Well ~ 一邊玩卡丁車 一邊整理了”The Devil Wears Prada”
沒錯 就是穿著爬拉達的惡魔啦
有些很口語化的東西 想把它記下來
鄉親父老們 跟著黃老師來記吧 哇哈哈
=> That’s big of you !
= you have such a big heart ;you’re so nice
=> For Chris sake !
= for crying out loud ;for god’s sake
=> Groundbreaking
= something that’s new and not been used or seen by people.
4.去克服它阿 ! (想告訴人家勇往直前 ~ 不要怕時就說)
=> Deal with it !
= get over it ;don’t complain about it
5.在我印象中沒有阿 (人家說你欠他錢時~可以這樣說)
=> Not that I can recall.
= not that I can think of ; I don’t think so
6.該死的 (遇到很糟的情況時 可以說說看)
=> Freaking !
= Damned...; bloody...
7.準備好了 (要出去旅遊時~人家問你好了沒are you ready ?)
=> Onboard
= ready to go lready to do something
8.堅持到底 (阿杜曾經唱了那嚜一首歌”四個字~堅持到底~”)
=> Stick it out.
= keep holding on
9.抓狂 (氣炸了時 ~ 就該抓狂了 )
=>Freak out
= to go nuts ; to be crazy.
10.我不怪你 ~ (被人家甩的時候呢~試試看寬宏的說這句話)
=> I don’t blame you .
= someone has the right to get mad
11.承認吧 (錢是你偷的 ~ 就該說這句話)
=> Face it !
= admit it
12.oo瘋狂愛著xx (來造個句子吧)
=> Vicky is madly in love with Alex.
= someone loves a person very much
13.荒繆的 (這個字很好用說)
=> Ridiculous ~
= to make no sense
14.隨便穿的 (有人稱讚你穿衣服很棒或說你很美時 ~ 可以客套說這句)
=> Throw on .
= just put on something
15.說的對 (可以用來表示無奈的默認吧)
=> You bet .
= you’re right
congratulations !!
supplicate me !!
看漫畫去啦 see you later, alligator .