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奈及利亞政府將於2002.1.7把一名產下非婚姻關係產生的小孩的女子,以傳統刑罰方式處決,即將該名女子埋在土中達及胸部,再對之投擲石頭至死 (可以參考轉信內容,雖
如果你願意幫忙的話,請利用他們提供的求助信範本,屬名並寄到奈及利亞政府或使館的email address(詳見轉信內文)

I am writing to request you do somthing to stop the stoning of Safya
Husseini Tungar-Tudu, who is due to be punished for adultery. This is a blatant human rights abuse and government should step in to prevent it.
Please show mercy to this woman.
Allison Bennett London UK

> > Subject: Fwd: stop the stoning
> > 夥伴們大家好
> > 幾天前跟大家提到 來自倫敦的求救信
> > 我的朋友回函來了一個簡函的範本
> > 我會打一個格式放在信上 你們想用就用吧
> > 奈幾利亞政府的網站與信箱地址如下:
> > The Government of Nigeria Online:
> > http://www.nigeriagov.org/
> > President's e-mail: president.obasanjo@nigeriagov.org
> > Nigerian Embassies and High Commissions:
> > http://www.nigerianembassy.org
> > Consulate of Nigeria, Atlanta:
> > http://www.nigeria-consulate-atl.org/
> > info@nigeria-consulate-atl.org
> > 在奈國大使館網站網裡可以找出十四個外館網址
> > 其中亞特蘭大領事館的網站是他們特別提出來 解答領事事務的網站
> > 請大家告訴大家 用信件轟斃奈國當局吧
> > 阿尼
> >
> > Hi Fei
> > This is what I sent to the Nigerian government at the email address given in the original letter.
-----Original Message-----
> > Subject: stop the stoning
> >
> > on 12/20/2001 10:19 AM, Allison Bennett at allison@ukgateway.net
> > wrote:
> > Please note the following and forward to as many people as
> > possible:
> > The journalist Ettore Masina asks for a letter to be sent to the
> > Nigerian Embassy to ask for mercy (pardon) for
> > Safya Husseini Tungar-Tudu, a 30-year old woman who has been
> > condemned according to Sharia Law to be buried up to the chest and stoned to death for having had a child without being married.
> > The alleged father was absolved for insufficient proof. Since new
> > mothers are allowed a delay of 144 days from the child's birth, the
> > execution is due to take place on 7 January.
> > Please send pleas for mercy / letters of protest to:
> > Nigerian Embassy, Via Orazion 18, 00193 Rome

> > e-mail: ambitnig@alpha.linkserve.com
> > Fax: 06 689 6672


There is not regard as sin about sex.People should be free to decide whom can be their lover or lovers. SAFIYA has every right to find true love.Please, save Safya Huscaini Tudu! We want Safya alive!

Almond writes from Taipei, Taiwan

台長: 阿蒙醫生
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