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2012-10-21 21:39:58


從外面的世界回來之後 再次登入虛擬世界 才會突然驚覺 我到底是跟誰fall in love了? 活著多摸狹隘 多看也無益 反正都是那個樣子不會做多大的改變 外面多摸令人期待 美好的世界 充滿未知的世界 另外這次再次驗證 我真...

2012-10-07 19:25:22


也許有個愉快又備感貼心的第一次 但是後續卻讓我冷颼颼 感覺又回復著被抓到把柄 被吃死死的狀態 連回個留言 都不像是朋友般的冷卻 答案只是"是跟否" 永遠沒有多餘的答案 耗著時間跟精神 (真累) 看來 可以去見見世面了...

2012-09-23 19:48:06


看來我並沒有好...只是最近她對我好了 所以我比較好 現在他又默默躲起來 在之前自殘切斷的聯繫之後 沒有任何一條線索是通了...只要他不上線的話 我永遠還是在無限的迴圈裡! 太恐怖!習慣已經侵蝕好了一陣了 只是我不知...

2012-09-16 00:00:27


聽到某人在台北的消息著實讓我心慌了 彷彿又會到2月多那時候 不停地半夜爬起來確認電腦視窗 經過兩天的沉澱 終於好了一點...好像也沒那摸非必要見面了 見了面又可以怎摸樣呢? 也說了10/3就離開了 去了哪裡都不知道? ...

2012-08-11 00:51:11


一樣拉 我要哭了 明明知道會受傷 但是還是硬走過去 結果真的大哭 一點也不懂得避開保護自己 太笨了! 明明知道是2008年的事情了 但是還是好痛 某人還說沒有結果 不然是要我怎摸樣壓!? 我就是不會壓! 半年前料想自己現...

2012-06-17 00:27:05


就跟笨蛋一樣 我又回到原來的狀態了 每秒看某人的fb數次 當初把unfriend結果到頭來卻苦了自己 唯一改變的 大概又更沒自信了 一點點無聊的話都可以想很久 當QC般的重頭到尾檢視一次 想的透徹 要是真的沒有工作 我一定...

2012-04-28 23:57:07


the time is passing two weeks sinece i did unfriend thing to himon fb ...i have to say doing so many thing inculding working hard, following koran dramas every night, having fun every weekend makes me...

2012-04-10 00:49:11

4/10 idiolt

so suck! i almost expect what is theemotion and reacti'll do next step! if he dont respond to me, i feel that the end of the world is coming and i almost die. i'd been thinking i wanted to break up wi...

2012-04-09 00:31:32


when i saw the past artical in 2/7, i realize i didnt change anything about him! i'm still so imaginative about all his life, what he is thinking about me, even thought i created a guy chasing after m...

2012-02-07 17:03:59


我又陷入恐怖的鬱卒循環裡系統的問題 就可以讓我想得出神 然後編織美好的童話故事欺騙自己說的好" 誰認真誰就輸了.." 因為我認真了就像以後再也不會遇到第二個一樣 就像以後不會遇到人類一樣誇張.然後講大白話 也要顧...

2012-01-29 21:15:33


shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!什摸東西壓!?為啥咪要影響我的生活!?明明我自己也可以過得很好 儘管寂寞 但是我活的很自由為啥摸要給我這種情緒去對比更顯得我很不堪為啥咪別人說了半天 你就是不聽 還要默默躲在...

2012-01-29 00:56:19


after 20 years, i will have thought thishas beenthe best crash in those years!! i miss u...

2012-01-21 21:17:06


suck! im sick!! even the god had told me u wouldnt have good result, i still added him to my close friend on fb...i still check my fb every hours to get some news from him, to image what he's doing ev...

2012-01-19 20:10:06


hi~ girl~u did the stupid thing again! when u had finished talking to him with skype, suddenly u awore actually u didnt like him. ufell in love with yourself again justas usual!! when u wanna fall in ...

2012-01-12 16:11:14


原來, i need to propose any way to get out of him....cuz he's a 游子...他不會回家.

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