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2004-05-10 02:25:52


高雅 五星級的餐廳 放眼望去 盡是慶祝母親節的人們 "母親節快樂"  "生日快樂"... 在corner 牆邊 兩人桌 一個空著的椅子 剛好可放著防風的 灰色小外套 一位約60幾歲  ...

2004-04-30 00:26:44


"我這個人阿 就是沒什麼自信 只有在舞台時 可以覺得被受肯定 有存在的價值 一旦離開了舞台 就覺得什麼都沒有了 我就只剩這麼一點點了 你還要把我搶走?" the movie 海上鋼琴手 recomm...

2004-04-27 12:46:33


夜晚的電風扇 轉阿轉 夏夜的熱空氣 讓人有點想衝去外面 大呼一口氣 啊~~~~~~~~~~~ 走廊上 也許一個人 兩個人 還是一群人呢? 與地板撞擊的聲音 腳步聲 顯得特別 是忙碌? 無奈? 奔放的喜悅? ...

2004-04-24 02:05:23


Everyone is viewed and judged The comment differs on different people of different ages Never ever forget You do have the right to look at things by your mentality normally expected The...

2004-04-23 13:07:32

Completed by the rest

孩子 We must set you free Our love will not complete you but the rest you must look for Come back to us whenever you feel like the thirst for our love This is the trip you mostly ex...

2004-04-19 05:02:28


現在是怎麼樣? 週六晚怎麼常去pig pen報到?@@... 哈 因為沒搞頭 好像週六晚沒去Pig pen看一下hot shock 就會覺得~週六晚真的很沒搞頭----------> =.=" 悶 嘿~女主唱真的都很優喔!!

2004-04-17 03:12:31

Something coined only

I am growing up I am growing up However, the inner part of me will never ever grow up until the end of the story Yours, no doubt,must not grow up in any way... Maturity? A coined word o...

2004-04-15 13:59:27

Pupils Talk

You are being questioned on having no feelings? Words suppressed by an influx of nearly explosive emotions Words fail to tell , more or less, but the pupils...

2004-04-12 13:20:08

No Way

I do believe Proper melancholy does deepen the joy of life No man can't be alone? Quite true though, Some bliss must be gained as one is alone Defy it? No way

2004-03-31 14:13:34


百分之八十完美的日子 詞曲:陳綺貞 我捕捉精采的畫面 可是一閉上眼 顏色就褪掉了 我穿上最舒適的t-shirt 可是一脫下來 身體都僵硬了 我選擇我最想要的 可是一個人呢 反而笑開了 我丟棄對我最好的 可是...

2004-03-31 00:54:32


There must be an angel somewhere Otherwise, the word "angel" wouldn't have been coined Don't fool me, will you?

2004-03-30 14:00:25


淡淡 的憂傷 淡淡 的目光 淡淡 的走向 我曾夢想的地方 淡淡的 想著 是否妳也來過這美麗的 人間天堂 淡淡的 陽光 淡淡的 芬芳 淡淡的 駐足在 妳也許也會嚮往的 愛情天堂 淡淡的 ...

2004-03-29 14:00:14


發覺 祝福朋友 是愉快的 尤其是祝福有交情的好友 祝福 似乎有替對方做了什麼似的 發覺 也能替對方真心貢獻些什麼似的 也期待他(她)真的能 如你的希望達成他(她)的願望 願望? 總是事與願違? ...

2004-03-28 02:55:19

Suit yourself

Tonight I went to the Pig Pen by myself again Though it was raining.. Hey..at least it was not bad. Gald I went there tonight..or I would have been bored all night Wut a close.. I got t...

2004-03-24 13:10:32


這一刻 很甜美 因為坐在星光燦爛的 小階梯 這一刻 很溫馨 因為撥弄著美妙的 琴弦 要幸福 很幸福 一杯淡淡的green tea 與..... 無限的想像空間 路過的妳 是否只是安排好的...

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