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2006-03-12 15:35:38| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

♬ ,, 浪 漫 :: (!) ( 3 ) ♪°

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The pearly treasures of the sea, (妳就像是大海中異常珍貴的寶物)
The lights that spatter heaven above, (妳就像是穿越天界的那道光)
More precious than these wonders are (比世上美妙的事物還珍貴)
My heart-of-hearts filled with your love. (讓我打從心底深處的墬入了你的愛)

The ocean’s power, the heavenly sights (大海的力量,天堂的美景)
Cannot outweigh a love filled heart. (都比不上妳的愛更有價值)
And sparkling stars or glowing pearls (而閃耀的諸星,摯熱的珍珠)
Pale as love flashes, beams and darts. (明亮的宛如愛的火花,愛的光芒,和愛神之箭)

So, little, youthful maiden come (所以,快來吧,我年輕美麗的小可愛)
Into my ample, feverish heart (快來到我為你燃燒又寬敞的心房裡)
For heaven and earth and sea and sky (無論是天堂,地球,海洋與星空)
Do melt as love has melt my heart. (都會像愛那般的融化,就像我的心一樣)

Beautiful eyes, beautiful face,
I’m shy to talk to you.
You’re the eagle I must watch
No matter what I do.
You’re the beauty, wild and free,
The mistress of my eyes,
Rolling through exultant air,
Alone in pristine skies.

I would take you for my own
Could I but have your wings,
Could I but go where night begins
And frozen sunlight sings.

Could I but have you for my love,
How might we fly together!
But I must watch you from below
And long for you forever.
But I must be the one below
And long for you forever.

How can I tell you what I feel for you?
When I think of you my feelings twist inside
As if someone’s fist reached in and grabbed a few,
And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I’ve tried
Somehow to say: You’re the sun in my sky,
The wind that takes me where I want to go,
The sweet incense that makes me feel so high
That loving you seems all I need to know.
But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute,
Empty as a wrinkled paper bag.
You won’t believe it! Better I stay mute
Than offer you cliches that make you gag.
And yet I wish to tell you of my love,
If only love its own locks would remove!

I don’t know why my feelings are so strong.
It’s as if some giant crane jerked me aloft
And swings me through the softness of the night.
I don’t blame you if you’re scared, for so am I.
It’s as if I’m deep beneath the sea:
Though life is vivid, I can hardly breathe.

Free me from my anguish; come with me!
The two of us can wing across our skies
Gliding where we will in joy and love.

I’m far too shy to tell you that I love you.
You’re a star far from my plain earth.
I gaze and see no woman who’s above you:
To me you are the cynosure of worth.
Yet with all your beauty you’re a person
Like me in need of sympathy and love.
Your thoughts of me would not, I dare hope, worsen
If I in some way tried your heart to move.
There’s pleasure, surely, drawn from the reflection
That someone, somewhere, worships your sweet face,
Thinks you are the summit of perfection,
Wants nothing more of life than your embrace.
The danger is you’ll think it couldn’t be;
So I suggest you see yourself through me.

Just wanted you to know: I love you.
Months have passed since we became close friends.
Every day I find I’m thinking of you,
Though no word from you that message sends.
And yet we share all other thoughts and feelings:
I cannot wait to tell you of my day,
And you give me the gist of all your dealings,
Which makes me hope we walk in the same way.
Telling you this is opening a door
That never can be closed again, and yet
I must, because I ache for something more,
Something that I must risk all to get.
Some night, perhaps, we’ll go hang out somewhere;
I will reach for you, and you’ll be there.

台長: 趙婉晴
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