麥商務辦事處(丹麥大使館)處長(大使) 季安昇先生
丹麥商務辦事處(丹麥大使館)經理 許乃文小姐


專訪Rio+20政府團長葉欣誠:加強與民間對話 落實執行國際經驗










關於國際間的爭端,包括北半球對南半球的森林、未開發陸地資源是覬覦的,如2 007年我曾到印尼巴里島參加聯合國氣候變遷公約大會,就觀察到擁有豐富雨林的國家,大規模反對已開發國家跨國公司到南部去搜刮森林。類似這樣的事情,會是爭端的來源。


至於談到制度框架的調整,其中一個議題是,原本只是聯合國program層級的聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP),各國正討論將其提升為秘書處的正式編制,成為「世界環境組織」(WEO,World Environment Organization),這對對台灣是好事。






















※ 本文問答內容為專訪過程重點整理,不代表實際問答順序。





  1. 20120519 全國氣候變遷會議 in Taiwan. picture-1
    · ·
    • Christine Cheng 請按圖才看的到最左邊是認真&專業的葉教授 Prof. S.C. Yeh 現是環保署葉副署長, 中間是環保署沈署長參加20120519 全國氣候變遷會議. 還有多位有名環保人士們集聚一堂, 陣容堅強...........
  2. 20120519 全國氣候變遷會議 pic
    · ·
    • Christine Cheng 請按圖才看的到最左邊是認真&專業的葉教授 Prof. S.C. Yeh 現是環保署葉副署長, 中間是環保署沈署長參加20120519 全國氣候變遷會議. 還有多位名環保人士們集聚一堂...........
  3. 20120519 全國氣候變遷會議 : 超精彩!
    相片: 真驚人!
    · ·
  4. 20120519 全國氣候變遷會議 picture
    · ·
  5. 認真 & 專業 & 關懷.................

    20120519 全國氣候變遷會議
  6. 2012/5/19 全國氣候變遷會議
    • 你覺得這真讚。
  7. Pro. Prof. S.C. Yeh 之 20120519 全國氣候變遷會議

    English words & Demark's words & Chinese words as below :
    Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks.  ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
     "joyful"  honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh"  : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!!  

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji  Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is  afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

    p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the  Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


     “The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

    Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
     reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    “the small mermaid” http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


    “The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

    To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

    Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say:  Green island big portrait inscription!!

    Photos on my blog: 


    Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

    The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

     Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s. - 1  :  In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

    (Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will  Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



    Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

    [United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
    2012.10.08 03:58 am

     “the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

     to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”,   hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    In October 5   “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the  Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the  Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa!  Great!   ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart!  

     (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan  appearance.  

    All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

    Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

    (The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........   

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smile.

    The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

    youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.”   ^_^


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    (Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph,  Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention!   Big success!    ^_^

    The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

    Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

    P.S.   I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song!  Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night!  Jolly night!   I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

    I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~!   Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~!    The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time!   Ha ~! 

    As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji  = Handsome Shuai"   and   No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh  Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent!  


    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

      Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect.   Good job.   Well done!


     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smiling.

    Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue:  Ha ~!  Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha!  Also is very good!    

    I am startled the SURPRISE two times!  That is a more detailed guidance.  Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously.    ^_^

     Kang Xuanyou facebook.

    Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the "  Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

     everybody to love the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that,  Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

    Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve!  Good.  Great.

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

     (environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

    Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie:  “in heart small star”!  ^_^

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!!     ^_&

    Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



     “the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life.    The special story is also reconded on a CD.


     everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

    In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness.   Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

    Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    Please look video reported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

    Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

    The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

    the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

    Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


    Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

    Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling.  ^_^

    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green  island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


    Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 :  Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本  * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say :  The  Green island big portrait inscription!!!  

    Taiwan's GREEN ISLAND ELEPHANT'S GOOD STORY :  Elephant video.

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks.  ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
     "joyful"  honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh"  : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!!  

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji  Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is  afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

    p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the  Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


     “The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

    Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
     reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    “the small mermaid” http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


    “The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

    To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

    Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say:  Green island big portrait inscription!!

    Photos on my blog: 


    Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

    The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

     Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

     p.s. - 1   In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

    (Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will  Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



    Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

    [United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
    2012.10.08 03:58 am

     “the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

     to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”,   hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    In October 5   “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the  Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the  Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa!  Great!   ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart!  

     (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan  appearance.  

    All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

    Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

    (The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........   

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smile.

    The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

    youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.”   ^_^


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    (Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph,  Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention!   Big success!    ^_^

    The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

    Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

    P.S.   I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song!  Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night!  Jolly night!   I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

    I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~!   Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~!    The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time!   Ha ~! 

    As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji  = Handsome Shuai"   and   No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh  Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent!  


    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

      Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect.   Good job.   Well done!


     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smiling.

    Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue:  Ha ~!  Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha!  Also is very good!    

    I am startled the SURPRISE two times!  That is a more detailed guidance.  Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously.    ^_^

     Kang Xuanyou facebook.

    Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the "  Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

     everybody to love the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that,  Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

    Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve!  Good.  Great.

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

     (environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

    Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie:  “in heart small star”!  ^_^

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!!     ^_&

    Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



     “the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life.    The special story is also reconded on a CD.


     everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

    In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness.   Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

    Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    Please look video reported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

    Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

    The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

    the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

    Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


    Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

    Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling.  ^_^

    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green  island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


    Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 :  Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本  * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say :  The  Green island big portrait inscription!!!  

    Taiwan's GREEN ISLAND ELEPHANT'S GOOD STORY :  Elephant video.

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks.  ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
     "joyful"  honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh"  : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!!  

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji  Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is  afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

    p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the  Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


     “The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

    Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
     reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    “the small mermaid” http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


    “The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

    To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

    Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say:  Green island big portrait inscription!!

    Photos on my blog: 


    Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

    The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

     Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

     p.s. - 1   In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

    (Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will  Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



    Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

    [United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
    2012.10.08 03:58 am

     “the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

     to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”,   hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    In October 5   “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the  Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the  Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa!  Great!   ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart!  

     (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan  appearance.  

    All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

    Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

    (The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........   

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smile.

    The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

    youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.”   ^_^


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    (Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph,  Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention!   Big success!    ^_^

    The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

    Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

    P.S.   I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song!  Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night!  Jolly night!   I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

    I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~!   Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~!    The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time!   Ha ~! 

    As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji  = Handsome Shuai"   and   No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh  Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent!  


    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

      Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect.   Good job.   Well done!


     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smiling.

    Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue:  Ha ~!  Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha!  Also is very good!    

    I am startled the SURPRISE two times!  That is a more detailed guidance.  Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously.    ^_^

     Kang Xuanyou facebook.

    Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the "  Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

     everybody to love the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that,  Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

    Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve!  Good.  Great.

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

     (environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

    Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie:  “in heart small star”!  ^_^

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!!     ^_&

    Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



     “the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life.    The special story is also reconded on a CD.


     everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

    In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness.   Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

    Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    Please look video reported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

    Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

    The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

    the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

    Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


    Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

    Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling.  ^_^

    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green  island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


    Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 :  Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本  * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say :  The  Green island big portrait inscription!!!  

    Taiwan's GREEN ISLAND ELEPHANT'S GOOD STORY :  Elephant video.

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks.  ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
     "joyful"  honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh"  : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!!  

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji  Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is  afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

    p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the  Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Lyu island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really! 


     “The Green island elephant” has published book(s) 

    Thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun,
     reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    “the small mermaid” http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/7415430.shtml Lyu island elephant guidance environmental protection to "Denmark"


    “The Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

    To change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Greenisland elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.

    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Greenisland elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.


    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

    Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark

     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say:  Green island big portrait inscription!!

    Photos on my blog: 


    Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear. 

    The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

     Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

     p.s. - 1   In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able to pump out the participation leaf joyful honest Mr./Mrs. Dr. S. Cheng Yeh also is vigorously supports and helps Lyu island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    I before looks at Belgium to urinate young Tong the & Denmark small mermaid, later the "Green island elephant also will be able to make a house-call exchanges Belgium to urinate young Tong Belgian", estimated the overseas six countries will impel the Taiwan environment education warm-heartedly!

    (Taiwan liked at first sight gentle serene Green island elephant first station first will  Greennext year go to Denmark and the small mermaid becomes friends the guidance link to teach! )



    Taiwan's Green Island Elephant

    [United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
    2012.10.08 03:58 am

     “the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

     Green Island Elephant

     to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County  Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the  Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”,   hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    In October 5   “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the  Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the  Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa!  Great!   ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart!  

     (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan  appearance.  

    All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

    Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 

    (The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........   

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smile.

    The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

    youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.”   ^_^


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    (Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph,  Green island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention!   Big success!    ^_^

    The Green island elephant also to said the sound: Good night! Good night ~! Tomorrow goodbye! Wishes the child happy good dream again and again! Fond dream Cheng Zhen! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! Is filled with happy An Tian!

    Will be willing tomorrow rainbow Rainbow also to bestow your mysterious strength! 

    P.S.   I like this Video & listening to this first song specially. This video may work as the nursery song teaching sings swims. Calculates the environmental protection ambassador's theme song!  Very good! This video picture really good, very affected will of the people!! Good night!  Jolly night!   I all must listen (only then to have very many to go to rest! ) Is filled with happy peaceful quiet ~~~!

    I also very much like the character who the Green island elephant draws this picture becoming reconciled lovable child yo ~!   Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo ~!    The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time!   Ha ~! 

    As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the new vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (No. 1 Commander's “Mr. Ji  = Handsome Shuai"   and   No. 2 Commander's “Mr. Yeh  Handsome / Shuai") two analyze the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent!  


    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Li Wanji boss Oct. 5, 2012 appearances. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

      Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect.   Good job.   Well done!


     P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “      I have very the short distance appreciation!!!  ^_^ Smiling.

    Green island elephant Green Island Elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates!   ^_^

     everybody loves the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    Really causes environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron god ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 


    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also added on the phonetic notation oh and on the color face red compassion yesterday I looked in particular “Kang Xuan studied magazine TOP945/on July 1, 2012: 216th issue:  Ha ~!  Good attractive yo ~! Had the Green island elephant and Arab League sends with joyful honest Uncle ...... “I ha!  Also is very good!    

    I am startled the SURPRISE two times!  That is a more detailed guidance.  Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two seriously.    ^_^

     Kang Xuanyou facebook.

    Because the "Green island elephant environment education draws this" is by the drawing creation team drawing which overpraises ............Also the "  Green island environment education elephant really draws this " is the Chinese and foreign I looks at most attractive one to draw this, I recommend seriously draw this bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles " Green island elephant environment education to draw this "

     everybody to love the elephant!  The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Ye Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!

    The Green island elephant good attractive also is lovable! The children all simultaneous together said that,  Green island elephant))))))) I love you ((((((((((. 

    Draws this: The Green island elephant draws this! * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription!!! “The Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that, Approve!  Good.  Great.

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!!   Afa Uncle.  ^_^

     (environmental protection bureau vice superintendent: Super environmental protection Ambassador Ye " joyful " honest STAR Uncle/Prof. Star C. Yeh: Possibly also is horizon another radiant sparkle big star Super Star falls another environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream Making the wonderful dreams come true guardian angel!! ) ^_^

    Lets me remember India to win a prize the movie:  “in heart small star”!  ^_^

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the " liked at first sight gently to dazzle serenely likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant (environmental protection ambassador: Green island elephant G.I.E.) “accompanies more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!!     ^_&

    Makes my startled affection very much the Lyu island elephant “good night! Good night! “video:



     “the Green island elephant” the this year 27 years old, are originally in a Green island elementary school's elephant slide the slide, because in disrepair after many years becomes the reject to suffer the surfer auction, is sent by Taitung juniors Li Meng Afa to get down by a NTD100 Yuan sale by sealed tender under, and in local culture environment workers and so on Green island mansion country young Principal Yao Liji joint effort, “the Green island elephant” had the new life.    The special story is also reconded on a CD.


     everybody gratitude and admiration Li Meng sent activated Green island elephant's New & the Wonderful vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaust the speed, devoted the low-carbon green to be able the goal. 

    In Taiwan, Taiwan's Green island elephant G.I.E. penetrates the proper motion expression idea, tours the nation, the campus way, takes root in the student heart, hoped expands from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness.   Proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth & Change to New Life, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, the old society country small broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education very happy draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life.

    Old society country small very happy by actual resources recycling again use environment education, makes the gift by the children to give the liked at first sight personally gently serenely to dazzle the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xincheng Dr. Star, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honest STAR UNCLE, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.

    Please look video reported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

    Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

    The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

    the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

    Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


    Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

    Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling.  ^_^

    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green  island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


    Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

    TripAdvisor member photography the Belgian picture: Explores the European Belgium terrestrial reference, the hotel and the scenic spot 110 brilliant pictures.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “The GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN  island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s.- 1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 :  Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 


    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “2012 environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept.


     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


     “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!



     * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !!!  ^_^


     “the GREEN island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    [United Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun the/Taitung reported]
    2012.10.08 03:58 am

    “the Green island elephant” draws this, environmental protection education further penetration reading in adult, in the child heart takes root.
    Chart/Li Meng sends provides

    Green Island Elephant

    to change environmental protection ambassador from the reject “the Green island elephant”, its story published recently draws this, let more people penetrate reading to realize loved with the environmental protection importance; These two years, the Green island elephant link Taiwan guidance environmental protection education, also will next year have the opportunity to meet to Denmark with “the small mermaid”, share the similar destiny story.


    “The Green island elephant” is originally the Taidong County Green island township mansion country small elephant slides the slide, has the near 30 year histories, is in bad repair for a long time, also already exceed safety handling deadline; 3 years ago the school authorities abandonment in the network auction, by the Taitung juniors, cultural worker Li Meng Fa were discovered that, thought oneself childhood most likes hiding the recollection which is in a daze under the school elephant slide, buys at auction by the Ntd100 Yuan.

    “The Green island elephant” colors, turns a colored orange color is an elephant, it while is carrying many human of joyful growth recollections, Li Meng Faxian is makes the retrospective for it, found many has the together recollection populace and the picture with the elephant, “the Green island elephant” turns the environmental protection by the reject to educate a link the moving story, causes from all walks of life takes.

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    This pastes the article " Chinese and English to photoengraving " to hope the foreign friends also can see the " English edition Lyu island elephant link teaches ", I also have paste for the foreign friends looked this pastes the article English edition to proclaim the island Taiwan Lu Lyu island elephant link to teach, also might translate Danish article next year to look to the Dane. (English: The Dane/Belgian/Swiss/American/French/Japanese ...... all can look the " English edition or the Chinese and English teach " to the photoengraving " Lyu island elephant link) < English: The Lyu island elephant may invite specialist other translation. >


    In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Star Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji who the exchange faith token ceremony and cared about the environment education for a long time Oct. 5, 2012 in Taiwan appearance. 

    All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". 

    Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    2 put on pale pink color coat + another 2 to put on the white coat: The picture color cooperates the strip (I to guess extremely is heart has mystical powers clear tacit understanding.) One of I most startled matters is Denmark integrates the environment education curriculum various elementary schools various branches the curriculum for example: Nature study and Chinese class and English course ......And so on arranges this by teacher to plant the will of the people satisfyingly voluntarily, attends to every detail, teaches since childhood .....Draws this does really well, may buys in the bookstore and the inscription on stone tablet and bronze hall. 


    Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 

    Taiwan's GREEN ISLAND ELEPHANT'S GOOD STORY : Elephant video.

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
    "joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 

    p.s.-1 : In spite of being very busy hears this publication to be able leaf joyful honest teacher who pumps out the participation also to be vigorously supports and helps Green island elephant important friend one oh! 

    p.s. - 2 : Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng good Commander oh ~!!! 



    * age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say: Green island big portrait inscription !


    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!


    Some 23 year historical elephant modelling abandonment slides the slide, Taitung juniors Li Meng Fa does not endure the Green island person childhood memory finally to walk into the tipping site, proposed the Green island elephant activation plan, displays the creativity by way of the island on country elementary student, causes the worn-out elephant big change body its rebirth, becomes the reject to activate the again use best speaking on another's behalf, old society country small today broadcasts the Green island elephant documentary film, the Green island elephant animated cartoon, the Green island elephant DIY activity, the Green island elephant environment education draws this story and so on, inspires the schoolchild to know the environment education, and applies in the life. 


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impels “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.


    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Taiwan's Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.

    Full text website: Looks for “the small mermaid” the Green island elephant guidance environmental protection to Denmark


    Green island elephant + Li Meng sends Afa thanks United Daily News Reporter Miss Li Huijun, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Green island elephant + Li Meng Fa thanks state-run education broadcasting station Miss Hu American foot, reported warm-heartedly the elephant publication draws this news.

    Attagirl video, the song is really pleasant to hear.

    The elephant which abandons is slid the slide, for the realization care environment dream youth, they hand in hand lets more people see, waste disposal again use splendid course.

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Two years ago “the Green island elephant” incarnation environmental protection ambassador tours Taiwan, until now already has managed more than 60 environment education promotion activity in 11 county cities, the share “the utilization creativity activation reject” the idea.

