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2006-06-22 21:32:40| 人氣1,254| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Alleged ’knucklehead’ bank robbers nabbed

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Source: UPI

NEW YORK (UPI) -- Two New York City men were in custody Tuesday after being caught in the act trying to saw through the roof of a bank vault with an electric saw.

The pair was arrested emerging from a hole they had cut in the roof of a Jackson Heights Independence Community Bank branch, the New York Post reported.

It was the second time a roof-top entry had been attempted at the branch, but in February, the culprits found themselves in the staff kitchen and fled empty-handed. After that attempt, the bank installed a silent alarm, which sounded early Monday morning. An officer responded, and when he got up on the roof, arrested Fred Piro, 41, and Louis Spano, 45.

The U.S. attorney requested they be held for three days so prosecutors can collect evidence possibly linking them to two other bank robberies with identical methods of cutting into the roof.

”The two knuckleheads got caught,” a law enforcement source told the Post. ”They were not that sophisticated.”

Copyright 2006 by United Press International

台長: Cabnolen
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