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2012-09-01 13:10:08
2012-06-21 06:24:18
2006-04-23 16:41:28



2006-04-23 16:41:00



2006-04-23 16:40:29


落葉楓葉一片片的落下,正如我的心情一般,落入水中.沒有波紋, 沒有漣漪,只是默默的沉入水中,消失的無蹤影......

2006-04-23 16:39:55


初戀自從遇見了你,我開始打扮自己,總是六神無主,經常眺望著遠處傻笑,每每看見你就語無倫次.誰能告訴我 :我是否已墜入愛河?

2006-04-23 15:31:49



2006-04-23 15:31:13



2006-04-23 15:30:15


猜疑愛情總是甜蜜的;有人的愛情轟轟烈烈,有人的愛情纏綿悱惻,而我們呢?除了猜疑,還是猜疑,猜不透你的心,也捉不到我的.我是否愛你? 我不知道.你是否愛我? 我也不知道.你我受過的傷都太深太深了,以至於如今無法敞開心懷...

2006-04-23 15:26:51


曾幾何時曾幾何時, 你出現在我夢裡,你是那麼的出色,那麼的深情,那麼的完美.夢醒了,也碎了,你頭也不回的怏然離去,留我一人獨飲忘情水到天明.我, 什麼也不想說,什麼也不想要,只想問你 :你, 曾經愛過我嗎?

2006-01-29 16:39:04

My Trip to China - 22/Dec/2005

10. 西安 秦俑 辣午餐 被騙上山 華清池 海鮮火鍋 房間好多了 (22nd)10th day in China:XI’AN AND STUFFAs most of you have heard of Shanghai and Beijing (which btw wasn’t visited due to a snow storm), you ...

2006-01-24 08:22:01

My Trip to China - 21/Dec/2005

9. 上海 薩莉亞again 磁浮列車 西安 大香港 爛房間 (21st)9th day in China:TRIP TO XI’ANHow interesting, that it’s not Xi-An, but Xi’an, must be the way the Xi’an ppl speak that makes it sound so one-...

2006-01-24 08:21:34

My Trip to China - 20/Dec/2005

8. 上海 豫園 南翔饅頭店 上海博物館 海外伊岸50 (青松城) (20th)8th day in China:YU YUAN (YU GARDEN)After looking up the Guide book in the hotel, I actually found this place that even father didn’t know...

2006-01-24 08:21:05

My Trip to China - 19/Dec/2005

7. 蘇州 虎丘 麥當勞 上海 外灘 薩莉亞 (青松城) (19th)7th day in China:We woke up at almost 10am, later than usual, as we’re only planning to go to the Tiger Hill before we leave to Shang-Hai.HU CHO (T...

2006-01-24 08:20:31

My Trip to China - 18/Dec/2005

6. 蘇州 同里 (新世紀) 大娘水餃 KFC (18th)6th day in china:MY BIRTHDAYWow, it is indeed my birthday, my first birthday in China with no parties.TONG-LIWe woke up early in the morning, checked out and i...

2006-01-24 08:19:34

My Trip to China - 17/Dec/2005

5th day in China:5. 蘇州 兩間旅館 大娘水餃 留園 食路 老媽火鍋 (廣場酒店 冠雲) (17th)THE FIRST HOTELWe left to Su-Zhou early in the morning, to a hotel my father booked online that’s supposedly 3 1/2 ...

2006-01-24 08:18:43

My Trip to China - 16/Dec/2005

4th day in china: 4. 桐鄉 烏鎮 (新世紀) (16th)TONG XIANWe woke up early in the morning and got onto the bus (a destination kind) to Tong-Xian, a city in Hang-Zhou that was some 40 min drive from where...

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