    Li Meng Fa said that, most thanks “environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin honestly (Prof. S. C. Yeh) the assistance, lets many children and the Green island elephant contacts, understands the environment and human's relations on its body; The Danish commerce handles matters Department Head Ji Ansheng also to change countenance for the Green island elephant's story, thought this “the small mermaid” the bronze statue has wonder the equally good results from different methods with Denmark.

    Li Meng Fa said, “small mermaid” the destiny runs counter to what is right compared to “the Green island elephant”, has been through repeatedly two time world wars, beheads, breaks the foot, even loses into in the river, finally is saved, now already is Danish symbolic public art and the cultural property; Next year the Green island elephant will have the opportunity to go forward Denmark, will unfold the Taiwan another stratification plane the environment to educate Italy to contain.


    From February, 2010 until now, exquisite lovable “the Green island elephant” the assumption environment educated ambassador, impelled “the Green island elephant to tour Taiwan”, has conducted more than 60 promoted environment pedagogical activity in the Taiwan main island 11 county cities.

    Tours in the Taiwan journey, “Green island elephant” besides share “utilization creativity activation reject” the environmental protection idea, simultaneously perhaps under “the new dream”, hoped one day to be able to go to the Danish Copenhagen to visit “the small mermaid”, and disseminates Taiwan's love to world each place with warmly, this dream will next year have the opportunity to become really!

    In October 5 “the Green island elephant” draws this book to publish the meeting, pulls “the Green island elephant” and “the small mermaid” the sentiment reason! Honest (Children's Super “STAR Uncle”) Denmark commerce handles matters in Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye " joyful " with Super the Handsome distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Department Head Ji Ansheng, has held “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, next year (in 2013) “the small mermaid” the 100th birthday, in 2013 “the Green island elephant” will go besides the plan offers birthday congratulations, but also will exchange the Taiwan environment education present situation with Denmark and end of this year publishes “the Green island elephant” the environment education teaching material.Wa! Great! ^_&

    As soon as just was careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the Handsome picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! Smart! 

    (The Green island elephant draws originally is by overpraises draws the artist to create the team drawing ........ 

    The Green island elephant drawing from sends thought the creation completes the lasted near three years. The Green island elephant thanks Professor Yeh Xin honest and Chairman Li Wanji and ten above senior officials and the good friend vigorously help and the assistance is extremely thanks!!!)

    P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “ I have very the short distance appreciation!!! ^_^ Smile.

    The Green island elephant delivers Department Head Ji the non-price treasured painting which is domestic well-known artist Lin Guanting creates! ^_^

    everybody loves the elephant! The elephant loves the Earth!

    The Green island elephant conducts more than 60 links in the Taiwan 11 county cities to teach to move, the Green island elephant has gone to the presidential palace and the memorial hall & Imperial Palace and the flower abundant and the zoo and each place famous place ..........Will next year shine travels by boat the study abroad to publicize the link to teach ~!!!

    youtube looks up the Green island elephant to be possible to see very many “Green island elephant's videos.” ^_^

    Please look video reported: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    Descriptive note: “The Green island elephant” the environment education draws this new book to publish can hold in the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng (left two), Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xin honest (right two), Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji (right one), Green island elephant daddy Li Meng Fa (left one) and so on under the distinguished guest testimonies completes “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony.

    Oct. 5, 2012 reject development environment care true meaning Green island elephant seeks childhood dream .wmv toward Denmark

    The Green island elephant tours Taiwan to arrive at bamboo city Mayor Xu Mingcai to advocate the environment education encouragement resources recycling uses “

    the liked at first sight gentle serene kind beautiful Green island elephant to tour again Taiwan” the now (2) date to accompany by elephant daddy Li Meng Fa comes to Xinzhu, happy crosses for a joyful morning with the Xinzhu municipally established old society country young schoolchildren, Li Meng ships to Hsinchu Mayor Mayor Xu Mingcai who participation together to express the heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and admiration Mayor Xu when receives him to consult the activity conducts the telephone, is without hesitation grants supports and unfolds the superelevation administrative efficiency, esteems Xinzhu is the place which the Green island elephant tour peach bamboo seedling area most receives inspires, but the today old society country is smallBy the actual resources recycling again use environment education, personally makes the gift by the children to give Green island the elephant, the sufficient share achieved the active goal, learns through playing successfully complete. 

    Xinzhu Mayor Xu Mingcai, environmental protection bureau chief secretary Fu Shuqiang, municipal government training office physically healthy Section Chief Xu Huiping and old society country young Principal Yang in and so on, today and the old society country young schoolchildren welcome the Green island elephant, Xu Mayor gratitude and admiration Li Meng to send together activated the Green island elephant's vitality, also expanded it to the environment the education inspiration, penetrated this promoted activity, expected no matter were the schoolchild or the teacher, in the daily life food, the clothes, lived, the line in particular, nurture, happy, all had to ponder carefully lost conveniently whether the goods could again use, let the resources extend the life, slowed down the Earth energy to exhaustThe speed, he also points out Xinzhu to promote the residential free public vehicle, demonstrates the low floor electrically operated public vehicle, at present is national use electrically operated public vehicle most cities, hoped after trains the populace to transport travels by the population, reduces gradually uses for oneself the steam, locomotive quantity, devotes the low-carbon green to be able and the transportation smooth dual goal.


    Environmental protection bureau host Peru Fu Shuqiang expressed last June 5 implemented the environment educational method, financial group legal person all staffs, the teacher and the student who the national various institutions, the high-quality medium below school and the government donated the being established, all participated in each kind of study, the multiplex way understanding environment, the Green island elephant penetration proper motion expression idea, toured the nation, the campus way, took root in the student heart, hoped expanded from Xinzhu's with all one's strength support to other county city, the string living conditions education consciousness. 

    Mayor Xu and the schoolchild puts on the elephant bow cap together, together hangs up the item with Principal Yang for the Taiwan's Green island elephant which gets up with the waste disc string, the schoolchildren also 11 are outstanding the gift which oneself does personally, gives Green island the elephant, Mayor Xu also leads everybody to climb up the Green island elephant to play slides the slide, proved the liked at first sight gentle serenely dazzles the bright kind beautiful Green island elephant also to be able to accompany many childhoods, lives for the child laughs heartily. Smiling. ^_^

    By state-run Taiwan Teachers University, the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsors “101 year environment education course”, publishes the deep environment education significance on October 5 in Taibei Academy “the Green island elephant” to draw this, and invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng “since childhood the mermaid statue, discussed the Danish public art preservation” explains the Danish environment education and the environmental protection concept. The conference participant including Kang porch culture and education group Chairman Li Wanji, the link teaches professor and environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Yeh Xin Cheng / Dr. Shin- Cheng Yeh, environmental safety health center Director Fang Weida, Taibei Culture Administration Assistant Commissioner Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center Director Huang Guoqin, pays attention to the environment education together the unimportance.


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Xincheng Yeh = Dr. Shih-Cheng YEH, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Green island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Lyu island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Lots of Belgian (Belgium) Photos: Knows Belgian (Belgium)~


    Belgium picture - Europe Belgium selection picture - TripAdvisor

    Draws this:The Taiwan's Elephant : Green island elephant draws this! 康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本 * The age host broadcasts Gao Wenyin say : The Green island big portrait inscription!!! 

    Taiwan's GREEN ISLAND ELEPHANT'S GOOD STORY : Elephant video.

    Kindly please share this message for your friends. Tks. ^_^

    There are English words & Chinese words for your reference. Please share it.

    Taiwan's Elephant video. English words & Chinese words as below 

    Which original Arab League sent (Uncle Afa) is last night " star " chen which environmental protection ambassador who fell from the Milky Way Xinghai space glistens the small star turns with everybody Say hi ~ Hi to greet beautifully must come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ “elephant daddy” ~ Arab League to send uncle!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

    (Environmental protection bureau vice superintendent : Environmental protection Ambassador Dr. S. C. Yeh : 
    "joyful" honest STAR Uncle "Prof. Star C. Yeh" : Possibly also is the horizon another radiant sparkle big star falls environmental protection ambassador who this world turns also to have to come to help the lovable pure children to realize the happy fond dream guardian angel in Taiwan!!! )

    Arab League sends uncle equally to turn on the mysterious illusion magician the decayed reject activation promotion the liked at first sight gently to dazzle likely the bright kind beautiful happy live elephant to accompany serenely more children to cross laughs heartily innumerably the joyful happy time!! 

    video :


    I also very much like the character who draws this picture becoming reconciled the lovable child yo! Principal Lian and Arab League sends is drawn all probably and expressive yo! 

    “the Green island elephant” published book(s) everybody all to say that,Approve!
    Which original Arab League sends is which environmental protection ambassador who the space falls glistens the small star turns to have beautifully to come to help the children to realize the beautiful dream and the circle lives the joyful happy recollection goodwill guardian angel ~ "elephant daddy" ~ Arab League to send uncle!! 

    In Lian Huiben each page of color all good beautiful attagirl good attractive and has the attraction warmly lifelike and bright also is gentle oh! Also lets my startled one time! Ha ~! As soon as was one has the sentiment to have the vitality to have the charm careful picture to write attentively makes makes one acclaim just is careful looked not only originally had a beautiful woman in the backhand multitudinous photographer graceful elder brother and the beautiful women, originally in front of her was hurries to seize the timeliness and the opportunity short distance first quickly pats two commanders-in-chief first the elder brother (Ji Shuai and leaf commander-in-chief) two analyzes the picture to remain clear makes the precious commemoration! Intelligent! 

    (p.s. We all did not know has by video and music video recording Ye! ) Many people run to front help everybody to agree illuminate, scene also very magnificent sight!!! Fortunately sponsor and reporters intelligent excellent, had the advance notification to be able in anticipation to have the exchange faith token ceremony and to care about for a long time environment education environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Dr. Yeh and Department Head Ji and Kang porch boss boss Li Wanji Oct. 5, 2012 arrived. All audiences nearly all are prepared come to bring the camera to photograph and to make up seize this " historical important quarter ". Adds on the beautiful natural translation to illustrate young lady and the distinguished guest participation, the entire Green island elephant publication can teach the process with the Danish link which deliberated to be extremely warm the complete success! Perfect. Good job. Well done!


    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun peach garden - Taibei reported]

    In order to support Taiwan “the Green island elephant” and impels the Taiwan international environment education exchange in the place environment education story, Oct. 5 especially arranges “the Green island elephant” in north market Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy the environment education to draw this new book to publish the meeting, simultaneously and in Danish commerce office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan environmental protection bureau Vice Superintendent Ye Xincheng Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang porch culture and education Chairman Li Wanji, Lyu island elephant daddy Li Meng sends distinguished guest testimonies and so on under Afa Daddy to complete “the Danish small mermaid” and “the Green island elephant” the exchange faith token ceremony, can hit specially invites Danish commerce office Department Head Ji Ansheng, in view of the Danish environment education subject “the mermaid statue discussed since childhood the Danish public art preservation” makes the speech.

    Mr. Afa's mail box is afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is the elephant deddy.

    In 2012, “the Green island elephant” comes to this year Taibei, takes the environment education for the encouragement society populace, specially with " Taiwan Teachers University ", the Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Republic of China Water resources Environment Education Academic society, “Kang porch culture and education”, Taibei Academy and “the Green island elephant” the cooperation conducts 6 “101 year environment education course”.The hope penetration relaxed subject, the share green experience of life, then encourages the big friend child to move together impels Taiwan's environment education together.

    Is causing environmental protection ambassador who the human is moved: How patron God ~ Green island elephant a succession of warm story and do the intravenous drip and complete everybody and the child lovable pure wish!! 

    I ultra like Green island elephant logo/mark symbolizing that, on video also adds on the phonetic notation oh and on the color in particular face red compassion. Yesterday I looked at Kang porch TOP945 I ha! wA! Also is very good! Also is startled the SURPRISE two times! That is a more detailed guidance. Especially I listen to that piece of sound CD piece dubbing after to relate the Green island elephant's romaunt, I recommend the bibliophile bean or sweet potato starch noodles to read this two. P.S. Dan wheat harvesting season department head that day delivers elephant's gift " extremely extremely extremely beautiful oh ~! “


    On October 5 manages very well, very splendid, (I have fortunately. The battle formation is good very well, the digression picture draws the painter and correlation very many friends also has asks the people to regard the host to broadcast: Mr. when He Wenyao the director also has the multi-celebrity to deliver very many colored blue expresses best wishes. Sits also has supplement mat pad chair also some people without the vacant seat to stand most behind, also some human of entire journey photography video recording ......Has news Taiwan to interview them….

    Participates audience population probably compared to don't very many, respectively lectures the content which the human says to be very rich says very well, everybody asks a question very enthusiastically also guarantees the question, when arrived the exchange faith token (for example on chart) important time nearly each audience all takes a size camera forward not to strive to be the first to photograph GREEN island elephant's bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely warm and enthusiastically…. The feeling is very successful and the stir. Complete success! Looks at the sponsor intention! 

    Green island elephant FB: https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    Mr. Afa can receive your messages if you post on his FB : 


    Demark words as below:


    De danske undtagelser er følgende: 

    Greenøerne ELEFANT

    Dan hvede høstsæson afdelingsleder den dag leverer elefant's gave " meget meget meget smukke oh ~!     "Jeg har meget kort afstand respekt!!!  ^_^   smil. 

    Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant grønne ø elefant leverer afdelingsleder J  i non-pris elskede maleri som indenlandske kendte kunstner Lin Guanting skaber!  ^_^   alle elsker elefant!  Elefanten elsker jorden! 

    Det syntes ved første øjekast blid rolige slags smukke Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant runder Taiwan & danske & belgiske & schweiziske & American & French & japanske & fastlandet    * tro token Danmark lille havfrue":   Ultra fine attraktive oh ~~~!!!  

    Udsender Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant dokumentarfilm,  Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant animerede tegnefilm, Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant miljø uddannelse trækker denne historie og så videre, skaber kendte miljø uddannelse, og gælder i livet. De deler grøn oplevelse af livet, så fremmer de store ven barn at flytte sammen regeringsindsats miljø uddannelse sammen. 

    Under den fornemme gæst vidnesbyrd afslutter "Dansk lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, kan ramme specielt opfordrer danske handel kontor afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng, i betragtning af det danske miljø uddannelse emne "havfrue statue diskuteret siden barndommen dansk offentlig kunst konservering" gør indlæg. 

    Denne pasta artiklen " kinesisk og engelsk til photoengraving " håb for udenlandske venner også kan se det " engelsk udgave Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant link lærer ", jeg har også indsætte for udenlandske venner set så indsætter artikel engelsk udgave at proklamere øen Taiwan  Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant link til undervise, også kunne oversætte danske artikel næste år for at se til dansker.  (Engelsk:  De dansker/belgiske/schweiziske/amerikanske/franske/japanske ...... alle kan se det " engelsk udgave eller kinesisk og engelsk lære " til photoengraving "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant link) 

    Virkelig får miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør som den menneskelige flyttes:  Hvordan beskytter gud ~   Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant en perlerække af varm historie og gøre den intravenøse drop og komplet everybody og barn elskede rene ønsker!!  

    I 5. oktober "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant" gør denne bog til at offentliggøre mødet trækker "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant" og "den lille havfrue" følelsen grund! Ærlig (børns Super "STAR onkel") Danmark handel håndterer sager i Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh " sjov "  med Super den smukke fremtrædende gæst vidneerklæringer og så på under afdelingsleder J        i Ansheng, har holdt "den danske lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, næste år (i 2013) "den lille havfrue" fylder 100 år i 2013 "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" vil gå ud over planen tilbyder fødselsdag tillykke, men også vil udveksle Taiwan miljø uddannelse nuværende situation med Danmark og slutningen af dette år udgiver "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" miljø undervisning undervisningsmateriale.    Wa!   Fantastisk!  ^_&

    Li Meng Fa sagde, at de fleste takket være "miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xin ærligt   (Prof.   S.  C.  Yeh) den bistand, giver mange børn og Greenøerne ELEFANT   ø elefant kontakter, forstår miljø og menneskers forhold til sin krop; den danske handel håndterer sager afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng ligeledes ændre banket for Greenøerne ELEFANT   ø elefant's historie, syntes, at det "den lille havfrue" bronze-statue har underligt lige gode resultater fra forskellige metoder i Danmark. 


    Li Meng Fa sagde, "Den lille havfrue" den skæbne er i modstrid med det, der er rigtigt i forhold til "de Greenøerne ELEFANT   ø elefant", har været igennem flere gange to gang verdenskrige, beheads, bryder den fod, selv mister ind i floden, til sidst er gemt, allerede nu er danske symbolsk offentlig kunst og kulturarv; næste år Greenøerne ELEFANT   ø elefant vil have mulighed for at gå frem Danmark, vil folde Taiwan et andet stratificering plan miljø for at uddanne Italien skal indeholde. 

    Det Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant vejledning miljøbeskyttelse, ser for "den lille havfrue" 2013 til Danmark 


    Attagirl video, sangen er virkelig rart at høre.  

