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2007-02-28 19:02:22| 人氣138| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ッ... My の“NANA”....

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Do you remember ”Nana”...

I love this movie , i love this story.


we hvn’t the experience as same as the movie...

You’re not the another me in the world.

It juz coz its talking story of friendship which is so pensive.

Our encounter propably was a coincidence.

I cant definitely say why we are best friend!!!

coz our same cricumstance?


I used to talk you anyth about me as a part of the moive which is talking about they the first encounter in train...
I liked Nana Komatsu...
Exactly, i want to no more of you.
Your x best friends...ur favour...
im so sori, do u think im too officious?

There are two NANA...but they are neither you or me!!

We’v juz known each other deeply like them.

i think.. how about u?

Last time, i told u” you’r my Nana”.

coz i wanted to have a lasting relationship with u.

im serious.

I dont no how long can we keep about friendship?

im so enjoyed when i went with u..

as same as ur feeling!

i admit i still hv some space for our relationship.

im afraid why i usually got a good relationship with my friend in the beginning...then i found someth wrong about us. as my best friend. i no u can understand what i am talking about.

and anothers , we’re still going well. but u know, we’re in different country, we’re running different works.. we’ve distance..

i want to use any good thing to describe my feeling for our relationship...Godness...

台長: ●饒小唓¨
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