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NCCU Olympics政大國際運動會--各國學生終於「玩在一起」!

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12月5號、6號,政大舉辦了國際運動會。讓國際學生、台灣學生有一個運動競賽的機會。相較於許多語言交換、文化交流的活動,SA(學生大使)宣傳總召劉謙說,其實NCCU Olympics是一個少有的機會,能讓各國學生和台灣學生能真的「玩在一起」。

我採訪到一個越南的學生,政大企管系的阮黃勇,說他是生憑第一次玩躲避球。還有一個來自瑞典的學生梁子洋,他說他們瑞典喜歡刺激一點的東西,覺得躲避球too easy,他很認真的建議,應該多加幾顆球同時一起砸,我在腦袋裡想到那瘋狂的場景,我笑翻了(先生,這樣會砸死人的...)。



p.s. 後記:被Taipei Times的資深記者Jimmy修改了好多次的稿子。發現寫新聞不只是一種專業,而且真的要受訓練!  :)

By Chang Chih-yin



Taiwanese and international students “play together” during NCCU Olympics


Pacific Island team leader Floyd Dausabea(in the middle) led Pacific Island won the champion.


There were only three teams registering for the dodge ball game in NCCU Olympics on Dec. 5 and 6, so any team found twenty people and dared to join the game would definitely gain the award.


“This is my first time to play dodge ball in my life! We don’t have it in Vietnam!” said Juan Huang-yung, a freshman from Department of Business Administration who came from Vietnam.


The dodge ball champion was won by Undergraduate Program in European Language, which killed all the competitor players from Department Slavic Language and Literature.


NCCU Olympics was initiated by SA (Student Ambassador). This annual activity in National Chengchi University, started last year, aims at promoting the interaction between international students and local students.


SA (Student Ambassador) is the campus volunteer group which is responsible for receiving international guests, as well as helping international students to adapt to life in Taiwan.


Political science senior Jessie Hsu (許宇涵), who is the president for SA, said that helping students make new friends was one of the ideas for the games.


The football championship was won by Pacific Island team, and basketball was won by Department of Psychology.


Soccer championship belonged to “Pacific Island Team,” which was a team of students from Fu-jen Catholic University (輔仁大學), Tamkang University (淡江大學) and Ming Chuan University (銘傳大學), who originally came from Solomon Islands, while Department of Psychology students took home the trophy of basketball.


The SA member and spokesman for NCCU Olympics, Harrison Liu(劉謙), said that the games were relaxing and for fun. Comparison with language class, or other activities of culture exchange, he said that NCCU Olympics provided a rare chance for Taiwan’s and foreign students really “playing together”.  


Department of Psychology won the basketball champion.

台長: 之穎
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Yi-Ling Hsieh
2009-12-25 16:02:28
妳真是不吝於讚美的人 :) 事實上我被改得很慘,這是被修過的呵呵! 但我仍然很開心!!
2009-12-29 00:34:27
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