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2010-01-28 01:49:19| 人氣101| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Jesus ! if I was there ..

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If I was there ..


was such a nice weather come

was it the same .


If I was there ..

I would like t take a pic of our attractive sky .

as soon as I can t show u mine amazing emotion at that time .

was it just like u ..  or just a lie ...


If I was there ..

dear , push into  the desperate experience in the past , say Hi !  

          pull  back , we'll love ourselves from many lesson from now on life ,

          rely on the whitebluesky , let we notice theres no harder life .

dear , how many nice day shall we begin ?


And all what I want t know is ..

how do u like those sights around ur life ?

the kind person of mine I ignored , whom have heart .. 

drink . lets see .






台長: *樂 Killer


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