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2007-10-01 12:21:03| 人氣181| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

American Slang Part 1

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1. come on to 吃豆腐

=> Vicky salapped Jim after he came on to her.

2. come easily 易如反掌

=> Languages come easily to some people.

3. don’t have a cow 別大驚小怪

=> Don’t have a cow ! I’ll pay for the damages.

4. push around 欺騙

=> Don’t try to push me around!

5. keep one’s shirt on 保持冷靜

=> Keep your shirt on. He didn’t mean to offend you.

That’s just the way he talks.

6. red-latter day 大日子

=> This is a red-latter for Allen. He made his first sale

to a very important client.

7. go up in smoke 成為泡影

=> Jim’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis

arose in the office.

8. scare the shit out of someone 嚇死某人了

=> Don’t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit

out of me.

9. pull strings 運用關係(源自”拉木偶的線”)

=> He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats

for the concert.

10.come clean 全盤托出;招供

=>The criminal decided to come clean.

11.spring for 請客

=>Let me spring for dinner.

12.spill the beans 洩露秘密

=>Don’t spill the beans. It’s supposed to be a sercet.

13.keep in line 管束

=>He needs to be kept in line. He is too wild.

14.jump the gun 草率行事

=>Don’t jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while.

15.jump to conclusion 妄下結論

=>Don’t jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first.

16.fix someone up 撮合某人

=>I think Vicky and John would make a perfect couple.

Let’s fix them up.

17.third wheel 累贅; 電燈泡

=>You two go on ahead. I don’t want to be a third wheel.

18.rock the boat 找麻煩

=>Don’t rock the boat! Things are fine just the way they are.

19.blow it 搞砸了

=>I blew it on that last exam.

20.in hot water 有麻煩

=>He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.
昨ㄦ黃小健跑去屏東玩耍 還見了老朋友和討人厭的朋友

屏東教育大學 - 22號廚房 - 三地門 - 義守大學

屏東教育大學 頗熱 又加上我是個胖子 更怕熱

但是見了老朋友 值得的

22號廚房 還不錯吃 又加上我是胖子 更覺得好吃

親愛的怡尊 補句久久未說的『生日快樂』 !!!

三地門 蠻好玩的  

又加上原住民小朋友拉著我的手 大喊”張惠妹 張惠妹 明星 !!”

更覺得好玩了 應該說又更得意了

義守大學 討人厭的朋友送到府 

很不錯 不虧我待你不薄

說句悄悄話 我的老朋友和討人厭的朋友 頗有夫妻臉的

黃小健呢 見好就收 ^,^


妳阿妳 該反省了

再這樣下去 別說是尼姑 連和尚都當不了了

硍硍硍 看個《不能說的秘密》後 乖乖懺悔去吧

十月份的第一天 screw up !!

台長: 黃小健
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 我的世界要上進^..^ |
此分類下一篇:96 學年度第 1 學期學期成績
此分類上一篇:→ 大三上課表 ←

2007-10-01 21:18:02
缺 她們真的拉著我的手叫

&quot明星耶 !!&quot

妳應該知道我會有多爽 哈
2007-10-01 23:54:56
2007-10-02 19:59:36

2007-10-03 00:17:18
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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