應網友whale的要求就來寫寫關於” 名琴與名曲的饗宴”中的節目曲子的介紹,但在介紹曲子前也來介紹奇美博物館。奇美博物館--是由創辦人許文龍先生的領導下,先由奇美文化基金會成立後慢慢籌備增設誕生的。其博物館提供民眾免費參觀,完全不收取門票費用。之後又在台南科學園區,增設奇美博物館南科館,陳列人類從手工到機械的演變歷史。館中的收藏品之豐富包含西洋藝術、樂器、古文物、自然史以及古兵器等五種不同性質的類別。許文龍先生認為”藝術教育應從欣賞和接觸美好事物開始,進而創造、追求幸福的人生。”所以也歡迎名音樂家使用館中所收藏的樂器,另外在奇美博物館中的演奏廳也會有精心挑選出的奇美樂團團員來演奏好聽的曲子。網友whale在11月2日(日)下午3點,在奇美博物館的B1演藝廳中聆聽了一場” 名琴與名曲的饗宴”。其曲目有
1. Vitali : Ciaccona
2. Ravel : Tzigane
3. Saint-Saens : The Swan
4. Elgar : Salut D’amour
5. Mendelssohn : Piano Trio No.1
6. Morricone : Cinema Paradiso
7. Kroll : Banjo & Fiddle
8. Schumann : Piano Quintet
9. Arrangement of Taiwanese & Japanese Folk Songs
第一首Vitali : Ciaccona
韋塔利(Tomaso Antonio Vitali,1663-1745)是義大利的小提琴家及作曲家,他的作品除了這首「夏康舞曲」之外,大多都沒沒無聞,因此對這首作品的來歷,音樂學者們至今仍有所爭議,不過這首為小提琴與絃樂團而作的「夏康舞曲」,可以算是小提琴音樂中的經典名作之一了。
第二首Ravel : Tzigane
拉威爾 : 吉普賽
這是為匈牙利出身的女小提琴家耶莉‧達拉妮(Jelly d’Aranyi)而寫的演奏會用狂想曲,以巧妙融合拉威爾的異國趣味及簡潔細密的作風的作品受到喜愛。據說在本曲作曲中,聽到帕加尼尼之 "奇想曲" 的拉威爾,就想為她寫作一首技巧超越此作品的樂曲。原曲是為小提琴與鋼琴而寫,其中的鋼琴伴奏,本來是使用一種稱為Piano lutheal "音色類似吉卜賽的金巴隆Cimbalo" 的樂器寫成,但約在同一時候,拉威爾也親自編出管弦樂伴奏版,而且同樣受到喜愛。
如同 "吉卜賽" 的標題,本曲是以匈牙利的民俗舞曲查爾達斯Csardas 的風格寫成,由緩慢的Lassan與快速的Friska兩部份所構成。主奏小提琴雖然以非常華麗而富於變化的姿態活躍,但整體而言,仍是以拉威爾風格的細密效果所構成。
第三首Saint-Saens : The Swan
取自動物狂歡節中第十三首曲子”The Swan”, 這是全曲中最精美、著名的音樂,也是一首大提琴獨奏的名曲。鋼琴的琶音伴奏表示清澄的湖水,接著大提琴在上面奏出美麗迷人的旋律,描寫天鵝以高貴優雅的神情,安詳地悠游的情景。
第四首Elgar : Salut D’amour
Salut d’amour, Opus 12
這首《愛的禮讚》(Salut d`Amour)就是他們倆愛的最初見證,話說1888年,艾爾加與卡若琳訂婚前不久,他帶著她所寫的一闕詩篇「愛的優雅」去渡假,靈感一來,想到了一個旋律,於是就把它譜成《愛的禮讚》(Salut d`Amour),以回報這首愛妻甜蜜的告白。此曲的旋律相當優美動聽,也因而後來已不再是鋼琴小品的專利,紛紛改編成小提琴版與大提琴版,而當今許多演奏家在發行小曲集時,也絕對不會遺漏這首充滿愛意的耽美之作。艾爾加所有作品當中,能夠在知名度上與它匹敵的,恐怕只有《威風凜凜進行曲》與《謎的變奏曲》而已。
第五首Mendelssohn : Piano Trio No.1
Felix Mendelssohn's Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49 was completed on 23 September 1839 and published the following year. The work is scored for a standard piano trio consisting of violin, cello and piano. The trio is one of Mendelssohn's most popular chamber works and is recognised as one of his greatest along with his Octet, Op. 20.
During the initial composition of the work, Mendelssohn took the advice of a fellow composer, Ferdinand Hiller, and revised the piano part. The revised version was in a more romantic, Schumannesque style with the piano given a more important role in the trio. Indeed, the revised piece was reviewed by Schumann who declared Mendelssohn to be "the Mozart of the nineteenth century, the most illuminating of musicians."
第六首Morricone : Cinema Paradiso
電影配樂大師 Ennio Morricone 義大利音樂教父:新天堂樂園
第七首Kroll : Banjo & Fiddle
Banjo and Fiddle is the best-known work by American violinist, teacher, and chamber music player William Kroll (1901-1980). This virtuoso piece, strongly influenced by traditional American styles of folk fiddle playing, was popularized by regular inclusion in the recitals of Jascha Heifetz and Fritz Kreisler. Opening with a series of banjo-like pizzicato chords over a "romp-till ready" style accompaniment, the violinist soon launches into the main theme, set in a characteristic popular idiom. There is a dreamily reflective passage midway through, but for the greater part, this is a spirited and energetic virtuoso miniature that exploits multiple stopping and ricochet bowing techniques, often at very rapid speeds. Banjo and Fiddle is particularly effective as an encore piece, and hence it perfectly fit the bill for the "lollipops" featured after more heavyweight fare during Heifetz's recitals. Kroll himself was no mean fiddler, either. Born in New York, he studied with Henri Marteau in Berlin before making his successful U.S. debut in 1915. Kroll learned his trade as a quartet leader under Franz Kneisel and became first violinist of the Coolidge Quartet in 1936. He also traveled widely as a soloist, devoting much of his life to teaching before founding his own quartet in 1944. In his late sixties, he formed a duo partnership with Artur Balsam, but Kroll is chiefly remembered for this one delightful and entertaining piece.
第八首Schumann : Piano Quintet
Youtobe影音檔(Piano Quintet most of mv.t 3 )
The Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44, by Robert Schumann was written in 1842. Like most piano quintets, it is written for piano and string quartet (two violins, viola and cello).
The work was composed in just a few weeks in September and October 1842, during his "Chamber Music Year." Prior to that year Schumann had completed no chamber music at all with the exception of an early piano quartet (in 1829). However, during his year-long concentration on the genre he wrote three string quartets and a piano trio and piano quartet in addition to his popular piano quintet.
Schumann was the first romantic composer to pair the piano with the string quartet. "In the first happiness of reunion with the piano, his creative imagination took on a new lease of life," writes Joan Chisell[1]. The ensemble was later used by many composers; some of the well-known quintets are by Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák, César Franck, Edward Elgar, and Dmitri Shostakovitch.
第九首Arrangement of Taiwanese & Japanese Folk Songs