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2006-09-21 20:51:59| 人氣804| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Phoenix named sweatiest U.S. city

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Source: UPI

CINCINNATI (UPI) -- A deodorant manufacturer says the sweatiest U.S. city is Phoenix, whose residents could fill an Olympic swimming pool in three hours.

The Old Spice Sweatiest Cities rankings are based on the amount of sweat a person of average height and weight would produce walking around for an hour in the average high temperatures during June, July and August of 2005 for each city.

The company said the average Phoenix resident produced 26 ounces of sweat per hour during a typical summer day in 2005 in the city where the average high temperature last year was 93.3 degrees.

Phoenix also took the damp title in 2005 and 2003. To mark the honor, Old Spice delivered a year’s supply of Old Spice Red Zone antiperspirant to Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon.

San Francisco was the least sweaty city, based on an average daily temperature of 53.2 degrees.

Six cities in Texas made the Top 10 -- Dallas, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Waco.

Copyright 2006 by United Press International

台長: Cabnolen


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