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2007-03-07 18:40:31| 人氣190| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

♥ Promise♥ I will trust u....

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Sometime, I still feel sad...

sometime, i still cant accept...

sometime, i juz want to beside ur arm...

You promised, wont do errancy again.
I promised, this is the last time.

I can know ur guilt and sincerity.
Any, pain was gone... confusion was away...

Can we hv a reincarnation?
u know i dont juz want ur apology.
I can accept u that it doesnt mean i can accept that errancy.

u know, nearly 5 yrs.
how do we come and go?
i juz hv ur name in my memory ”the firts one”.

exactly, im not that confident about us.
i dont know whay would happen next second.
but i want to stay with u.anyway.
u want i wont doubt u, plez give me time`

Time, distance...
i cant chage these things.
i juz can do one thing---”i will trust u”

台長: ●饒小唓¨
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