    Gør mit foruroligede  kærlighed meget Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant "god nat!  God nat!" video: 


    [Fn Daily News ╱ Reporter Li Huijun de/Taitung rapporterede]2012.10.08 03:58

    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" trækker denne, miljøbeskyttelse uddannelse yderligere penetration læsning i voksen, barn hjertet slår rødder.  Skema/Li Meng sender givergrønne ø elefantat ændre miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør fra afviser "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant", sin historie for nylig okt.  5, 2012 publikationer trækker dette, lader flere mennesker trænge læsning til at realisere elsker med miljøbeskyttelse betydning; disse to år, Greenøerne ELEFANT  elefant link Taiwan vejledning miljøbeskyttelse uddannelse, også næste år vil have mulighed for at mødes til Danmark med "den lille havfrue", deler samme skæbne historien. 

    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" er oprindeligt den Taidong Amt Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø olveras villa land lille elefant dias dias, er det næsten 30 år historie, er i dårlig reparation i lang tid, også allerede overstiger sikkerhedshåndtering af frist; 3 år siden skolemyndighederne nedlæggelse i netværket auktion, ved de lavere rangerende Taitung, kulturel medarbejder Li Meng sendes Afa onkel for at opdage, at man tænkte barndommens mest ynder at skjule den erindring der er i en elever i skolen elefant skub, køber på auktion af Ntd100 Yuan.

    "Den Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" farver, forvandler en farvet orange farve er en elefant, mens det er der mange mennesker i frydefuld vækst erindringer, Li Meng Faxian er gør den efterfølgende til det, der findes mange har sammen husker befolkningens og billedet med elefanten, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" slår den miljømæssige beskyttelse ved at afvise at uddanne en link den bevægelige historie, får fra alle samfundslag tager. 

    To år siden "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" inkarnation miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør rejser Taiwan, indtil nu allerede har opnået mere end 60 miljø uddannelse fremme aktivitet i 11 amter byer, de deler "udnyttelsen kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" ideen. 


    Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant er oprindeligt Taitung Greenøerne ELEFANT  øen har 23 års historiske elefant modellering de eftergivne fordringer til træk, Taitung folkeskolen Li Meng Fa ikke udholde den Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø person barndom hukommelse til sidst går til deponering sted, foreslog Lyu ø elefant aktivering plan, viser kreativitet i form af øen på land elementære studerende, får slidt elefant store skifte organ sin genfødsel, bliver de "Reject (Afvisning) til at aktivere den igen brug bedste taler på en andens vegne ", det gamle samfund land lidt udsendelser af Lyu ø elefant dokumentarfilm, gerne ved første øjekast blid rolige slags smukke " Greenøerne elefant animerede tegnefilm ", den Greenøerne elefant DIY aktivitet, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant miljø uddannelse trækker denne historie " og så videre, inspirerer den elev at kende miljø uddannelse, og gælder i livet.  

    Beskrivelse: "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" miljø uddannelse trækker denne nye bog om offentliggørelse kan holde i Taibei Zhongshan Hall, samtidigt og i dansk handel office Ji Ansheng (venstre to), Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh  Xin ærlig (højre to), Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse formanden Li Wanji (højre side), Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant daddy Li Meng Fa (venstre) og så på under den fornemme gæst vidneforklaringer afslutter "Dansk lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni. 

    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun fersken haven - Taibei rapporterede] for at støtte Taiwan "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" og regeringsindsats Taiwan international miljø uddannelse udveksling i stedet miljø uddannelse historie, okt.  5 Især arrangerer "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" i det nordlige marked Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy miljø uddannelse denne nye bog til at offentliggøre det møde, samtidigt og i dansk handel office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xincheng Dr.  Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse formanden Li Wanji, Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant daddy Li Meng sender fremtrædende gæst vidneerklæringer og så under Afa Daddy til at færdiggøre "den danske lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, kan ramme specielt opfordrer danske handel kontor afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng, i betragtning af det danske miljø uddannelse emne "havfrue statue diskuteret siden barndommen dansk offentlig kunst konservering" gør indlæg. 

    I 2012, "Greenøeren  Elefant" kommer til dette års Taibei, tager miljøet uddannelse for at fremme befolkningens samfund, specielt med "   Taiwan lærere universitetet ", Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Folkerepublikken Kina vandressourcer miljø uddannelse akademiske samfund, "Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse", Taibei Academy og "Greenøeren elefant" samarbejde gennemfører 6 "101 år miljø uddannelse".  Det håber penetration afslappet emne, de deler grøn livserfaring, så fremmer de store ven barn at flytte sammen regeringsindsats Taiwans miljø uddannelse sammen. 

    Af statsdrevne Taiwan lærere University Taibei Zhongshan Hall, Taibei Academy sponsorer "101 år miljø uddannelse", offentliggør den dybe miljø uddannelse betydning 5. oktober i Taibei Academy "Lyu ø elefant" for at gøre dette, og opfordrer danske handel kontor afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng "siden sin barndom den havfrue statue, diskuterede dansk offentlig kunst konservering" forklarer det danske miljø uddannelse og miljøbeskyttelse begreb. 

    I mødet deltager herunder Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse gruppeformand Li Wanji, linket lærer professor og miljoebeskyttelse praesidiet Vice politiassistent Ye Xincheng Prof.  Klassens bølle Cheng Shin Yeh, miljøsikkerhed sundhedscenter direktør Fang Weida, Taibei kultur Administration sekretær kommissær Lin Huifen, Taibei Zhongshan Hall administration center direktør Huang Guoqin, interesserer sig for miljøet uddannelse sammen med irrelevans i forbindelse. 

    * Takket være USA's daglige nyheder Reporter Miss Li Huijun,rapporterede varm halvhjertet ind elefanten offentliggørelse trækker denne nyhed. 


    Danske handel office Ji Ansheng god Commander oh ~!  

    * Tro token Danmark lille havfrue":   Ultra fine attraktive oh ~~~!!!  

    I Taibei/Taiwan link underviser kurset publikation "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" at tegne denne2012/10/05 19:17beskrivelse:

    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" miljø uddannelse trækker denne nye bog at offentliggøre kan holde i Taibei Zhongshan Hall, samtidigt og i dansk handel office Ji Ansheng (venstre to), Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh  Xin ærlig (højre to), Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse formanden Li Wanji (højre side), Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant daddy Li Meng Fa (venstre) og så på under den fornemme gæst vidneforklaringer afslutter "Dansk lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni. 

    [Reporter Wu Ai Yun fersken haven - Taibei rapporterede]for at støtte Taiwan

     "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" og regeringsindsats Taiwan international miljø uddannelse udveksling i stedet miljø uddannelse historie, okt.  5 Især arrangerer "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" i det nordlige marked Zhongshan Hall Taibei Academy miljø uddannelse denne nye bog til at offentliggøre det møde, samtidigt og i dansk handel office Ji Ansheng, Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xincheng Dr.  Shih-Cheng Yeh, Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse formanden Li Wanji, Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant daddy Li Meng sender fremtrædende gæst vidneerklæringer og så under Afa Daddy til at færdiggøre "den danske lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, kan ramme specielt opfordrer danske handel kontor afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng, i betragtning af det danske miljø uddannelse emne "havfrue statue diskuteret siden barndommen dansk offentlig kunst konservering" gør indlæg. 

    I 5. oktober "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" gør denne bog til at offentliggøre mødet trækker "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" og "den lille havfrue" følelsen grund! Ærlig (børns Super "STAR onkel") Danmark handel håndterer sager i Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Ye " sjov "    med Super den smukke fremtrædende gæst vidneerklæringer og så på under afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng, har holdt "den danske lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, næste år (i 2013) "den lille havfrue" fylder 100 år i 2013 "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" vil gå ud over planen tilbyder fødselsdag tillykke, men også vil udveksle Taiwan miljø uddannelse nuværende situation med Danmark og slutningen af dette år udgiver "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" miljø undervisning undervisningsmateriale. Wa!  Fantastisk!  ^_&

    Fra februar 2010 indtil nu, den vidunderlige dejlige "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" den antagelse miljø uddannet ambassadør fremkaldt "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant til tour Taiwan", har gennemført mere end 60 fremmes miljø pædagogisk aktivitet i Taiwan Taiwan hovedøen 11 amt byer. 

    Udflugter i Taiwan rejse, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" foruden andel "udnyttelse kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" for miljøbeskyttelse, samtidig måske under "den nye drøm", håbet en dag at kunne gå til dansk København for at besøge "den lille havfrue", og formidler Taiwans kærlighed til verden hvert sted med varmt, denne drøm vil næste år få mulighed for at blive virkelig!


    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" udgivet bog(s)"det Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" at drage denne miljoebeskyttelse uddannelse yderligere penetration læsning i voksen i barnets hjerte slog rod.  Skema/Li Meng sendt giver


    alle taknemmelighed og beundring Li Meng at sende Afa for at aktivere Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant's nye & den vidunderlige vitalitet, også udvidet den til det miljø de uddannelse inspiration, trængt denne aktivitet fremmes, forventes ingen sag var den elev eller læreren, i det daglige liv mad, tøj, levede, linien i særdeleshed, pleje, glade, alle skulle overveje omhyggeligt tabt praktisk om varerne kan igen bruge, lad de ressourcer forlænger levetiden, bremset stel energi til udstødning speed, viet til kulstoffattig grøn kan målet.  

    Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant G. I. E. gennemtrænger den korrekte bevægelse udtryk idé, runder den nation, campus, har rod i den studerendes hjerte, forhåbentlig kan udvides fra Xinzhu's med al sin styrke støtten til andre amter by, strengen levevilkår uddannelse bevidsthed. 

    Den foreslåede Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant aktivering plan, viser den kreativitet i form af øen på land elementære studerende, forårsager det udslidte elefant store forandringer organ sin genfødsel & Skift til nyt liv, bliver de afviser at aktivere det igen brug bedste taler på andres vegne, det gamle samfund land lille udsender Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant dokumentarfilm, Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant animerede tegnefilm, Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant DIY aktivitet, Lyu ø elefant miljø uddannelse meget tilfreds trækker denne historie og så videre, inspirerer den elev at kende miljø uddannelse, og gælder i livet. 

    Gamle samfund land små meget glade ved faktiske ressourcer genbrug igen brug miljø uddannelse, gør den gave af børn for at give den ønskede ved første øjekast personligt forsigtigt sindsro til at betage lyse venlige smukke Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant, tilstrækkelig markedsandel de aktive mål, lærer ved at lege fuldført.  Vellykket. 

    Elefanten der opgiver er skubbet det skub, for gennemfoerelsen pleje miljøet drøm ungdom, de hånd i hånd lader flere mennesker se, bortskaffelse af affald igen bruge flot løbet. 

    Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant FB: 



    forfatter: Hu Usa mund | det statsdrevne uddannelse sendestationens 8. Oktober 2012 11:31 "Lyu ø elefant" udgivet bog(s) "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" G. I. E. at udgive bog(s) i morgen alle sige, at,godkende! 

    Regeringsindsats Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm-sagers forløb "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant", henleder med Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse gruppe samarbejde officielle publikation miljø uddannelse denne, "den Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" de afviser aktiverer udover opbevaring bruger og Taidong Amt villa land unge lærer og elev igen forgæves håbet for inspiration historie, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" daddy Li Meng sender Afa Deddy håber på grund af trækker denne bog, opfordrer folk til at tage det Taiwan miljø uddannelse, skatte side alle ting, og kan flytte ynder stel beskyttelse af smukke stel sammen.

    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" det i år 27 år gammel, er oprindeligt en Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø skole's elefant træk, fordi i forfalder efter mange år bliver de afviser at lide surfer auktion, er sendt af Taitung folkeskolen Li Meng Afa til at komme ned af et NTD100 Yuan salg af forseglede bud under og i den lokale kultur miljø arbejdstagere og så på " Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø villa land unge vigtigste Yao Liji " fælles indsats, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" havde nyt liv nyt liv.  The special story is also reconded on a CD.

    Fra februar 2010 indtil nu, den vidunderlige dejlige "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" den antagelse miljø uddannet ambassadør fremkaldt "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant til tour Taiwan", har gennemført mere end 60 fremmes miljø pædagogisk aktivitet i Taiwan Taiwan hovedøen 11 amt byer. 

    Udflugter i Taiwan rejse, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" foruden andel "udnyttelse kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" for miljøbeskyttelse, samtidig måske under "den nye drøm", håbet en dag at kunne gå til dansk København for at besøge "den lille havfrue", og formidler Taiwans kærlighed til verden hvert sted med varmt, denne drøm vil næste år få mulighed for at blive virkelig!


    Inden jeg ser i Belgien til urinate unge Tong den & Danmark lille havfrue, senere " Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant også vil være i stand til at gøre et hus ved udveksling Belgien urinate unge Tong belgiske ", anslås det oversøiske seks lande vil vinde genklang i Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm helhjertet! 

    (Taiwan havde set ved første øjekast rolig rolig Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant første station først næste år vil gå til Danmark og den lille havfrue bliver venner med vejledning link til lærer!  )


    Li Meng Fa sagde, at de fleste takket være "miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Ye Xin ærligt (Prof.   S.  C.  Yeh) den bistand, giver mange børn og Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant kontakter, forstår miljø og menneskers forhold til sin krop; den danske handel håndterer sager afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng ligeledes ændre banket for Lyu ø elefant's historie, syntes, at det "den lille havfrue" bronze-statue har underligt lige gode resultater fra forskellige metoder i Danmark. 


    Fra februar 2010 indtil nu, den vidunderlige dejlige "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" den antagelse miljø uddannet ambassadør fremkaldt "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant til tour Taiwan", har gennemført mere end 60 fremmes miljø pædagogisk aktivitet i Taiwan Taiwan hovedøen 11 amt byer. 

    Udflugter i Taiwan rejse, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" foruden andel "udnyttelse kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" for miljøbeskyttelse, samtidig måske under "den nye drøm", håbet en dag at kunne gå til dansk København for at besøge "den lille havfrue", og formidler Taiwans kærlighed til verden hvert sted med varmt, denne drøm vil næste år få mulighed for at blive virkelig!


    Inden jeg ser i Belgien til urinate unge Tong den & Danmark lille havfrue, senere "  Greenøerne ELEFANT  elefant også vil være i stand til at gøre et hus ved udveksling Belgien urinate unge Tong belgiske ", anslås det oversøiske seks lande vil vinde genklang i Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm helhjertet! 

    (Taiwan havde set ved første øjekast rolig rolig Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant første station først næste år vil gå til Danmark og den lille havfrue bliver venner med vejledning link til lærer!  )


    Li Meng Fa sagde, at de fleste takket være "miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xin ærligt (Prof.   S.  C.  Yeh) den bistand, giver mange børn og Lyu ø elefant kontakter, forstår miljø og menneskers forhold til sin krop; den danske handel håndterer sager afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng ligeledes ændre banket for Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant's historie, syntes, at det "den lille havfrue" bronze-statue har underligt lige gode resultater fra forskellige metoder i Danmark. 


    Fra februar 2010 indtil nu, den vidunderlige dejlige "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" den antagelse miljø uddannet ambassadør fremkaldt "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant til tour Taiwan", har gennemført mere end 60 fremmes miljø pædagogisk aktivitet i Taiwan Taiwan hovedøen 11 amt byer. 

    Udflugter i Taiwan rejse, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" foruden andel "udnyttelse kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" for miljøbeskyttelse, samtidig måske under "den nye drøm", håbet en dag at kunne gå til dansk København for at besøge "den lille havfrue", og formidler Taiwans kærlighed til verden hvert sted med varmt, denne drøm vil næste år få mulighed for at blive virkelig!


    Inden jeg ser i Belgien til urinate unge Tong den & Danmark lille havfrue, senere " Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant også vil være i stand til at gøre et hus ved udveksling Belgien urinate unge Tong belgiske ", anslås det oversøiske seks lande vil vinde genklang i Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm helhjertet! 

    (Taiwan havde set ved første øjekast rolig rolig Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant første station først næste år vil gå til Danmark og den lille havfrue bliver venner med vejledning link til lærer!  )


    Li Meng Fa sagde, at de fleste takket være "miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xin ærligt (Prof.   S.  C.  Yeh) den bistand, giver mange børn og Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant kontakter, forstår miljø og menneskers forhold til sin krop; den danske handel håndterer sager afdelingsleder J  i Ansheng ligeledes ændre banket for Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant's historie, syntes, at det "den lille havfrue" bronze-statue har underligt lige gode resultater fra forskellige metoder i Danmark. 


    Regeringsindsats Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm-sagers forløb "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant", henleder med Kang børneværelset kultur og uddannelse gruppe samarbejde officielle publikation miljø uddannelse denne, "den Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" de afviser aktiverer udover opbevaring bruger og Taidong Amt villa land unge lærer og elev igen forgæves håbet for inspiration historie, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" daddy Li Meng sender Afa Deddy håber på grund af trækker denne bog, opfordrer folk til at tage det Taiwan miljø uddannelse, skatte side alle ting, og kan flytte ynder stel beskyttelse af smukke stel sammen!

    I 5. oktober "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" gør denne bog til at offentliggøre mødet trækker "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" og "den lille havfrue" følelsen grund!    

