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2008-11-03 15:55:48| 人氣1,046| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【似水年華】Rainy Days And Mondays

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恰巧The Carpenters有一首名為「Rainy Days And Mondays」的歌,很適合這個暗濛濛的星期一聽…

Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.

What I've got they used to call the blues
Nothin' is really wrong
Feelin' like I don't belong
Walkin' around
Some kind of lonely clown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.

Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you
Nice to know somebody loves me
Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do
Run and find the one who loves me.

What I feel has come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.



~Nothing to do but frown‧Nothin’ is really wrong~

~Run and find the one who loves me~

試想像,連看見朋友的結婚照也會心痛得無法呼吸的人,能預期到自己的幸福嗎?「No marriage‧no baby」讓我覺得更自在。

~Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down~
這是一句很有趣的歌詞。Monday 對大部份人來說,都是一個讓人痛苦的惡魔。一星期中的這一天,人們無論在生命力、生產力及生理健康的指數上,都很容易顯示為負極。

更何況還是個Rainy day?簡直糟透了…哈哈。不過,我喜歡星期一,因為我能有足夠時間去準備週未的活動,不用慌張胡亂地湊合;我喜歡雨天,因為我可以思念陽光…


圖片 by pawel liszka from http://www.trekearth.com/

台長: 小妮
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