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2004-03-21 23:29:59

Wut's that guy like?

深夜2:30 從PIG PEN 出來 嗯~ Hot Shock 的表演真的是蠻不錯的 若平均一個月去一次 都不用錢 呵 ~真還不錯 那個Staphne還真可愛 Charlene 比較酷 不太理人 呵 但過去跟她示好 她還是會禮貌...

2004-03-17 23:43:51

Harsh words, please?

Some people tend to talk very directly or even abruptly because they think it's easier to express what they wanna say And most of them insist this is the best way to talk to their friends a...

2004-03-17 00:23:48

That Sunday

忠孝東路 書局2樓 Mr.Brown 咖啡店 It's strange...I seldom saw this kind of coffee shop 當然飲料好像也...err....not so good.. but the point is not the drinks 話題: 1.玩網路遊戲時的...

2004-03-10 01:12:18


Everything has the end Some kind of irresistible influence must occur The best of friends must part no matter how depressed you are it is a process you have to undergo Trying to pretend...

2004-03-08 23:56:00

You portray me?

Plays. movies move your heart? Actors and actoress are the stand-ins of yourselves? Money is being spent on the replay of our daily life staged by others It is a ludicrous ...

2004-03-07 22:18:30


有形的垃圾 可以丟棄 無形的 怎麼丟棄 放下來 就可以? 還是用力一丟 就可把心中的垃圾遠遠丟棄? 每天 每週 或每個月 人心中多少會有一些 不乾淨的沉澱 當然是無形的 摸不...

2004-02-29 18:21:58


哈 昨晚犁站似乎在拼業績 要 跟隔壁的Lion King拼了 還是以前都當傻子 不知道10點前進去只有200 以前都花400買門票@@....貴喔 哈 昨晚辦了個VIP卡 以後只要10:00前進去 哈 ~免錢啦...FREE ...

2004-02-26 13:08:58
2004-02-23 23:48:17


世紀那麼大 有時候卻不知道要站在哪裡 一個在非洲出生的小女孩 因父母在非洲做野生動物的研究 而與大象 獅子 老虎 一堆動物成了朋友 玩在一起 她在約10歲左右 她與動物的攝影集出版了 她說 "我...

2004-02-16 22:51:59


I encourage and compliment people all the time all day long trying my best to get my job done trying to help them Who encourages me?

2004-02-15 23:08:24


車子內 車子外 呼吸聲 都市夜 皺著臉 晚... 像小孩 地無助 般放聲 滔滔大 哭 一 分鐘 面無表情

2004-02-15 19:53:04

用 最簡單的方式 解決最困難的問題 Though it's quite true....

2004-02-15 11:41:31

For good

Killed by the appearance of the inviting creatures Was it pathetic? Yes or No? The answer is unknown for good

2004-02-13 23:36:51

Smart enough....?

不情願 在 蠻污濁的空氣中 走動 There's no alternative Smiles...Real smiles? They could be real .could not be Don't be so foolish..

2004-02-13 13:01:45


崇拜 自己心目中 氣質影像 是妳嗎? 還是剛剛路過的她

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