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2007-11-19 06:20:21| 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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It seems to awake really the purpose of exceeding in the life is not to be able to know through all eternity though it is inevitable.
the 1st can always be low-spirited ..me.. in the life,
and do to me deflecting of heavens ....
always in him only at times of this a lot of things.

The dream at times feels that even I am far very much, and of each things that are started the pawn being loosened there deciding Naya to be had, pursued slowly, and generated by surroundings suddenly is discovered, and original is wonderful ..feeling and me.. ..”Deflect” ahead.. ..taking.. ..Omo.. ..saying.. ..this.. through all eternity not catching up through all eternity all disappointed because it is felt that it is dog-tired at once.

...cause.. why in that, and all person’s expressions are seen, I hear the conversation between the person and the person without understanding I when am started learning the observation on the fast transportation system especially liking it the worry for the flowing quantity of the person for me need not have a hard time again and to search for the seat, and, to our regret, a lot of inside impression that is is people’s sadness. It is low-spirited. Suffering. That a bitter poison and the discovery are not happy has already become the only emotional of modern people, and becomes a course that the point should gradually learn with a smile.

Expectation..increase..exactly..put out..true..enjoy..this..busy..society..future..expect..smile..continuance..ahead..go forward..defend..future..trouble..very much..difficult..related..because..breakthrough..inevitable.
Do you say that you might be good?

台長: 〝遺失૭那人 ◦ °
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 左右心房 |

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