由構思至聯絡﹐籌備時間只得一星期﹐匆忙通知下﹐仍有22位同學出席﹐有的同學更是放工後趕忙赴約。雖然許久不見﹐有些同學更闊別8年﹐我一眼便認出來﹐哈哈。我們玩遊戲﹐鬥快猜對方的中文名字﹑現時的職務﹑所屬機構的名稱﹐興高采烈﹐不亦樂乎。五個小時很快過去﹐臨行前大家依依不捨﹐紛紛寄語以後要繼續搞 reunion。有一位同學說:「很累﹐依然值得。」
其實﹐平日的工作已經夠忙了﹐進修的需要更是迫切﹐我居然花精神﹑時間搞 reunion。浪費時間﹐倒不如自己好好休息?這樣說也不錯﹐但我覺得﹐很值得。^_^
(我負責寫內容﹐別誤會我的英文忽然變好﹐grammar 經舍弟修改後﹐顯得真切動人)
As it may still be fresh on your mind, in the annual school singing contest, the 2Z class sang「飛出戀愛街」.
Time elapses and much has changed. There is now an additional class in each form. There is now a new building on campus. But most importantly, no one knows this once popular song: 飛出戀愛街.
This said, something is always amenable to the waves of the sea of time, this something deep within our hearts. Twelve years later, we come together to celebrate the reappearance - or more precisely, 鹹魚翻生- of 鄭嘉穎.
May you have a pleasant night. Have Fun!
Soup: Cream Soup
Salad: Mixed Fruit Salad, Smoked Salmon and Smoked Duck Chest
Appetizer: Chicken Wings, Cheese Sausages, Spring Rolls, Curry Boxes and French Fries
Main Dishes:
1.Medley of Fruits
2.Vegetables of Season in Garlic Sauce
3.Fish Fillets in Creamy Sauce
4.Spaghetti in Creamy Sauce and Spaghetti in
Tomato Sauce
5.Ribs in BBQ Sauce
Drinks: Coffee, Lemon Tea, Coca Cola or Orange Juice (Fresh Fruit Smoothies and Floral Teas, extra $10)
Dressing advice: neat and tidy school uniform
Tipping advice: a compulsory sum of $1000 to Mel and BC