    Ærlig (børns Super "STAR onkel") Danmark handel håndterer sager i Executive Yuan miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh    " sjov " med Super den smukke fremtrædende gæst vidneerklæringer og så på under afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng, har holdt "den danske lille havfrue" og "Greenøerne ELEFANT ø elefant" udveksling tro symbolsk ceremoni, næste år (i 2013) "den lille havfrue" fylder 100 år i 2013 "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" vil gå ud over planen tilbyder fødselsdag tillykke, men også vil udveksle Taiwan miljø uddannelse nuværende situation med Danmark og slutningen af dette år udgiver "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" miljø undervisning undervisningsmateriale. Wa!  Fantastisk!  ^_&

    "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" det i år 27 år gammel, er oprindeligt en Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø skole's elefant træk, fordi i forfalder efter mange år bliver de afviser at lide surfer auktion, er sendt af Taitung folkeskolen Li Meng Afa til at komme ned af et NTD100 Yuan salg af forseglede bud under og i den lokale kultur miljø arbejdstagere og så på " Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø villa land unge vigtigste Yao Liji " fælles indsats, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" havde nyt liv nyt liv.  The special story is also reconded on a CD.

    Udflugter i Taiwan rejse, "Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant" foruden andel "udnyttelse kreativitet aktiveringen afvis" for miljøbeskyttelse, samtidig måske under "den nye drøm", håbet en dag at kunne gå til dansk København for at besøge "den lille havfrue", og formidler Taiwans kærlighed til verden hvert sted med varmt, denne drøm vil næste år få mulighed for at blive virkelig!


    Inden jeg ser i Belgien til urinate unge Tong den & Danmark lille havfrue, senere " Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant også vil være i stand til at gøre et hus ved udveksling Belgien urinate unge Tong belgiske ", anslås det oversøiske seks lande vil vinde genklang i Taiwan miljø uddannelse varm helhjertet! 

    (Taiwan havde set ved første øjekast rolig rolig Greenøerne ELEFANT  ø elefant første station først næste år vil gå til Danmark og den lille havfrue bliver venner med vejledning link til lærer!  )


    Li Meng Fa sagde, at de fleste takket være "miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Yeh Xin ærligt (Prof.   S.  C.  Yeh) den bistand, giver mange børn og GRØN ø elefant kontakter, forstår miljø og menneskers forhold til sin krop; den danske handel håndterer sager afdelingsleder Ji Ansheng ligeledes ændre banket for GRØN ø elefant's historie, syntes, at det "den lille havfrue" bronze-statue har underligt lige gode resultater fra forskellige metoder i Danmark. 

    green island elephant

    Greenøerne ELEFANT 


    Denne pasta artiklen " kinesisk og engelsk til photoengraving " håb for udenlandske venner også kan se det " engelsk udgave GRØN ø elefant link lærer ", jeg har også indsætte for udenlandske venner set så indsætter artikel engelsk udgave at proklamere øen Taiwan Lu GRØN ø elefant link til undervise, også kunne oversætte danske artikel næste år for at se til dansker.

    dansker/belgiske/schweiziske/amerikanske/franske/japanske ...... alle kan se det " engelsk udgave eller kinesisk og engelsk lære " til photoengraving " GRØN ø elefant link) < engelsk:  Det GRØN ø elefant kan indbyde andre specialiserede oversættelse. 


    Li Meng Fa sagde, "Den lille havfrue" den skæbne er i modstrid med det, der er rigtigt i forhold til "de GRØN ø elefant", har været igennem flere gange to gang verdenskrige, beheads, bryder den fod, selv mister ind i floden, til sidst er gemt, allerede nu er danske symbolsk offentlig kunst og kulturarv; næste år Lyu ø elefant vil have mulighed for at gå frem Danmark, vil folde Taiwan et andet stratificering plan miljø for at uddanne Italien skal indeholde. 

    Det GRØN ø elefant vejledning miljøbeskyttelse, ser for "den lille havfrue" 2013 til Danmarksgrønne ø elefantattagirl video, sangen er virkelig rart at høre.  

    Elefanten der opgiver er skubbet det skub, for gennemfoerelsen pleje miljøet drøm ungdom, de hånd i hånd lader flere mennesker se, bortskaffelse af affald igen bruge flot løbet. 


    Alle taknemmelighed og beundring Li Meng sendt Afa for at aktivere GRØN ø elefant's nye & den vidunderlige vitalitet, også udvidet den til det miljø de uddannelse inspiration, trængt denne aktivitet fremmes, forventes ingen sag var den elev eller læreren, i det daglige liv mad, tøj, levede, linien i særdeleshed, pleje, glade, alle skulle overveje omhyggeligt tabt praktisk om varerne kan igen bruge, lad de ressourcer forlænger levetiden, bremset stel energi til udstødning af hastighed, viet til kulstoffattig grøn kan målet.  


    GRØN ø elefant G. I. E. gennemtrænger den korrekte bevægelse udtryk idé, runder den nation, campus, har rod i den studerendes hjerte, forhåbentlig kan udvides fra Xinzhu's med al sin styrke støtten til andre amter by, strengen levevilkår uddannelse bevidsthed.  

    Den foreslåede GRØN ø elefant aktivering plan, viser den kreativitet i form af øen på land elementære studerende, forårsager det udslidte elefant store forandringer organ sin genfødsel & Skift til nyt liv, bliver de afviser at aktivere det igen brug bedste taler på andres vegne, det gamle samfund land lille udsender GRØN ø elefant dokumentarfilm, GRØN ø elefant animerede tegnefilm, GRØN ø elefant DIY aktivitet,  GRØN ø elefant miljø uddannelse meget tilfreds trækker denne historie og så videre, inspirerer den elev at kende miljø uddannelse, og gælder i livet. 

    Gamle samfund land små meget glade ved faktiske ressourcer genbrug igen brug miljø uddannelse, gør den gave af børn for at give den ønskede ved første øjekast personligt forsigtigt sindsro til at betage lyse venlige smukke Lyu ø elefant, tilstrækkelig markedsandel de aktive mål, lærer ved at lege fuldført.  Vellykket. 


    Godkender!!!  "Den GREEN ø elefant", som blev offentliggjort bog(s) alle alle at sige, at  Godkend!  God.  Stor. 

    Venligst informer venligst denne besked til alle dine venner.  Tak!  ^_^ kinesiske ord & engelske ord på denne meddelelse. 

    Det oprindelige Arabiske Liga sendt (onkel Afa) er sidste nat " star " chen som miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør, der faldt fra mælkevejen Xinghai plads glistens den lille stjerne tænder med alle sige hi Hi ~ at hilse smukt skal komme til at hjælpe børnene til at forstå den smukke drømme og cirklen liv de glade lykkelige erindring goodwill guardian angel ~ "elefant daddy" ~ Arabiske Liga at sende onkel!!  Afa onkel.  ^_^   (miljøbeskyttelse bureau vice politiassistent:  Super miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør Yeh " sjov " ærlig STAR onkel/Prof.   Star C.  Yeh:  Eventuelt også er horisonten et andet radiant gnist big star Super stjerne falder en anden miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør som denne verden vender sig også til at komme til at hjælpe den elskelige ren børn at forstå den glade dejlige drøm gør den vidunderlige drømme guardian angel!!  ) ^_^

    kan jeg huske Indien for at vinde en præmie for film:  "Med hjerte lille star"!   ^_^

    Arabiske Liga sender onkel lige at tænde den mystiske illusion troldmand de forstokkede afviser aktivering fremme " syntes ved første øjekast forsigtigt for at imponere sindsro sandsynligvis den lyse venlige smukke glade levende elefant (miljøbeskyttelse ambassadør:  GREEN ø elefant G. I. E. =Green Island Elephant)  "ledsager flere børn at krydse griner hjerteligt innumerably de glade glade tid!!  ^_ &

    gør mit foruroligede  kærlighed meget GREEN ø elefant "god nat!  God nat!" video: 


    All  fotos på min blog: 

    photo on https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456361677735981&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

    photo on https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

    Det Lyu ø elefant god attraktiv også er dejlige!  For børn alle sammen samtidig sagt,  Lyu ø elefant))))))) jeg elsker dig ((((((((((.   

    Foto på https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

    GREEN ø elefant også  sagde den GREEN:  God nat!  God nat ~!   I morgen farvel!  Ønsker barnet glad god drøm igen og igen!  Lækkersultne drøm klassens bølle Cheng Zhen!  Vær søde drømme.  God nat!  Jolly nat!  Hver nat!  Er fyldt med glade en Tian! 

    Vil i morgen rainbow Rainbow også at udstyre din mystiske kræfter!  

    P.S.  Jeg kan godt lide denne Video & lytter til denne første sang specielt.  Denne video kan arbejde som en planteskole sang undervisning synger svømmer.  Beregner miljøbeskyttelse ambassadørs tema sang!  Meget god!  Denne video billede virkelig god, meget påvirket af mennesker!!  God nat!  Jolly nat!  JEG alle skal lytte (for derefter at have mange at gå til resten!  ) Er fyldt med glade fredelige stille ~~~!  

    Jeg vil også meget gerne have karakter som den GREEN ø elefant tegner dette billede bliver afstemt elskede barn yo ~!   Vigtigste Lian og arabiske liga sender er gjort nok og udtryksfulde yo ~!


    Det GREEN ø elefant trækker oprindeligt er ved overpraises tegner kunstneren til at oprette holdet tegning ........ Det GREEN ø elefant tegning fra sender mente skabelse fuldender varede næsten tre år.  Det GREEN ø elefant takket være Professor Ye Xin ærlig og formanden Li Wanji og ti over højtstående embedsmænd og gode ven kraftigt hjælp og bistand er yderst tak!!! 

    I Lian Huiben hver side af farve alle gode smukke attagirl god tiltrækningskraft og har den attraktive varmt naturtro og lys også er blide oh!  Ligeledes lader mit foruroligede én gang!  Ha ~!   Så snart var en har den følelse at have den ny vitalitet til har den charme omhyggelig billede at skrive opmærksomt gør gør én acclaim blot er nøje undersøgt ikke oprindeligt kun havde en smuk kvinde i baghånd mange småændringer fotograf yndefulde elder brother og de smukke kvinder, oprindeligt foran hende var hurries at beslaglægge deres aktualitet og lejlighed kort afstand første hurtigt højrecentrumpartierne to kommandører-i-chief første den ældste bror (No.   1 Commander's "Ji Shuai" og Nej.  2 Commander's "Ye Shuai") to analyserer billedet til at blive klart gør den ædle mindeord!  Intelligent!  

    (P. s.  Vi alle vidste ikke, har med video og musik video optagelse Ye!  ) Mange mennesker kører forrest hjælper alle til at acceptere lyse, scene også meget glimrende udsigt!!!  Heldigvis sponsor og journalister intelligent fremragende, havde den forudgående underretning kan forud for miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Ye og afdelingsleder Ji og Kang børneværelset boss hvem udveksling tro token ceremoni og passes om miljø uddannelse for lang tid Li Wanji boss okt.  5, 2012 besøg.  Alle publikum næsten alle er parate til at bringe kamera til at fotografere og at gribe denne " historisk vigtige kvartal ".   Tilføjer den naturlige smukke oversættelse at illustrere unge kvinde og den fornemme gæst deltagelse hele Lyu ø elefant offentliggørelse kan lære af processen med dansk tilknytning, overvejet at være ekstremt varme hele succes!  Perfekt.  Gode job.  Godt gået! 


    JEG forskrækket overraskelsen to gange!  Det er en mere detaljeret vejledning.  Især jeg lytte til det stykke af lyd-CD stykke dubbing efter at relatere Lyu ø elefant's romaunt, anbefaler jeg bibliophile bønner eller søde kartoffelstivelse nudler læse denne to alvorligt.  ^_^Kang Xuanyou facebook. 

    Fordi den " GREEN ø elefant miljø uddannelse trækker denne " er ved oprettelsen team tegning som overpraises ............ også " GREEN ø miljø uddannelse elefant virkelig trækker denne " er den kinesiske og udenlandske jeg ser mest tiltalende at drage dette, anbefaler jeg alvorligt trækker denne bibliophile bønner eller søde kartoffelstivelse nudler " GREEN ø elefant miljø uddannelse denne "alle elsker elefant!  Elefanten elsker jorden! 

    Det GREEN ø elefant tegning fra sender troede skabelsen udfylder den varede næsten tre år.  Det GREEN ø elefant takket være Professor Yeh  Xin ærlig og formanden Li Wanji og ti over højtstående embedsmænd og gode ven kraftigt hjælp og bistand er yderst tak!!! 

    P.S.  Dan hvede høstsæson afdelingsleder den dag leverer elefant's gave " meget meget meget smukke oh ~!  "Jeg har meget kort afstand respekt!!!  ^_^ smil. 

    Det GREEN ø elefant leverer afdelingsleder Ji non-pris elskede maleri som indenlandske kendte kunstner Lin Guanting skaber!  ^_^  alle elsker elefant!  Elefanten elsker jorden! 

    Det GREEN ø elefant udfører mere end 60 links i Taiwan 11 amt byer for at lære at flytte, GREEN ø elefant er gået til præsidentpaladset og memorial hall & Imperial Palace og blomsten rigelige og den zoologiske have og hver berømte sted .......... vil næste år glans rejser med båd til studier i udlandet til at udbrede kendskabet til link til undervise ~!!! 

    Youtube søger efter GREEN ø elefant skal være muligt at se mange "GREEN ø elefant videoerne." ^_^


    på 5. oktober styrer godt, meget flot, (jeg har heldigvis.  Det kampformation er godt meget godt, den skævvridning billede tegner maler og korrelation mange venner har også opfordrer folk til at betragte vært til broadcast: Mr. når han Wenyao direktøren har også multi-berømthed til at levere mange farvet blå udtrykker ønske.  Sidder også supplere mat pad stol også nogle mennesker uden den ledige plads til at stå mest bag, også nogle mennesker i hele rejsen fotografering video optagelse ...... har nyheder Taiwan for at interviewe dem….) Deltager publikum befolkning sandsynligvis sammenlignet med ikke meget talrige, henholdsvis foredrag det indhold, som den menneskelige siger meget rige siger meget godt, alle stiller spørgsmål meget entusiastisk sikrer også spørgsmålet, når ankom udveksling tro token (for eksempel på skema) vigtig tid næsten hver målgruppe alle tager en størrelse kamera frem ikke at stræbe efter at være de første til at fotografere, GREEN ø elefant's bønner eller søde kartoffelstivelse nudler ekstremt varmt og begejstret….   Følelsen er meget vellykket og omrøres. Succes!  Ser på sponsor hensigt!  Stor succes!  

    Så snart  ^_^   lige blev omhyggeligt undersøgt ikke oprindeligt kun havde en smuk kvinde i baghånd mange småændringer fotograf yndefulde elder brother og de smukke kvinder, oprindeligt foran hende var hurries til at benytte sig af relevans og mulighed kort afstand første hurtigt højrecentrumpartierne to kommandører-i-chief første den ældste bror 

    (Ji Shuai og blade øverstkommanderende) to analyser det smukke billede at være klar gør den ædle mindeord!  Intelligent!  Smart!  (P. s.  Vi alle vidste ikke, har med video og musik video optagelse Ye!  ) Mange mennesker kører forrest hjælper alle til at acceptere lyse, scene også meget glimrende udsigt!!! 

    Heldigvis sponsor og journalister intelligent fremragende, havde den forudgående underretning kan i forventning om at have miljøbeskyttelse bureau Vice politiassistent Star Yeh  og afdelingsleder Ji og Kang børneværelset chef, der til gengæld tro symbolsk ceremoni og puslet om miljø uddannelse længe Li Wanji boss okt.  5, 2012 besøg.  Alle publikum næsten alle er parate til at bringe kamera til at fotografere og at gribe denne " historisk vigtige kvartal ".   Tilføjer den naturlige smukke oversættelse at illustrere unge kvinde og den fornemme gæst deltagelse hele Lyu ø elefant offentliggørelse kan lære af processen med dansk tilknytning, overvejet at være ekstremt varme hele succes!  Perfekt.  Gode job.  Godt gået! 

    Video:  Frydefuld heaven/Taiwan lykkelige PARIDISE sang VIDEO:  ANIMALES & elefant's VIDEO. 



    frydefuld heaven (pure version) (fuld side MV) video/MV. 

    Håbet elefanten har også i dagtimerne med undtagelse af god nat tune for at spille glider det tema sang som skub lytter, denne MV som er med papir er god, elefanten skal se.  Også FB hvis kan indsætte billedet elektron avis og Movie Maker fotografi dynamiske filer kan livligere oh! 

    TOP945 216th udstedelse af kartografi (billede for godt), hvis kan lave dynamisk leder video- og musik filer VIDEO, tendensen price fortæller om den GREEN ø elefant bedre oh ~!   

