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純粹耍無聊! 這個字其實很小啦!

就寫在 「You-know-what 紙張」上,當作一個句子的開始。

Long live the Republic of Boredom!

各位還記得之前介紹過的這本書: The Rights of the Reader 嗎?(有興趣的人,自己慢慢找吧,因為我自己也找不到了。比較有效率的方式是去姑茍一下!)



Chapter 26:

Meanwhile, back at school (to use the Belgian comic strip language of their generation), the parents are on the case.

"You see, the problem with my son/my daughter and books..."

The teacher understands: the student in question "doesn't like reading".

"It's surprising, really, when you think how much she read as a child...she was a voracious reader, I think that's fair descriptin, don't you, darling?"

Darling agrees: she was avoracious reader.

"We've banned television, you know!"

(Here we go: totoal ban on watching telly... Solve a problem by forbidding it, another brilliant teaching strategy.)

"No television in term time: it's a rule we stick to."

No television, but piano from five to six, guitar from six to seven, ballet on Wednesdays, judo, tennis and fencing on Saturdays, cross-country skiing from the first flurry of snowflakes, sailing schoool from the first rays of sunshine, pottery on rainy days, trips abroad, gymnastics...

She wont' have moment to herself.

No time to dream.

No chance of being bored.

But being bored is great.

A long strtch of boredom... and all kinds of creativity are possible.

"We make sure she's never bored."

(Poor her.)

"We're keen--how can we put this?--to give her an all-round education..."

"A useful education ,darling, I prefer the word 'useful'."

"And that's why we're here."

"Fortunately, she's doing rather well in maths."

"But in French..."

Oh, the miserable, pathetic strain on our pride, our failure exposed as we turn up to meet the teacher.  He listens, this teacher, and says :Yes, yes", and hopes against hope that once, just once, in his long teaching career, things will be different... But no, here it comes.

"Do you think she'll have to stay down a year?"


台長: YV
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