六位新聞系學生代表所提出的問題也都很有趣。文化大學的吳國仲甚至訪問擅長處理種族議題的Klibanoff,面對台灣的省籍情結,如何處理台灣的政治報導。Klibanoff幽默地回答:「Just report the food!」
最後一提,普立茲歷史報導得主Hank Klibanoff對我的EeePC很有興趣,這是台灣的驕傲嗎?哈哈:) 英文的報導很青澀,不過是一個學習的開始。 :)

珮儀、Klibanoff和我 會議桌和我EeePC裡的報導速記,演講者在前面 :)
Pulitzer Prize Winners Encouraged Students to “Learn from Mistakes” at NCCU
By Chang Chih-yin

Damon Winter, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography for the photos of Obama campaign, shared his work with students. (照片:張皓鳴/是我的攝影好partner!)
Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop at National Chengchi University invited Pulitzer Prize winner ,Hank Klibanoff, who encouraged the journalism students to “learn from mistakes”, and had a “journalists talk” with six journalism department student representatives on Nov. 15 and 16.
The six journalism student representatives are Wang, Ching-Kang(王慶剛), from National Chengchi University(國立政治大學), Su, Li(蘇立), from National Taiwan University(國立台灣大學), Ko, Jou-Yi(柯柔伊), from National Chung Cheng University(國立中正大學), Wu, Guo-Chung(吳國仲), from Chinese Culture University(文化大學), Li, Yun-Chen(李昀臻), from Shih Hsin University(世新大學), and Cheng, Ju-Min(鄭如敏), from Fun Jen Catholic University(輔仁大學). The journalism department student representatives were recommended by each school. The student representatives in the forum took turns, bringing up their questions and had a conversation with those Pulitzer Prize winners. Wang, Ching-Kang(王慶剛) said “I was extremely nervous!”
One of the student representatives, Wu(吳國仲), asked Klibanoff, whose profession is in the report of race relations, how to report the politic news, since there are races conflicts in Taiwan. “Just report the food!” Klibanoff said, “We can report more about the poetry, and the music, or cover any ethnic festival parades, trying to make the common ground. As the time passes, newspaper can dig into.” Hank added “Don’t think there is the discrimination.”
Damon Winter, winning Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography for the photos of Obama campaign, said traveling around the world is another way to train himself as a photographer. Meanwhile, Hank Klibanoff, winning for History, and Julie Cart, winning for Explanatory Reporting, both mentioned their travelling experiences. Hank said at the age of 29, he quit his job as a journalist, travelling for a while, and finally found a new job to work in Boston. Hank called the travelling is “taking a rest”.
Damon Winter, Hank Klibanoff and Julie Cart encouraged new journalists to learn from mistakes. Hank said “It’s sounds cliché but it’s true.” Julie said Hank started in a small paper. She started in big paper but small job. She did everything such as being a newspaper boy, and running errands. Julie encouraged students to learn to be comfortable in many different settings. She said “When you make a mistake in this setting, your boss may yield you at high volume, and you are kind of embarrassed. That’s what you really learn!”