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bhzn5qm_xww2 sæt af bleglyseroed farve smør + yderligere 2 til at sætte på den hvide kittel:  Billedets farver samarbejder strimlen (jeg at gætte yderst er hjertet har mystiske kræfter klart stiltiende forståelse.) En af det mest risikofyldte regeringsfornyelse  sager er Danmark integrerer miljø uddannelse curriculum forskellige grundskoler forskellige filialer i læseplanerne for eksempel: Art undersøgelse og Kinas klasse og engelsk kursus ...... og så videre lader dette af læreren til at plante et vidunderligt folk frivilligt deltager i alle detaljer, lærer siden barndommen ..... gør det virkelig godt, kan køber i boghandel og inskriptionen på stenen tablet og bronze hall.  

    (GREEN ø elefant trækker oprindeligt er ved overpraises henleder kunstner til at oprette holdet tegning ........ Det GREEN ø elefant tegning fra sender mente skabelse fuldender varede næsten tre år.  Det GREEN ø elefant takket være Professor Ye Xin ærlig og formanden Li Wanji og ti over højtstående embedsmænd og gode ven kraftigt hjælp og bistand er yderst tak!!!)

    李孟發說,最感謝 "環保署副署長葉欣誠 (Prof. S. C. Yeh) 的協助,讓許多小朋友與綠島大象接觸,在它身上領略到環境與人的關係;丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇也為綠島大象的故事所動容,認為這與丹麥「小美人魚」銅像有異曲同工之妙。


    此貼文"中英文對照版" 希望外國朋友們也能看到"英文版綠島大象環教",  我也有貼給外國朋友們看此貼文英文版宣島臺灣呂綠島大象環教, 也可翻譯成丹麥文明年給丹麥人看. ( 英文 : 丹麥人 /比利時人 / 瑞士人  / 美國人  /法國人  /日本人 ......都能看"英文版或中英文對照版" 綠島大象環教") <英文 : 綠島大象可請專人另外翻譯.>




    Green Island Elephant

    好棒 video, 歌真好聽. 



    大家感佩李孟發 Afa 活化了綠島大象的 New & Wonderful 生命力,且更擴大了它對環境的教育啟發,透過這項推廣活動,期望不論是學童或教師,尤其是日常生活中的食、衣、住、行、育、樂,都要仔細思考隨手丟的物品是否能再利用,讓資源展延壽命,減緩地球能源耗竭速度,致力低碳綠能目標。 

    綠島大象G.I.E.透過實際運動表達理念,更以巡迴全國、校園方式,紮根學生心中,希望從新竹市的全力支持擴展到其他縣市,串起生活環境教育意識。 提出綠島大象活化計畫,經由島上的國小學生發揮創意,把破舊的大象大變身使其重生 & Change to New Life,成為廢棄物活化再利用的最佳代言者,舊社國小很開心播放綠島大象紀錄片、綠島大象動畫片、綠島大象DIY活動、綠島大象環境教育繪本故事等,啟發學童認識環境教育,並在生活中應用。

    舊社國小很開心更以實際資源回收再利用的環境教育,由孩子們親手做禮物送給人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切美麗的綠島大象,充份達到活動目的,寓教於樂成功圓滿。 Successful.


    讚!!! 「綠島大象」出書了大家都說 : 讚! Good. Great.

    Kindly please share this message for all your friends. Thank you! ^_^ Chinese words & English words all on this message for your reference.

    *信物 丹麥小美人魚」: 超精緻漂亮的喔~~~!!!

    原來阿發(Afa 叔叔)是昨夜"星"辰從銀河星海天上掉下來的一顆美麗閃亮的小星星變成的環保大使跟大家 Say 嗨 ~ Hi 打招呼要來幫小朋友們實現綺麗夢想和圈住愉悅美好回憶的親善守護天使 ~ "大象爸爸" ~ 阿發叔叔!! Afa Uncle. ^_^

    ( 環保署副署長 : Super 環保大使 葉"欣"誠 STAR 叔叔 / Prof. Star C. Yeh : 可能也是天邊另一顆璀璨閃耀的大星星 Super Star 落凡塵變成的另一位環保大使也要來幫可愛純真的小朋友們實現幸福美夢 Making the wonderful dreams come true 的守護天使!! ) ^_^

    讓我想起印度得獎電影 : "心中的小星星"! ^_^

    阿發叔叔就像神奇的夢幻魔術師一樣將腐朽廢棄物活化升級變成"人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切的美麗樂活大象(環保大使 : 綠島大象 G.I.E.) "陪伴更多小朋友渡過無數歡笑快樂的美好時光!! ^_&

    很令我驚豔喜愛的 綠島大象 "晚安! 晚安!" video :


    Photos all on my blog :

    photo on https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456361677735981&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

    綠島大象 好漂亮又可愛! 小朋友們都同聲齊說 : 綠島大象 ))))))) 我愛你 ((((((((((. 

    photo on https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&permPage=1

    綠島大象也跟妳說聲 : 晚安! 晚安喽~! 明天再見! 祝小朋友甜蜜好夢連連! 美夢成真! Make sweet dreams come true. Good night! Jolly night! Every night! 滿心喜安恬!

    願明日的彩虹 Rainbow 也賜給你神奇的力量! 

    P.S. 我特別喜歡這支 Video & 聽這首歌. 此 video 可當兒歌教學唱遊. 算環保大使的主題歌吧! 很棒! 此 video 畫的真好, 很感動人心!! Good night! Jolly night! 我都要聽很多遍 (才要去睡! ) 滿心喜安恬~~~!

    我也很喜歡綠島大象繪本中畫的人物和好可愛的小朋友喲~! 連校長和阿發都被畫的好像和傳神喲~! 綠島大象繪本是由得過獎的繪畫師創作團隊繪畫........, 綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!

    連繪本中的各頁顏色都好美好棒好漂亮和溫馨有吸引力栩栩如生和鮮明又柔和喔! 又讓我驚豔一次! 哇~! 是一本有感情有新生命力有魅力用心精心畫寫做出的令人讚歎剛仔細一看原來有位美女不但在反拍眾多攝影師帥哥們和美女們, 原來她之前是先趕緊捉到好時機和機會近距離先趕快拍兩大帥哥 ( No. 1帥的 "季帥" 和 No. 2帥的 "葉帥" ) 兩張清析照片留做珍貴紀念! 聰明啊! 

    (p.s. 我們都不知有被影音錄影耶! ) 好多人跑到前面去幫大家拍合照, 場面也很壯觀!!! 還好主辦人和記者們聰慧過人, 事前有預告會有交換信物的儀式和長期關心環境教育的環保署葉副署長和季處長和康軒的大老板李萬吉老闆 Oct. 5, 2012 到場. 所有觀眾幾乎都是有備而來帶相機來照相和補捉這"歷史性的重要一刻". 加上美麗大方的翻譯解說小姐和貴賓們的參與, 整個綠島大象發表會和丹麥環教研討的過程非常溫馨圓滿成功! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

    P.S. 丹麥季處長那天送大象的禮物"非常非常非常地美喔~!" 我有很近距離的欣賞!!! ^_^ Smile.

    綠島大象 Green Island Elephant 送季處長的是國內知名藝術家林冠廷所創作的無價墨寶! ^_^

    人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

    著實使人感動的環保大使 : 守護神 ~ 綠島大象一連串的溫馨故事和點點滴滴及如何完成大家和小朋友 可愛純真的心願!! 

    我超喜歡綠島大象 logo / mark 標誌, video 上還加上注音喔 和顏色尤其是臉上的紅色愛心 昨天我看完 "康軒 學習雜誌 TOP945 / 2012年7月1日 :第216期 : 哇~! 好好看喲~! 有綠島大象和阿發和欣誠叔叔......" 我又哇了一聲! 也很棒!     我又驚豔 SURPRISE 兩次! 那是更詳細導讀. 尤其我聽完那片聲音 CD 片配音員訴說綠島大象的傳奇故事後, 我鄭重地推薦書迷粉絲們閱讀此兩本. ^_^


    因"綠島大象環境教育繪本"是由得過獎的繪畫創作團隊繪畫............, 且"綠島環境教育大象繪本"真的是中外我看過最漂亮的一本繪本,我鄭重地推薦繪本書迷粉絲們"綠島大象環境教育繪本"

    人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

    綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!

    P.S. 丹麥季處長那天送大象的禮物"非常非常非常地美喔~!" 我有很近距離的欣賞!!! ^_^ Smile.

    綠島大象送季處長的是國內知名藝術家林冠廷所創作的無價墨寶! ^_^

    人人愛大象! 大象愛地球!

    綠島大象在台灣11個縣市舉辦60多場環教活動, 綠島大象去過總統府和中正紀念堂&故宮和花博及動物園和各地有名之處.........., 明年曜坐船出國宣揚環教喽~!!! youtube 查綠島大象可看到很多 "綠島大象 的 videos." ^_^


    10月5日辦的很好, 很精彩, (還好我有去. 陣容不錯很好, 插話畫繪畫家和相關的很多朋友們還有請民視主播 :何文堯先生當主持人且還有多位名人送很多花藍致意. 坐無虛席還有追加席墊椅也有人站最後面, 也有人全程攝影錄影......, 有新聞台去採訪他們....)

    參加的觀眾人數好像比別場多很多, 各主講人講的內容很豐富講的很好, 大家很踴躍發問還保問題, 當到了交換信物(如上圖)的重要時刻幾乎每位觀眾都拿著大小不一的相機向前爭先拍照, 綠島大象的粉絲們非常熱情和踴躍.... 感覺很成功和轟動.圓滿成功! 看的出主辦的用心! 大成功! ^_^

    剛仔細一看原來有位美女不但在反拍眾多攝影師帥哥們和美女們, 原來她之前是先趕緊捉到好時機和機會近距離先趕快拍兩大帥哥 (季帥和葉帥) 兩張清析 Handsome 照片留做珍貴紀念! 聰明啊! Smart! (p.s. 我們都不知有被影音錄影耶! ) 好多人跑到前面去幫大家拍合照, 場面也很壯觀!!! 還好主辦人和記者們聰慧過人, 事前有預告會有交換信物的儀式和長期關心環境教育的環保署Star葉副署長和季處長 和 康軒的大老板李萬吉老闆 Oct. 5, 2012 到場. 所有觀眾幾乎都是有備而來帶相機來照相和補捉這"歷史性的重要一刻". 加上美麗大方的翻譯解說小姐和貴賓們的參與, 整個綠島大象發表會和丹麥環教研討的過程非常溫馨圓滿成功! Perfect. Good job. Well done!

    video : 快樂天堂 / Taiwan's HAPPY PARIDISE SONG VIDEO : ANIMALES & elephant's VIDEO.



    快樂天堂(純真版) (官方完整版MV) video / MV.

    希望大象除了晚安曲也有白天玩溜滑梯聽的主題曲, 這個用紙做的MV 不錯, 大象要不要參考一下. 且 FB 若能貼照片電子報和 Movie Maker 相片動態檔會更活潑喔!

    TOP945 第216期的繪圖(畫的太好了), 若能做成動態引影音檔VIDEO, 動態敘述綠島大象會更棒喔~! 


    放棄念博士   他行腳台灣護海洋 :  若是路過大大的家鄉 請協助他 給他打氣 讓他覺得不孤單 


    2位穿淡粉色上衣+另2位穿白色上衣 : 畫面顏色非常協條(我猜是心有靈晰的默契.) 我最驚豔的事之一是丹麥將環境教育課程納入各小學各科的課程例如:自然課和國文課和英文課......等等由老師自行安排 這可心植人心, 面面俱到, 從小教起....., 繪本做的真好, 可在書店和金石堂買的到. 

    (綠島大象繪本是由得過獎的繪畫師創作團隊繪畫........, 綠島大象繪畫從發想到創作完成歷時近三年. 綠島大象感謝葉欣誠教授和李萬吉董事長和十位以上的長官和好朋友們的大力幫忙和協助是萬分感謝!!!)

    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFdVDtgNkzo&continue_action=VUg9rDCdqoMU1_ld0323bMQeIYF6Za4Y9c3KWoLEMQsGd9FQs6kitoD7Tt9fmnF3F-3IkWEm7mgeQIiaHeqNvggSesFMg49TcWxiy3f2Mig%3D

    綠島大象 FB : https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts

    p.s.-1 聽說此次發表會百忙之中抽空參加的葉欣誠老師 Dr. S. Cheng Yeh 也是大力支持和幫忙綠島大象的重要朋友們之一喔! 

    p.s.-2 丹麥商務辦事處季安昇好帥喔~!!! 


    * 年代主播高文音 say :綠島大象 讚!!!


    「綠島大象」G.I.E. 出書了 大家都說:讚!!!


    很令我驚豔喜愛的 綠島大象 "晚安! 晚安!" video :


    我以前去看過比利時尿尿小童&丹麥小美人魚, 以後"綠島大象也會去訪視交流比利時尿尿小童比利時" , 預計去國外六國熱心推動臺灣環境教育!

    ( Taiwan 人見人愛溫柔安詳的 綠島大象第一站明年先去丹麥和小美人魚交朋友宣導環教! )


    6 photos on : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1

    photos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater

    photos : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456362191069263&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater

    Elephant photo on : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456359801069502&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater


    * 年代主播高文音 say :綠島大象 讚!!

    Photos on my blog : 


    綠島大象+李孟發Afa 感謝 聯合報記者李蕙君小姐, 熱心報導大象出版繪本的新聞。

    綠島大象+李孟發 感謝 國立教育廣播電台胡美足小姐, 熱心報導大象出版繪本的新聞。


    李孟發 Afa 說,最感謝環保署副署長葉欣誠 ( Shin C. Yeh ) 的協助,讓許多小朋友與綠島大象接觸,在它身上領略到環境與人的關係;丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇也為綠島大象的故事所動容,認為這與丹麥「小美人魚」銅像有異曲同工之妙。

    李孟發 Afa 說,「小美人魚」的命運比「綠島大象」乖舛,歷經兩次的世界大戰、斷頭、斷腳,甚至被丟入河中,最後還是被拯救,如今已是丹麥象徵性的公共藝術與文化資產;明年綠島大象有機會前進丹麥,展現台灣另一層面的環境教育意涵。

    Afa's mail box : afa563228@yahoo.com.tw

    Afa is Elephant Deddy.

    綠島大象 FB : https://www.facebook.com/dludao?fref=ts


    作者:胡美足 | 國立教育廣播電台 – 2012年10月8日 上午11:31 「綠島大象」出書了 

    「綠島大象」G.I.E.出書了 大家都說:讚!

    」,與康軒文教集團合作正式出版環境教育繪本,除了保留「綠島大象」廢棄物活化再利用及臺東縣公館國小師生夢想啟發的故事外,「綠島大象」爸爸李孟發Afa Deddy 更盼望藉由繪本書,鼓勵更多人重視臺灣環境教育,珍惜身邊萬事萬物,並能以行動一起來愛地球保護美麗大地!

    10月5號「綠島大象」繪本書發表會,更牽起「綠島大象」與「小美人魚」情緣!在行政院環保署副署長葉"欣"誠 ( Children's Super "STAR Uncle" ) 與 Super Handsome 丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇等貴賓見證下,舉行了「丹麥小美人魚」與「綠島大象」互換信物儀式,明年(2013年)「小美人魚」100歲生日,2013年「綠島大象」除計畫前往祝壽外,還將與丹麥交流臺灣環境教育現況與今年底將出版的「綠島大象」環境教育教材。Wa! Great! ^_&

    「綠島大象」今年27歲,原本是綠島小學裡的一座大象溜滑梯,因為年久失修成為廢棄物而遭上網拍賣,被臺東子弟李孟發 Afa 以 NTD100元標售下來,並且在"綠島公館國小校長姚麗吉"等當地文化環境工作者共同努力下,「綠島大象」重新擁有了新生命 New Life。 The special story is also reconded on a CD.

    從2010年2月迄今,小巧可愛的「綠島大象」擔任環境教育大使,推動「綠島大象遊臺灣」,在臺灣本島11個縣市舉辦了60多場推廣環境教育活動 in Taiwan。






    綠島大象宣導環保 到丹麥找「小美人魚」

    2012.10.08 03:58 am

    「綠島大象」出繪本,環保教育更進一步透過閱讀在大人、小孩心中扎根。 圖/李孟發提供

    Green Island Elephant

    從廢棄物變環保大使的「綠島大象」,它的故事最近 Oct. 5, 2012 出版繪本,讓更多人透過閱讀體會到愛與環境保護的重要性;這兩年,綠島大象環台宣導環保教育,明年也有機會到丹麥與「小美人魚」見面,分享相似的命運故事。

    「綠島大象」原本是台東縣綠島鄉公館國小的大象溜滑梯,有近30年歷史,長久失修,且已逾安全使用期限;3年前校方報廢在網路拍賣,被台東子弟、文化工作者李孟發Afa Uncle 發現,想到自己幼年最喜歡躲在學校大象滑梯下發呆的回憶,以Ntd100元標購。



    李孟發說,最感謝 "環保署副署長葉欣誠 (Prof. S. C. Yeh) 的協助,讓許多小朋友與綠島大象接觸,在它身上領略到環境與人的關係;丹麥商務辦事處長季安昇也為綠島大象的故事所動容,認為這與丹麥「小美人魚」銅像有異曲同工之妙。


    全文網址: 綠島大象宣導環保 到丹麥找「小美人魚」 | 基宜花東 | 地方新聞 | 聯合新聞網 

    Power By udn.com


    Green Island Elephant

    好棒 video, 歌真好聽. 



