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(新娘捧花bride bouquet,1970's)


My mother graduated at The Department of Home Economics in Taiwan Normal University.  During the 50’s  education was not that popular, Home Economics was the first choice for women.  Mom’s skillful ability was totally suited to this field.


When I was a kid, my father gained a scholarship to study in Japan.  Mom went there with him and got the chance to learn the art of flower making from artificial materials from Masters of the craft.  When I was ten they moved back to Taiwan and she began to teach flower making, held exhibitions and even opened a shop.  Her skills were soon discovered by some businessmen and she received orders for exporting.  Even during the mass production she still showed her creative mind and conquer the problems by mass production and still keep the very high quality.  I was lucky to grow in the flowery environment.  Something I didn’t know was there were some seeds sown in my heart.

(全家照於花展,Family picture at the exhibition. ~1975)



Many years later,  I inadvertently crossed over from a career in electronics to the world of ceramic art.  Even while studying at the school of fine arts and then making a living from ceramic art, I didn’t ever think about any connection with my mom’s flowers.  Who knew her visiting NZ and making her first clay flowers would become my new direction a few years later?  I feel I’m following in her steps which is a great honour and brings great happiness to me.


November the 26th is my “Vitality” solo exhibition.  There is  a strong flowery theme in it.  I would like to thank my mom and wish her a wonderful birthday.

(胸花,帽花 more flowers)
外銷訂單。export order
(Japanese Tsumami 捏貼畫 1970年)

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