Name: Alice Lam
Dept: Nutrition Science Dept.
No: 492420642
Class: English Minor Programme-English Conversation 2
Topic: Five News Issues
香港明報 01月 09日 星期二 05:05AM
Americans likes to play word games. In 2005, a homosexual love movies BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN was a hot issue at that time, and both the Americans and the Hong Kong people use the word “broke-back” ( 斷背 ) stands for “gay” or “lesbian”. May be the word“pluto”will keep going to be a trend for several years.
觀眾SMS創電視劇情 歐洲大熱
明報 01月 09日 星期二 05:05AM
【明報專訊】嫌電視劇大結局不滿意?以後可能只消一個短訊便能扭轉過來。英國將引入互動電視新技術,讓觀眾透過短訊左右劇情發展。在英國電訊公司領導下,8個歐洲國家的13間公司合作開發名為「Shapeshifter TV」的系統,將電子遊戲及互聯網的互動性跟傳統電視結合,宣稱可為電視廣播帶來革命性轉變。該新技術去年由芬蘭一間電視台率先使用。Channel 4去年已推出可供觀眾選擇劇情發展的劇集,每集完結時,電視台會提供兩條故事線給觀眾選擇。Shapeshifter TV則更進一步,觀眾可邊看邊左右劇情。以芬蘭劇集為例,觀眾可輸入短訊來左右主角的愛情故事發展,電腦會分析短訊的關鍵字,系統會按觀眾的選擇播放旁白、場景及字幕。
It’s really good that audience can choose the ending whatever they like, but it may cost a high prime cost but accompany with the high profit. To common office ladies, students or housewives, the development of the drama is what they are always talking about. So, with so many endings, there’s no reason to chat about with it for they cannot resonate among each other.
「速食麵之父」吳百福去世 享年96
歲更新日期:2007/01/06 02:23 【中央社記者楊明珠東京六日專電】速食麵之父,也是日清食品公司的創業人吳百福(日本姓名為安藤百福)五日晚間六點四十分(台灣時間五點四十分)因急性心肌梗塞病逝,享年九十六歲。
For I like to eat cup-noodle very much, but I never known that the father of instant noodle just died several days before; to me, I thought that it was the last centuries’ invention when I was young. For the reason that made the father of instant-noodle a brainstorming, it’s sad that the inspiration was originated from a scene of postwar.
世界最小國 41億賣你
更新日期:2007/01/09 17:00 記者:編譯張佑生/報導
What an interesting news it is!! I saw the photo of the Sealand form the website, so small a country it is and I don’t thing the country is beautiful. (But the Prince of Saeland claims that there is a good sea view.) May be some tycoons or entrepreneurs will but this small country so as to enjoy the fun of being the emperor!! For me, it’s better to spend several thousands to enjoy a trip on a liner.
2006-10-18 23:15:10
德國十月啤酒節輔大登場 記者王昱茜報導
炙熱艷陽下,輔大校園竟辦起流水席?沒錯!一年一度的德國啤酒節活動,18日中午在外語學院的維也納森林豋場。這個盛宴由德文系學會主辦。會長洪秋嬋(德文三)說:「啤酒節是德國傳統民俗節慶,每年十月在慕尼黑盛大展開,吸引許多觀光客共襄盛舉,因此系學會也想藉由這次慶典,讓大家體驗德國風情,增進師生情誼。活動以流水席的方式呈現,餐點方面除了啤酒之外,也有烤雞、麵包、馬鈴薯等豐富菜色,表演節目不是辣妹勁裝,而是身著傳統服飾的大一新生準備的擊鞋蘭德勒開場帶動氣氛,接著也有大二準備「An die Freude」 與「Mein Hut der hat drei Ecken」兩首輕快歌曲以及大三吉他表演。緊接著團康活動,邀請師生一同隨音樂狂歡,更將這場活動帶入高潮。活動一直進行至下午三點半,人潮才逐漸散去。
This news was post on FJU NEWS last year. I had seen the activity at that afternoon, and thought that it was so interesting, but I never attend this kind of function because I don’t know when it was held. When I saw people singing German songs and dancing happily, it is still a good memory for me in my life at university.