    Green Island Elephant


    大家感佩李孟發 Afa 活化了綠島大象的 New & Wonderful 生命力,且更擴大了它對環境的教育啟發,透過這項推廣活動,期望不論是學童或教師,尤其是日常生活中的食、衣、住、行、育、樂,都要仔細思考隨手丟的物品是否能再利用,讓資源展延壽命,減緩地球能源耗竭速度,致力低碳綠能目標。 

    綠島大象G.I.E.透過實際運動表達理念,更以巡迴全國、校園方式,紮根學生心中,希望從新竹市的全力支持擴展到其他縣市,串起生活環境教育意識。 提出綠島大象活化計畫,經由島上的國小學生發揮創意,把破舊的大象大變身使其重生 & Change to New Life,成為廢棄物活化再利用的最佳代言者,舊社國小很開心播放綠島大象紀錄片、綠島大象動畫片、綠島大象DIY活動、綠島大象環境教育繪本故事等,啟發學童認識環境教育,並在生活中應用。

    舊社國小很開心更以實際資源回收再利用的環境教育,由孩子們親手做禮物送給人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切美麗的綠島大象,充份達到活動目的,寓教於樂成功圓滿。 Successful.


    由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。與會人士包括 "康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉" 、 "環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. Star / Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh" 、 環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。


    與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 STAR UNCLE 、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

    請看 video 報導 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。 與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. S. Cheng Yeh、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

    請看 video 報導 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU


    photo : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456357197736429&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater


    photo : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456357077736441&set=a.456347997737349.102094.100000864574422&type=1&theater

    很令我驚豔的 video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PFdVDtgNkzo#! Wa. video : 綠島大象到舊社作客-精華版.avi /// 

    VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

    101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv


    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp



    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tYZeXIN1cZA#!

    13 years old good speach with Chinese words & with English for all people & men & women & child / children.


    Taiwan綠島 2 view:

    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=2RQnJJ6vUcY&NR=1


    我對綠島大象很感動! youtube 有很多綠島大象videos.


    好棒 video, 歌真好聽. 


    Green Island Elephant

    請看 video 報導 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU



    Wa. video : 綠島大象到舊社作客-精華版.avi /// 

    VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

    101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv

    video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp







    許市長與學童一起戴上大象頭罩,與楊校長一同為綠島大象掛上用廢光碟串起的項鍊,學童們也一一秀出自己親手做的禮物,送給綠島大象,許市長還帶領大家爬上綠島大象玩溜滑梯,證明人見人愛溫柔安詳炫亮親切美麗的綠島大象還能陪伴許多童年,給孩子生活歡笑。 Smiling. ^_^

    新聞資料聯絡人:城市行銷處公關與新聞科 / 張大勇 / 聯絡電話:5216121-470





    *信物 丹麥小美人魚」: 超精緻漂亮的喔~~~!!!

    台北/臺灣環教講座 發表「綠島大象」繪本

    2012/10/05 19:17 



    為了支持臺灣在地環境教育故事「綠島大象」及推動臺灣國際環境教育交流,Oct. 5 特於北市中山堂臺北書院安排「綠島大象」環境教育繪本新書發表會,同時並在丹麥商務辦事處季安昇、行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠 Dr. Shih-Cheng Yeh 、康軒文教董事長李萬吉、綠島大象爸爸李孟發 Afa Deddy 等貴賓見證下完成「丹麥小美人魚」與「綠島大象」互換信物儀式,會中特別邀請丹麥商務辦事處季安昇處長,針對丹麥環境教育議題「從小美人魚雕像談丹麥公共藝術保存」發表演說。

    今年 2012 年,「綠島大象」來到臺北,為鼓勵社會大眾重視環境教育,特別和"台灣師範大學"、台北市中山堂、中華民國水資源環境教育學會、 "康軒文教事業"、台北書院及「綠島大象」合作舉辦6場「101年度環境教育講座」。期盼透過輕鬆議題,分享綠色生活經驗,進而鼓勵大朋友小朋友一同以行動共同來推動臺灣的環境教育。

    boss : video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmENMTxuyxc&feature=player_embedded#!


    P.S. 詳細商品資料:http://www.k9books.com.tw/ec99/knsh/GoodsDescr.asp?category_id=269&parent...p.s. video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MWfMw3C6nk&feature=plcp

    「大象的繪本 10/5/2012 OCT. 5 終於上市了」:「綠島大象環境教育繪本新書發表會」於 (10/5) Oct. 5, 2012下午2點在台北市中山堂3樓 (台北書院)舉辦,歡迎大家有空來為我們加油及祝福。
    I wnt there on Oct. 5, 2012.

    Taiwan綠島 1video -1 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=6hq5EQAJ6LM

    Taiwan綠島 3video -3 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYXbW6NxIHU&feature=relmfu%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E5%88%B0%E8%88%8A%E7%A4%BE%E4%BD%9C%E5%AE%A2-%E7%B2%BE%E8%8F%AF%E7%89%88.avi /// 

    VIDEO :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7ZMoFasMu_E

    101/10/05廢棄物展現環境保育真諦 綠島大象往丹麥尋兒時夢.wmv

    video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbMpW5IDI48&feature=plcp 康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉 

    book boss story video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmENMTxuyxc&feature=player_embedded#! 



    與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠 Prof. Shin Cheng Yeh 、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

    * 感謝聯合報記者李蕙君小姐,


    請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU

    由國立臺灣師範大學、臺北市中山堂、臺北書院主辦「101年度環境教育講座」,於10月5日在台北書院發表深具環境教育意義的「綠島大象」繪本,並邀請丹麥商務辦事處處長­季安昇「從小美人魚雕像,談丹麥公共藝術保存」說明丹麥環境教育及環保概念。 與會人士包括康軒文教集團董事長李萬吉、環教所教授暨環保署副署長葉欣誠、環境安全衛生中心主­任方偉達、臺北市文化局副局長林慧芬、臺北市中山堂管理所黃國琴主任,共同關注環境教育的重要。

    請看 video 報導 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ-AVF4eXmU Taiwan綠島 2 view:

    video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=2RQnJJ6vUcY&NR=1

    Taiwan綠島 1
    video -1 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=6hq5EQAJ6LM

    Taiwan綠島 3
    video -3 : 








    新聞資料聯絡人:城市行銷處公關與新聞科 張大勇 


    「台灣有海鮮文化,卻沒有海洋文化。」若是路過大大的家鄉 請協助他 給他打氣 讓他覺得不孤單 /  洪r. write :  年青人等不住中高齡掌權不長進的時代 動起來了! 為了自己與環境的健康與公平正義,還能坐以待斃嗎? 光計較自己的利益虛耗的等待嗎?


    全文網址: 放棄念博士 他行腳台灣護海洋 | 綜合 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/7442442.shtml#comments#ixzz2AHbYPc00 
    Power By udn.com 


    號外號外......『假日』無處去嗎? 不想花大錢?又不想跑太遠? 來新竹善水草塘就對了啦...........





    1.『就Hight沙坑區』:善水草塘將提供『免費』的玩沙工具喔、沙是種非常浪漫的東西,是由石頭風化幾百萬年風化所形成的....。 我們設置了一個沙坑區,提供給親子一起玩沙,還蓋了更衣室,盥洗沙子的地方。
    ⋯⋯P.S這些設施,都『不需用收費』。 如有要玩沙的貴客們,記得帶建衣物,


    P.S 草皮區休閒區為免費,但草皮就那麼大,數量有限喔。

    P.S 此活動無須收費

    5.『憤怒鳥觀察區』:哈哈哈....其實不是憤怒鳥啦,只是園長養了很像很像很像憤怒鳥的小雞,超可愛的捏,小雞是不會咬人的,園長設立一個小雞窩,讓小朋友們可以觀察到,雞的生活型態,雞媽媽,雞爸爸,是怎麼度過,浪漫悠閒的假日,但是...唉阿,有苦說不出,雞爸爸雞媽媽托夢給園長說,都沒小朋友來看牠們,哭哭哭啦.....(;´Д`A ,真的好像憤怒鳥,可惜沒有綠豬豬.....









    朋友們 切記





  8. cool flag.

    一面國旗 認識七個國家

    第7個國家是:挪威 (整張國旗)

    一面國旗 認識七個國家

    第7個國家是:挪威 (整張國旗)
    相片: 一面國旗 認識七個國家第7個國家是:挪威 (整張國旗)
    · ·
  9. 澳洲打工度假

    或許是因為本身待在這樣的環境 這些媒體述說的事件三不五時都在生活裡上演
    看了也不覺得大驚小怪 稀鬆平常的 只覺好笑

    其一如同原文所說的 來澳洲當台灣勞工 瘋狂賺錢 只想要存錢帶回台灣
    另一種打工度假的背包客 存了一筆旅費就去旅行 享受學習異國文化與價值觀 認識不同的朋友

    來澳洲半年 我剛好工作了三個月度假了三個月
    我已經經過三個州 五個大城 開了六七千公里路 更不要提途中所有的美景讓人難以忘懷
    我過得不是很奢華 但是也不至於餓肚子 我過得很快樂

    對於這件事情大家應該正視的 是台灣的大環境與政府的作為

    說真的就是環境真的很差 政府不知道在做甚麼事情

    在台灣 我的大學同學畢業以後就失業 經歷一段時間才能找到工作的
    找到的工作 也不見得是符合自己興趣的工作
    無奈只為了糊口飯吃 為五斗米折腰 上班打卡下班責任 假日做到死
    一個月才領22K 其中有多少要支出生活所需 餐費 房租 交通費 一個月到底可以存多少錢?
    甚麼時候才有積蓄可以度假? 買車? 買房? 結婚? 養小孩?

    在澳洲我了解到 世界很大 很不一樣 也很有落差
    在澳洲工作一週五天 朝九晚五準時下班 一個星期就有22K
    假日上班還有加倍的薪資 穩定工作一個月可以存到五六萬塊
    認真工作老闆還會肯定你 鼓勵你
    說穿了 花更少的精力換更大的利益誰都想要
    台灣政府與資方 憑甚麼要我們回去領22k?
    只在乎草莓部草莓 真的有在乎過年輕人的付出與所得成比例嗎?

    澳洲人問我 為什麼你們華人 一週工作五天還不嫌多 有的人要做六天七天累死自己?
    因為對澳洲人來說 工作三四天 就足以養活自己好好過生活
    多工作兩三天所存的積蓄 都是自己四十五歲以後的旅遊基金

    因為它們四十幾歲就開始享受退休生活 四處旅行度假 過一些真正的 "生活"
    這也是難怪我一路旅行 每次露營不論平假日 露營區總是滿滿的都是人
    去跟這些都開著露營車度假的大哥大姊聊天 他們都說這才是生活該有的樣子啊
    到處走走到處看看 悠哉慢活 認識一些不同地方來的朋友 然後在去下一個地方度假

    We are "Work to live" 我們(澳洲人) 是"為了讓生活更好而工作"
    You are "Live to work" 你們(華人) 是"為了讓自己生存而工作"
    很簡單的句子調換 卻有很大很大的落差

    澳洲政府對澳洲人課稅讓他們怨聲載道 但是澳洲政府能讓澳洲人有這樣的生活水準
    台灣政府對台灣人課稅讓他們怨聲載道 但是台灣政府到底給了台灣人民甚麼樣的生活水平?

    進口袋跟到瑞士的不要算 其他的錢到底花去哪裡了?
    運動產業撐不起來 籃球棒球甚麼都說經費不足 待遇不好選手怎麼認真練習拿冠軍領金牌?
    休閒產業也做不起來 觀光建設不夠國際知名度不足 只知道讓阿六仔來買鳳梨酥怎麼讓世界看見?
    釣魚台買不下來 只有徵文活動 眼睜睜的看著日本要去插國旗
    H T C 扶不起來 只會要求台灣人支持 他都已經自稱是中國品牌
    大部分的人民努力卻賺不到錢 請問 錢到哪裡去了?

    政府到底有沒有苦民所苦 站在一般小老百姓的角度去感受?
    為什麼台灣人民辛苦努力付出 卻沒有辦法得到對等的回報?


    但是 用英文不好在餐廳被拒絕當藉口就跑去肉場當屠夫的藉口實在荒謬至極

    都清大畢業這麼好的學歷了 一句英文不好打翻了國小國中高中英文老師的苦心

    英文不好 不就是想辦法提升自己的英文能力嗎?
    阿六仔的英文最差 因為我在這裡聽過water floor no cloth 的直接中翻英 (水土不服
    日本人的英文也勉強 除了文法不通句子湊不起來 腔還很重 但是他們可以憑著單字橫行澳洲
    其實台灣人的英文已經不錯了 只是不相信自己不敢講而已

    你可以因為英文不好被餐廳拒絕 就此躲在華人圈裡每天說中文度日
    你也可以選擇 把自己丟進全英文的環境 想盡辦法用手語又解釋來表達 英文一定會進步的
    誰沒有被拒絕過 誰沒有對自己洩氣過?
    求職確實有時候會因為英文不夠流利所以不被錄取 但也不全部都一蓋不用 還是有很多機會
    又或是有時候會因為聽不懂搞不清楚鬧笑話 或是被別人笑 但是有甚麼關係? 下次我就知道了
    只要願意放下身段 不放棄自己 不怕失敗 持續嘗試 怎麼可能學不好英文?

    所以 坦白說
    通常這類背包客聚集在農場 工廠等地方
    他們眼裡看到的只有錢 所有的事情都是為了錢而努力
    不管生活品質 國際觀 異國文化 背包客朋友
    他們聚在一起 每天說中文 也少與世界往來

    最基本的 就是破壞了背包客最初的美意
    24小時隨時可得的美食 頂級的服務業精神
    這些人躲在自己的生活圈 只顧著賺錢而無視於其他
    只會工作的民族 讓大家的努力都白費了

    自己怎麼看自己 別人也會怎麼樣看你 態度決定高度
    當自己是台勞 被澳洲人視為勞工瞧不起
    那也是自作孽活該 還拖累所有台灣人
    我不是甚麼有錢人 但是我絕對不會是在澳洲賺錢的台勞

    我是台灣人 有格調的台灣人 我有合法的工作簽證
    跟其他國家的背包客還有澳洲人一樣 甚至還比他們盡責
    我做合法的工作 我繳稅給澳洲政府 我要求跟澳洲人一樣的待遇
    這是我的權利是我努力付出 所獲得該有的尊重
    請不要以偏概全的 認定在澳洲打工度假的我們都是台勞

    因為問題沒有改變 而你已經失去了高收入的機會

    自己跟自己對話 獨立思考
    我擁有世界各地的朋友 精彩萬分的回憶
    瘋狂豐富令人難忘的旅程 令人羨慕的人生歷程

    我不是台勞 我從來不後悔來澳洲打工度假
    我向上帝獻上感謝 讓我每一天都充滿驚喜與恩典
    我的旅程還沒有結束 我相信還有更精采的在等我

    隨興寫的一點感觸 一些心情的抒發
    原先只是想與朋友分享心情 從未想過會有如此大的迴響
    我沒有修改本文 因為已經有太多連結 我也沒有要逃避隱藏我的缺失
    文中有些用詞簡單帶過 沒有很詳細表明敘述一些現象跟定義 而造成許多曲解與誤會
    其中有許多個人主觀的看法 跟較為情緒性的詞句及字眼
    所分享的也不見得完全正確 因為每個人對事情的解讀與看法都有所不同
    對於當事人或是相同立場的朋友 以及在閱讀後所不滿或是不諒解的朋友
    請原諒我的不懂事 我真的很抱歉 對不起造成你們的不悅
    世界很大道理很多 我真的還有很多地方要去學習改進
    往後在分享類似內容的用字遣詞上 都會更加小心 用較客觀完整的概念來跟大家分享

    兩面 黑白 對錯 好壞 做與不做 喜歡跟討厭 以及支持與反對
    我不覺得自己比較優秀 跟大家一樣都是背包客
    我沒有反對台勞 我本身在農場工作過 現在也是付出勞力在換取工資報酬
    只是每個人的目的跟選擇性的不同 只要願意勇敢努力都值得肯定
    我想表達的只是有一些台灣人為了錢甘心被他國人鄙視 或為了賺錢欺負壓榨其他台灣人

    我只是想繼續過背包客生活 無心挑起任何筆戰

    同時我也很感謝所有分享 支持 鼓勵我們的朋友
    鼓起勇氣 提出熱忱 繼續讓世界知道台灣

    “在小事上忠心 在大事上也忠心”
    我想我們背包客不只是更加努力讓更多人認識 看見台灣
    也都會在各個位置上認真盡責 因為我們每個人都代表台灣
    請讓我們擁有應該有的尊重跟待遇 讓我們在國際有生存與發聲的空間
    在一次謝謝大家的指教與分享 我會真心檢討 思考改進 然後繼續向前走
    我是台灣來的背包客 台灣人加油:)
    相片: 大家都問我澳洲打工度假如果你真的想了解這個現象我也願意真心的分享這些感觸    或許是因為本身待在這樣的環境  這些媒體述說的事件三不五時都在生活裡上演看了也不覺得大驚小怪  稀鬆平常的  只覺好笑在澳洲打工度假的台灣年輕人大概分兩種其一如同原文所說的   來澳洲當台灣勞工  瘋狂賺錢  只想要存錢帶回台灣另一種打工度假的背包客  存了一筆旅費就去旅行   享受學習異國文化與價值觀  認識不同的朋友純粹都是個人的選擇  來澳洲半年  我剛好工作了三個月度假了三個月我已經經過三個州  五個大城  開了六七千公里路  更不要提途中所有的美景讓人難以忘懷我過得不是很奢華  但是也不至於餓肚子   我過得很快樂我想對於這件事情大家應該正視的 是台灣的大環境與政府的作為為什麼年輕有為的台灣人要到國外當勞工? 說真的就是環境真的很差  政府不知道在做甚麼事情在台灣  我的大學同學畢業以後就失業  經歷一段時間才能找到工作的找到的工作  也不見得是符合自己興趣的工作無奈只為了糊口飯吃  為五斗米折腰  上班打卡下班責任  假日做到死  一個月才領22K  其中有多少要支出生活所需  餐費  房租  交通費  一個月到底可以存多少錢?甚麼時候才有積蓄可以度假? 買車? 買房? 結婚? 養小孩?在澳洲我了解到  世界很大  很不一樣  也很有落差我一個背包客在澳洲工作一週五天  朝九晚五準時下班  一個星期就有22K假日上班還有加倍的薪資  穩定工作一個月可以存到五六萬塊認真工作老闆還會肯定你  鼓勵你  說穿了  花更少的精力換更大的利益誰都想要台灣政府與資方  憑甚麼要我們回去領22k?只在乎草莓部草莓  真的有在乎過年輕人的付出與所得成比例嗎?澳洲人問我  為什麼你們華人  一週工作五天還不嫌多  有的人要做六天七天累死自己?因為對澳洲人來說  工作三四天  就足以養活自己好好過生活  多工作兩三天所存的積蓄  都是自己四十五歲以後的旅遊基金因為它們四十幾歲就開始享受退休生活   四處旅行度假  過一些真正的 "生活"這也是難怪我一路旅行  每次露營不論平假日  露營區總是滿滿的都是人  去跟這些都開著露營車度假的大哥大姊聊天  他們都說這才是生活該有的樣子啊到處走走到處看看  悠哉慢活  認識一些不同地方來的朋友  然後在去下一個地方度假澳洲人說  We are "Work to live"   我們(澳洲人) 是"為了讓生活更好而工作" You are "Live to work"  你們(華人)   是"為了讓自己生存而工作"很簡單的句子調換  卻有很大很大的落差澳洲政府對澳洲人課稅讓他們怨聲載道  但是澳洲政府能讓澳洲人有這樣的生活水準台灣政府對台灣人課稅讓他們怨聲載道  但是台灣政府到底給了台灣人民甚麼樣的生活水平?       所以我不懂台灣政府到底在做甚麼樣的大事業  進口袋跟到瑞士的不要算  其他的錢到底花去哪裡了?就我所知道的運動產業撐不起來  籃球棒球甚麼都說經費不足  待遇不好選手怎麼認真練習拿冠軍領金牌?  休閒產業也做不起來  觀光建設不夠國際知名度不足  只知道讓阿六仔來買鳳梨酥怎麼讓世界看見?釣魚台買不下來  只有徵文活動  眼睜睜的看著日本要去插國旗H T C 扶不起來  只會要求台灣人支持  他都已經自稱是中國品牌  大部分的人民努力卻賺不到錢   請問   錢到哪裡去了?政府到底有沒有苦民所苦  站在一般小老百姓的角度去感受?為什麼台灣人民辛苦努力付出  卻沒有辦法得到對等的回報?還有會官員一天到晚說些"萬眾皆差我還好"的鬼話?  另一個讓我想藉這位清大屠夫的故事跟大家分享的我很欣賞也很佩服他為了改變自己的現況提起勇氣去嘗試做些甚麼的精神但是  用英文不好在餐廳被拒絕當藉口就跑去肉場當屠夫的藉口實在荒謬至極都清大畢業這麼好的學歷了  一句英文不好打翻了國小國中高中英文老師的苦心這樣要清大的教授在學校怎麼繼續教下去?我想我們都該為自己負責英文不好   不就是想辦法提升自己的英文能力嗎?怎麼反而逃避跑去當屠夫對牛彈琴?這樣英文會變得比較好嗎?就我所知阿六仔的英文最差  因為我在這裡聽過water floor no cloth 的直接中翻英   (水土不服日本人的英文也勉強  除了文法不通句子湊不起來  腔還很重  但是他們可以憑著單字橫行澳洲其實台灣人的英文已經不錯了   只是不相信自己不敢講而已你可以因為英文不好被餐廳拒絕  就此躲在華人圈裡每天說中文度日你也可以選擇   把自己丟進全英文的環境  想盡辦法用手語又解釋來表達  英文一定會進步的誰沒有被拒絕過  誰沒有對自己洩氣過? 求職確實有時候會因為英文不夠流利所以不被錄取  但也不全部都一蓋不用  還是有很多機會又或是有時候會因為聽不懂搞不清楚鬧笑話  或是被別人笑  但是有甚麼關係? 下次我就知道了只要願意放下身段  不放棄自己  不怕失敗  持續嘗試  怎麼可能學不好英文? 這不也是最初也最簡單的學習嗎?  所以   坦白說  我不喜歡也不欣賞來澳洲當台勞的背包客先不論他們選擇當台勞的原因與背景通常這類背包客聚集在農場  工廠等地方他們眼裡看到的只有錢  所有的事情都是為了錢而努力  即便犧牲健康也在所不惜的(農工廠工作通常都會有職業傷害)  就是要用生命去換金錢不管生活品質  國際觀  異國文化  背包客朋友  就只管錢他們聚在一起  每天說中文  也少與世界往來最基本的  就是破壞了背包客最初的美意跟來自世界各國的背包客交朋友  認識學習不同的文化語言  了解不同的生活型態價值觀工作不過是為了籌措去認識了解這個國家的旅費更何況  有許多熱情的台灣背包客在努力將台灣推向世界我們向世界介紹台灣擁有世界第二高的大樓台北101  我們世界級工程技術打通的雪山隧道我們擁有東南亞第一高峰玉山  24小時隨時可得的美食  頂級的服務業精神  還有超溫柔纖細的優質衛生紙XD當我們這麼努力為台灣付出的時候這些人躲在自己的生活圈  只顧著賺錢而無視於其他只會讓更多澳洲人還有其他人認為台灣背包客就是奴隸勞工  只會工作的民族  讓大家的努力都白費了自己怎麼看自己  別人也會怎麼樣看你  態度決定高度當自己是台勞  被澳洲人視為勞工瞧不起  那也是自作孽活該  還拖累所有台灣人我不是甚麼有錢人  但是我絕對不會是在澳洲賺錢的台勞我是台灣人  有格調的台灣人  我有合法的工作簽證  我在我的工作崗位上認真努力負責  跟其他國家的背包客還有澳洲人一樣  甚至還比他們盡責  憑甚麼讓我自己矮人一截?我做合法的工作  我繳稅給澳洲政府  我要求跟澳洲人一樣的待遇  我要求假日上班要領額外的薪資這是我的權利是我努力付出  所獲得該有的尊重  請不要以偏概全的   認定在澳洲打工度假的我們都是台勞最後我想說如果用同樣的生活模式同樣的價值觀回到同樣的環境   不管帶幾桶黃金回去只不過是延後自己被社會榨乾的時間而已  因為問題沒有改變  而你已經失去了高收入的機會遲早還是會被消耗殆盡的或許我回家的時候口袋空空沒有多少桶黃金但是我學會了獨自面對問題解決問題  自己跟自己對話  獨立思考  面對恐懼勇敢向前的各種能力與技巧我擁有世界各地的朋友  精彩萬分的回憶瘋狂豐富令人難忘的旅程  令人羨慕的人生歷程還有說也說不完的故事我不是台勞  我從來不後悔來澳洲打工度假  我已當一個台灣背包客在澳洲四處旅行為榮我向上帝獻上感謝    讓我每一天都充滿驚喜與恩典我的旅程還沒有結束   我相信還有更精采的在等我  :)補上本文只是小弟在結束工作之餘  隨興寫的一點感觸  一些心情的抒發原先只是想與朋友分享心情  從未想過會有如此大的迴響我沒有修改本文  因為已經有太多連結  我也沒有要逃避隱藏我的缺失文中有些用詞簡單帶過  沒有很詳細表明敘述一些現象跟定義  而造成許多曲解與誤會其中有許多個人主觀的看法  跟較為情緒性的詞句及字眼我不應該如此草率的就放在網路上分享沒有辦法完全站在對方的立場情況之下去體會當事人的感受所分享的也不見得完全正確  因為每個人對事情的解讀與看法都有所不同對於當事人或是相同立場的朋友  以及在閱讀後所不滿或是不諒解的朋友請原諒我的不懂事  我真的很抱歉  對不起造成你們的不悅世界很大道理很多  我真的還有很多地方要去學習改進  往後在分享類似內容的用字遣詞上  都會更加小心  用較客觀完整的概念來跟大家分享事情不是都只有二元論的兩個面向兩面  黑白  對錯  好壞  做與不做  喜歡跟討厭  以及支持與反對  其中還有很多不同的空間與角度我不覺得自己比較優秀  跟大家一樣都是背包客我沒有反對台勞  我本身在農場工作過  現在也是付出勞力在換取工資報酬  只是每個人的目的跟選擇性的不同  只要願意勇敢努力都值得肯定我想表達的只是有一些台灣人為了錢甘心被他國人鄙視  或為了賺錢欺負壓榨其他台灣人  以及為了錢屈就做不合法的工作讓自己完全沒有保障等等讓人心寒的現象我只是想繼續過背包客生活  無心挑起任何筆戰  也希望有些一直被忽略的社會問題可以讓更多人看見同時我也很感謝所有分享  支持  鼓勵我們的朋友相信許多在打工度假的背包客還有更多在國外的台灣人  都因此感受的到你們的肯定與溫暖讓我們在灰心碰壁或遇到不合理對待被曲解的時候可以重新打起精神  鼓起勇氣  提出熱忱   繼續讓世界知道台灣“在小事上忠心  在大事上也忠心”我想我們背包客不只是更加努力讓更多人認識 看見台灣  也都會在各個位置上認真盡責  因為我們每個人都代表台灣即使是擦桌子洗地板掃廁所等芝麻蒜皮的小事也不隨便不馬虎就是要讓外國人知道我們是從台灣來的台灣人不要因為我們黑頭髮黃皮膚就覺得我們比較差請讓我們擁有應該有的尊重跟待遇  讓我們在國際有生存與發聲的空間在一次謝謝大家的指教與分享   我會真心檢討  思考改進  然後繼續向前走我是台灣來的背包客  台灣人加油:)
    · ·
  10. Prof. S.C. Yeh 氣候變遷與永續素養研討會
  11. 我以前當過好友好同廖淑敏(=廖敏)的伴娘, 廖淑敏自從德明畢業後就變了, (騙我學死黨說他先生在中興銀行當經理), 廖淑敏畢業後進臺灣銀行剛好在我公司對面, 廖敏叫我給辦她銀行信用卡幫她充業績, 我幫她忙辦了卡, 因我須領卡用, 但當我等很久到她銀行櫃台去領我的新卡, 櫃台居跟我說已被廖敏領走, 我領不到但我急用, 她台銀主管說廖敏去生產, 我卡在廖敏手上, 我以前當過好友好同廖淑敏(=廖敏)的伴娘, 廖淑敏自從德明畢業後就變了, (騙我學死黨說他先生在中興銀行當經理), 廖淑敏畢業後進臺灣銀行剛好在我公司對面, 廖敏叫我給辦她銀行信用卡幫她充業績, 我幫她忙辦了卡, 因我須領卡用, 但當我等很久到她銀行櫃台去領我的新卡, 櫃台居跟我說已被廖敏領走, 我領不到但我急用, 她台銀主管說廖敏去生產, 我卡在廖敏手上, 信用卡重要之物不讓本人領居給行員, 廖敏和她主管的行為不對, 算違法違規吧!⋯⋯更多
  12. 測臉書「誰最喜觀逛你的FB」


    【程式比對】最常到Christine Chen臉書逛的人為:
    — 和張毓山其他 4 個人
    相片: 測臉書「誰最喜觀逛你的FB」快來測試==>https://bit.ly/Pp8b1a        【勿刪除】把友誼留存!謝謝你的愛!                【程式比對】最常到Christine Chen臉書逛的人為:            第一名:張毓山;第二名:郭豐誠            第三名:鄭維誠;第四名:陳界宏            第五名:Christine Cheng;第六名:石皓文            第七名:卓瓊如;第八名:洪建勝            第九名:賴淑春;第十名:Amy Chen
    · ·
    • 8 個人都說讚。
    • Christine Chen Dear my friends, Thank you so much. p.s. 他們的螃蟹故事


  13. 真內行是巷內人, 達人推薦好吃, 好像一千多元的螃蟹喔. 先問價錢喔.

    香煎萬里蟹 萬里蟹白菜滷

    重現漁夫家常手法,將活蟹小火慢煎至熟,迷人的焦香與逼出甜味的蟹肉,連美食家也為文稱讚。滋味濃郁的石蟳加入白菜慢慢燒滷,最後淋上烏醋提味,菜香蟹鮮,一試難忘。 親自走一趟萬里吧! 生鮮活猛的萬里蟹, 燉粥或生炒或清蒸...都好好吃喔!
    親自走一趟萬里吧! 生鮮活猛的萬里蟹, 燉粥或生炒或清蒸...都好好吃喔! 尤其看新鮮的螃蟹從漁船一送到就立刻處理下鍋, 晶瑩剔透的顏色慢慢轉成鮮紅, 香味不停飄散!! 超可口!!! http://ntpc.blogspot.tw/2012/09/blog-post_15.html

    小編也蒐集了在地萬里蟹私房料理餐廳, 店家住址和螃蟹價位, 以及招牌特色菜, 通通報你知!!! 今天晚餐就可以來嘗鮮囉~~~ http://ntpc.blogspot.tw/2012/09/blog-post_5860.html
    相片: 親自走一趟萬里吧! 生鮮活猛的萬里蟹, 燉粥或生炒或清蒸...都好好吃喔! 尤其看新鮮的螃蟹從漁船一送到就立刻處理下鍋, 晶瑩剔透的顏色慢慢轉成鮮紅, 香味不停飄散!! 超可口!!! http://ntpc.blogspot.tw/2012/09/blog-post_15.html小編也蒐集了在地萬里蟹私房料理餐廳, 店家住址和螃蟹價位, 以及招牌特色菜, 通通報你知!!! 今天晚餐就可以來嘗鮮囉~~~ http://ntpc.blogspot.tw/2012/09/blog-post_5860.html
    2 · ·
  14. Christine Cheng 分享了一條連結
    星期六Taipei 附近
    我喜歡的美女和俊男. (我更喜歡另一韓星很可惜他前幾年居然輕生, 真教人難過.)

    video :

    · ·
  15. 請大家仔細看到完!

    轉貼 :

    · ·
  16. 測臉書「誰最喜觀逛你的FB」


    【程式比對】最常到Christine Cheng臉書逛的人為:
    — 和綠島大象其他 3 個人
    相片: 測臉書「誰最喜觀逛你的FB」快來測試==>https://bit.ly/Pp8b1a        【勿刪除】把友誼留存!謝謝你的愛!                【程式比對】最常到Christine Cheng臉書逛的人為:            第一名:綠島大象;第二名:Kelly Moon            第三名:姜東凌;第四名:Sue Yeh            第五名:朱淑娟;第六名:Victor Chang            第七名:美皂;第八名:雲峰高            第九名:邱芸惠;第十名:高闓莉
  17. 瓶裝水的罪惡,你喝不出來

    作者:張楊乾(台達電子文教基金會數位媒體企劃專員) 2007年文章


















    此外,全美銷售第一的瓶裝水 Aquafina,在環保團體的壓力下,7月時公佈了瓶裝水的水源。結果環保團體竟發現,該牌瓶裝水內竟有24%是混著自來水,其他牌瓶裝水推估也有同樣情形。這可讓舊金山市市長紐森大為光火,立刻下令舊金山市政府開會時,不再另外提供瓶裝水。據估計,若舊金山的公僕以後通通改喝自來水,一年就可省下公帑1650萬新台幣,約可以支付3600多名學童的營養午餐!












    相片: 瓶裝水的罪惡,你喝不出來 作者:張楊乾(台達文教基金會數位媒體企劃專員) 6罐未開封的瓶裝水,整齊地排列在會議桌上,透明的瓶身加上白色的標籤,散發出一股極簡的時尚感。會議正討論著企業間的碳排放交易,與會者陸續轉開了瓶蓋,尖銳的膠膜碎裂聲,像暗箭般在會議室裏四竄。兩個小時後會議結束,6瓶水中開了4瓶,開封的水全都沒有被喝完,喝剩的水一如往常地將被沖到下水道去。這是再尋常不過的企業開會場景,瓶裝水不知自何時起,已成會議桌上的必要擺設。其實不只是企業,包括學術的研討會、議會的公聽會、政府的協調會、一直到學校的家長會,瓶裝水都是必然與會的貴賓。但是,我們真的需要飲用瓶裝水嗎?瓶裝水市場成長飛快全球去年售出1億5000多萬噸的瓶裝水,若把水全倒在一起,需要3個澄清湖水庫才裝得下。而光是支撐這個產業,每年就必須消耗1800萬桶原油,以及1300多億加侖的水當原物料。而以自來水生飲管線十分普及的美國為例,光是去年,平均每位美國人仍消耗了167罐的瓶裝各式飲料。其中關於瓶裝水的需求,在這30年來竟成長了20倍,超越了咖啡、啤酒等飲料,幾乎和碳酸飲品並駕齊驅。不過,瓶裝水在美國熱賣,並不是因為這幾年美國缺水,純粹只是行銷手段的成功。像是Aquafina、Dasani、Perrier、Evian等這些大牌子,把瓶裝水塑造為健康、清新、甚至是時尚的象徵。像歌手凱莉米洛在巡迴演唱時,瓶裝水廠商甚至還出了一款紀念瓶。追逐時尚,卻讓環境付出了代價。每瓶水碳足跡驚人生產1公升的瓶裝水罐,製程中至少需要17.5公升的水。瓶裝水出了生產線後,還需要運送、上架、冷藏等。根據估算,從歐洲運送1噸的Evian礦泉水到澳洲雪梨,會排出84公斤的二氧化碳,而光是去年,澳洲人就消費了1億5000萬公升的瓶裝水,等同排放了約1萬2000多噸的二氧化碳。除了運送水會造成污染外,後續空瓶處理也是一大問題,在美國,使用過的塑膠瓶,最後只有2成被回收。這些講求設計美感的PET製品,最後多半是成為垃圾掩埋場裏,千年不壞的現代化石。不過,喜愛喝瓶裝水的歐美先進國家,也不是完全不知反省,最近關於瓶裝水的論戰,就是先由美國開始。包括紐約市長、舊金山市長、鹽湖城市長等,在參與6月舉辦的美國市長論壇時,就已經共同發表反對瓶裝水的立場。之後,紐約市還大作廣告,推銷城市自己的自來水。此外,全美銷售第一的瓶裝水 Aquafina,在環保團體的壓力下,7月時公佈了瓶裝水的水源。結果環保團體竟發現,該牌瓶裝水內竟有24%是混著自來水,其他牌瓶裝水推估也有同樣情形。這可讓舊金山市市長紐森大為光火,立刻下令舊金山市政府開會時,不再另外提供瓶裝水。據估計,若舊金山的公僕以後通通改喝自來水,一年就可省下公帑1650萬新台幣,約可以支付3600多名學童的營養午餐!回到台灣,我們對於瓶裝水的浪費程度,和美國相比不遑多讓。台灣的自來水普及率超過9成,而台北市的自來水品質也已達到生飲標準,不過由於輸水管線及用戶端儲水設施多屬老舊,使得民眾對生飲自來水有疑慮。即使如此,在台灣因煮水或濾水的成本並不高,多數民眾不難取得乾淨的飲用水。不過在此同時,市面上卻仍出現愈來愈多的瓶裝水,不論是天然的礦泉水,或是後天濾淨的包裝飲用水。現在瓶裝水更成了台灣的商機,像是當紅的海洋深層水、能量水、電解水,甚至連自來水公司,現在都打算出自己品牌的瓶裝水。喝進這些水到底能不能延年益壽,目前還沒有案例能證實,但卻已有國際智庫警告,PET瓶恐怕會分解致癌物質到水裏。此外,瓶裝水從製造、運輸到掩埋,一生所產生的二氧化碳,也將為地球帶來暖化的惡果,這也直接關係到我們子孫的生存問題。回收仍會對環境造成傷害台灣的官員雖對外宣稱,我們的回收率已接近100%,每年大約回收了46億支寶特瓶,另帶來了約20億的再製商機。但這個數據也同時意味著,台灣人每人每年得為200支寶特瓶對環境造成的業障,一同付出代價。國際瓶裝水組織,8月初時利用紐約時報和舊金山紀事報的版面,登廣告再三強調瓶裝水較一般飲料,如酒或可樂之類的飲品來得健康。他們認為,瓶裝水與自來水其實並沒有衝突的問題,全看消費者取決飲用何者較方便。不過,在台灣,一罐最低價的瓶裝水需要18元,但同樣容量的自來水,卻連一塊錢都不到,消費者難道不能拿這中間的價差,去做其他對環境更友善的事?況且,全球有10億人其實連乾淨的水都喝不到,每天平均有3000位兒童因喝到受污染的水而死亡。如果瓶裝水真正是為人類的需求而生,應該是送去給這些需要水的地方,而不是在自來水普及的地區畫蛇添足。瓶裝水陪伴我們度過了許多年頭,參與了各式會議、研討會、甚至是廟會等,但在了解到它背後所代表的龐大碳足跡,以及對資源的浪費後,也許是對瓶裝水說不的時候了。至少,你該堅持,在能用自己的杯子,盛上一杯乾淨飲水的地方,就少開一罐瓶裝水吧!2007年文章原文轉載自http://e-info.org.tw/node/25931圖片初處http://sfcitizen.com/blog/tag/great-pacific-garbage-patch/
    · ·

  • 行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠副署長擔任環境教育大使: 行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠副署長前進綠島在島上還有一場綠島大象環境教育活動《海洋淨灘》,將由行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠、與會貴賓及公館國小全體師生在綠島公館社區、綠島中寮社區和綠島人權園區等處前面沙灘種植「馬安藤」,以實際行動保護綠島的環境!種植馬安藤,以實際行動保護綠島環境!綠島大象重生,溜滑梯變身環保大使.



    關心 "綠島大象"的朋友 請必看 : 綠島大象 紀錄片菁華版 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qu-hyNHTfU&feature=player_embedded


    video : http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/1377/post/9620/132773





    轉自 : http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%92%B0%E4%BF%9D%E6%96%B0%E5%9C%B0%E6%A8%99-%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E6%8F%AD%E5%B9%95-203759677.html

    環保新地標 綠島大象揭幕

    自由時報自由時報 – 2012年5月5日 上午4:37




    廢棄溜滑梯 化為環保大使 :







    綠島大象活化 成為綠島新地標

    國立教育廣播電台作者: 胡美足 | 國立教育廣播電台 :

    轉自 : http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1-%E6%88%90%E7%82%BA%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E6%96%B0%E5%9C%B0%E6%A8%99-091241853.html



    綠島大象活化 成為綠島新地標

    國立教育廣播電台作者: 胡美足 | 國立教育廣播電台 – 2012年5月4日 下午5:12

    綠島大象活化 成為綠島新地標 :








    馬鞍藤 :

    馬鞍藤生命小檔案 在眾多的海濱植物中,馬鞍藤的花朵最大、最鮮豔。由於與牽牛花同屬旋花科、牽牛屬的植物,馬鞍藤的花朵跟牽牛花長得有點像,但它長在海濱沙灘上,不像牽牛花纏繞攀爬,而是趴在地上蔓生,向四面八方擴展地盤。

    PICTURES : http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!RH6n5F2eAEIo43shClHItQ--/article?mid=1338


    PICTURE : 轉貼周先生 的 馬安藤 的圖

    轉自 : http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/lplplplplplplp-lplplplplplplp/article?mid=1338&sc=1

    【馬安藤的假日】 攝影 周明坤 先生


    2008/08/16 00:29





    環保新地標 綠島大象揭幕



    環保新地標 綠島大象揭幕




    ... 防風定沙植物,但它的體形比馬安藤小,較難以形成龐大的群落。 分佈:本島大致分佈於林投、通樑、歧頭、龍門的沙灘,離島的小白沙嶼、吉貝嶼、望安、將軍、東嶼坪、後帝仔嶼的沙灘上都可發現這種稀有的植物。但各地之出現量皆不豐



    綠島大象 FB : http://www.facebook.com/dludao

    「綠島大象」 VIDEO : http://www.seayes.com.tw/~tcesilcedu/dw.htm

    VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UsdRp5HNi0&feature=player_embedded



    環保新地標 綠島大象揭幕


    「綠島大象環境教育」系列活動,4號上午在公館國小運用繪本、動畫、廢棄瓦楞紙DIY、校園社區巡禮等生動活潑的方式,進行繪本、動畫故事說演和DIY活動;「綠島大象」溜滑梯的主人李孟發 邀請 行政院環保署副署長葉欣誠 、行政院文建會所屬國立臺東生活美學館長林永發、 交通部觀光局東部管理處副處長林維玲、綠島鄉長李數奼、 綠島公館國小校長姚麗吉以及綠島居民等眾多貴賓共同為「環保地標」綠島大象揭幕,葉副署長向參與的民眾傳達環境教育的重要性,邀請大家用行動愛地球。



    VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZrNr1sgKsk

    有翅膀的 綠島大象 (有翅膀的綠島飛象)

    elephantland2010 於 2010-04-08 上傳

    臺南市與台東縣由大象溜滑梯的牽線,締結了兩座城市人民更深刻的友誼,4月1日下午,「綠島大象」在台南市政府洪正中副市長等多人見證下,由勝利國小黃振 恭校長與綠島鄉公館國小姚麗吉校長,共同簽署「象誼永固」之約,現場還有13位綠島公館國小的應屆畢業生,一起與勝利國小師生共同參加這次精彩的活動。







    pictures on web site :


    "Green Island Elephant" spreads message of unity, eco-friendliness2010/10/15 23:20:55

    Taipei, Oct. 15 (CNA) An orange "elephant" from Green Island off Taiwan's southeastern coast arrived in northern Taiwan Friday in what its owner called a fulfillment of its dream to travel around Taiwan.



    from: http://lincm68.pixnet.net/blog/post/27978331-%E5%8F%B0%E6%9D%B1%E7%9A%84%E3%80%8E%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E3%80%8F%E5%8F%88%E7%B5%90%E4%BA%A4%E4%BA%86%E6%96%B0%E6%9C%8B%E5%8F%8B-%E5%AE%9C%E8%98%AD%E7%B8%A3














    全校師生以『獨輪車』表演與『路上行舟』的方式, 來迎接這座由綠島來的客人。
















    延伸閱讀:關於綠島大象 http://www.myceres.com.tw/index.php


    有關清溝國小相關報導 http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM7/6048398.shtml



    學校教師 http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/4655/post/14112/137502

    頭城國小公共藝術相關網站 http://www.seayes.com.tw/~tcesilcedu/


    from: http://lincm68.pixnet.net/blog/post/27978331-%E5%8F%B0%E6%9D%B1%E7%9A%84%E3%80%8E%E7%B6%A0%E5%B3%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B1%A1%E3%80%8F%E5%8F%88%E7%B5%90%E4%BA%A4%E4%BA%86%E6%96%B0%E6%9C%8B%E5%8F%8B-%E5%AE%9C%E8%98%AD%E7%B8%A3





    2010/10/11 Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on email Share on favorites

    慶雙十單車遊綠島 環保大象來代言







    several good pictures : please watch :



    台鐵 鶯歌車站 綠島大象坐火車 video :

    video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwZQBPaaBnU&feature=related

    臺鐵局一圓『綠島大象坐火車遊臺灣』心願 :




    明年是「中華民國建國100年」日子,「綠島大象」除了將持續以「遊臺灣」方式積極的在全臺灣各地推廣「文化創意」及「環保廢棄物資源再利用」觀念外。另外也將積極參與臺­鐵為了慶祝建國100年所舉辦「火車環島接力」活動,希望全臺灣各地鐵道朋友,都能來為臺鐵及「綠島大象」加油。 資料來源:臺鐵局新聞稿


    24 四月, 2012 19:04

    綠島大象遊興隆 兒童節同歡樂

    video : http://www.peopo.org/shonline/post/101242

    世新online | 綠島大象遊興隆 兒童節同歡樂

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    · · 分享


    主標:綠島大象遊興隆 兒童節同歡樂




    Super1:興隆國小校長 劉碧賢(右)

    Bite 1:我想綠島大象,它要給我們傳遞一個訊息就是,在這個世界每個物資都是非常珍貴的,我們透過這個綠島大象的回收,再展現風華,來提醒我們的孩子要珍惜物資。

    副標:老舊滑梯新生命 推廣環保教育


    Super2:綠島大象發起人 李孟發(左)

    Bite 2:今天來到興隆國小這邊遊一遊,順便交一些新朋友,還有跟小朋友講一些愛物惜物、環保再利用的故事,把再利用的概念,希望能傳達到各個小學。


    Bite3:(那妳喜不喜歡綠島大象這個溜滑梯) 喜歡


    三標:大象滑梯推環保 歡笑中充滿意義



    記者 邱奕鈞諶昱靜柯幸宜採訪報導


    ***** video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZrNr1sgKsk

    elephantland2010 於 2010-04-08 上傳

    臺南市與台東縣由大象溜滑梯的牽線,締結了兩座城市人民更深刻的友誼,4月1日下午,「綠島大象」在台南市政府洪正中副市長等多人見證下,由勝利國小黃振 恭校長與綠島鄉公館國小姚麗吉校長,共同簽署「象誼永固」之約,現場還有13位綠島公館國小的應屆畢業生,一起與勝利國小師生共同參加這次精彩的活動。








    自立晚報 -

    重現綠意 環保地標「綠島大象」揭幕

    【記者郭襄陽台北報導】環保署葉欣誠副署長昨〈四〉日參加臺東縣綠島鄉公館國小舉辦「綠島大象環境教育活動」,當天活動運用繪本、動畫、廢棄瓦楞紙 DIY、校園社區巡禮等生動活潑的方式,並與民眾共同為「環保地標」綠島大象揭幕,向參與的民眾傳達環境教育的重要性,一起用行動愛地球。












    中正紀念堂和綠島大象相遇 + 有朋自香港來!


    2010/05/20 02:20































    ) 推文 ] http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/4655/post/14112/137502









    建立日期: 2010-03-23




    小墾丁捐綠島大象 公館國小等到了



    屏東縣滿州鄉小墾丁度假村有座和「綠島大象」相同的大象溜滑梯,業者同意贈予綠島公館國小。 記者潘欣中/攝影






    全文網址: 小墾丁捐綠島大象 公館國小等到了 - 特色學校 - 校園指南 - udn校園博覽會 http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=383979#ixzz1u0nqZDff

    Power By udn.com


    綠島大象入府 與馬英九相見歡 :









    環保署副署長葉欣誠擔任環境教育大使:綠島大象, 和種植馬安藤,以實際行動保護綠島環境!綠島大象重生,溜滑梯變身環保大使

    綠島大象 http://life.chinatimes.com/2009Cti/Channel/Life/life-article/0,5047,100314+112011032900060,00.html


    綠島大象見總統 和花精靈作朋友










    綠島大象自我介紹 - 綠島大象 - 無名小站

    VIDEO : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWBAc4PDXOc&feature=player_embedded






    十二月 02, 2010, 10:01



    報導一:「綠島大象 進駐木柵動物園」






    報導二:「綠島大象遊台灣 創造快樂回憶」



    報廢滑梯新生命 :




    大象造型的溜滑梯,是不少6、7年級生小時候的 http://www.myceres.com.tw/webnews/n_index.php回憶,不過綠島唯一的大象溜滑梯,日前卻面臨報廢命運。幸虧一位民眾在網路上看到消息,花100元把它買下來,不只協調他的新家從綠島國小搬到隔壁的公館國小,還召集島上的國小學生,把原本藍色的大象,彩繪成橘色,還把過程拍成紀錄片,不只勾起很多綠島人的回憶,小朋友也有了新玩伴。

    在缺乏資源的離島,遊樂設施不多,23年來,這個大象溜滑梯不知道溜過多少小屁股,最後台東子弟的李先生,在台東縣府的網路上,以100 元標下來,不只給綠島大象新生命,還把過程拍成紀錄片。綠島大象發起人李先生:「我們讓它重生,只是讓它的故事,找回曾經跟它有共有這個故事的人,來關懷它、珍惜它。」一個不起眼的大象,從廢棄的鬼門關被救了回來,不只是資源再利用,現在他保留了綠島人的回憶,也要繼續活在更多小朋友的故事裡 (引述自2009/12/08 TVBS新聞報導)。

    拍攝《綠島大象》紀錄片過程中,當地的小學生,都很期盼綠島大象能帶著他們一起到臺灣環島,希望能在綠島大象的腳上裝上輪子,讓綠島大象帶他們去臺北101 玩 (坐船→騎單車→坐火車),甚至是環遊世界。雖然小朋友們只是童言童語,卻也是孩子們渴望走出綠島,看看外面的世界,反映那份天真及求知的好奇心。這一段話深深的感動我們。



    請必看 : 綠島大象 紀錄片菁華版 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qu-hyNHTfU&feature=player_embedded

    video : http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/1377/post/9620/132773



    綠島大象溜滑梯 滿載兒時回憶


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