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2002-08-19 17:39:08


start to work for one week already, the first week got nothing to do at all... a bit lost...i need to find something to keep myself busy. i still lost myself everyday on the street in tw.... i t...

2002-08-10 12:14:20

i am cow

um,,, i find the job going to work on Mon, feel like to rest more..coz really tired these days...doesn't really take a rest after i get back to TW i know everything is gonna to be different, TW ...

2002-08-05 20:39:07

getting crazy

Back in TW hot in TW lots of ppl in TW busy in TW dirty in TW um.....at least have to lost my way for once a day at least have to say fuck off for 10 times a day at least have to hit my...

2002-07-29 15:33:13

dear fris~~~

um.....sorry i didn't leave on message these days... i am back for few days already..starting my stupid job searching....a bit stress..that's y no time..sorry my fris ~~... i will try to get on ...

2002-07-23 22:22:08

pls don't

i am going back on 25th of July will arrive TW on 26th of July stay over in KL for one night my dear fris, i know u guys are happy and miss me a lot, and i do love u guys and miss u guys a lot as...

2002-07-23 19:47:23


今天早上十點多時 shipping company的人來搬我的行李 昏昏沉沉的我被電話吵醒 聲音跟鴨子一樣 起來開了大門 還幫他把樓上的三箱行李都推到樓梯口 下去後 打算拿錢給他在順便拿收據 "where do u want me ...

2002-07-22 14:47:15

sat night's neptune

sat night的neptune和平常一樣 meg照常上班 8號桌照例坐滿了熟悉的人 而我 照常的在凌晨2 3 點 店裡關門時下去 一樣的bud for me, ray, gavin and tommy VB for wing and raymond au Ice for vien mid for ...

2002-07-22 14:29:41


打開冰箱 有一罐wildberry的drinking yoghurt 是那天逛街在city的woolworth買的 drinking yoghurt在這很難買的 也很貴 那天好不容易看到缺貨很久的 yoghurt 卻也捨不得買 ray看到我的樣子 對我說 既然想喝 ...

2002-07-21 00:58:16


剛剛看完了 “我的兄弟姊妹” 超感動 我是指小時候的那一部份 片長90分鐘 我哭了差不多6 次吧~~` 真辛苦 一個人坐在熱鬧的網咖中掉眼淚 很丟臉ㄟ 可是真的控制不住ㄚ 害我在那裡遮遮掩掩的 真的真的很感...

2002-07-19 17:58:05


嗚~~~ 人家今天跌倒了啦~~ 在回去店裡的路上 準備要坐blue cat 的時候 PK 了啦~~` 車子裡很空 我準備從後面上ㄚ~~ 沒想到 忽然有一位大媽從後面衝上來 擠了我一下 我身體就往後傾 後面的人又湧上來 搞到我重...

2002-07-16 15:05:20


七月十四號傍晚六點零五分 幾秒 不確定 嘟~~嘟~~ "哈嘍~~~“ "哈嘍~~~" " 你還在睡嗎﹖”我問 "對阿~~“ "你睡很久了呢~“ ”嗯~~“ ”睡太久會變傻歐~~ 趕快起床吧!!" “---那你是睡...

2002-07-15 01:50:13

愛你~ 所以吃掉你

看著千挑萬選才選中的你 我抿著嘴角 含蓄的一笑 今晚 就是你了 希望你能滿足我的慾望 舉起我的十指 落在你那勻稱的身上 溫柔的按摩著 眼神裡帶著對你的愛戀 我愛你~ 我愛你~ 我愛你~ 用我的手 我的心 我...

2002-07-13 19:36:04


把戒指套在妳左手的無名指上 在結婚進行曲和朋友的祝福的微笑中 我聽到了魔鬼的哀號~ 已愛妳的心為名 用戒指為封印 魔鬼的咒語將不再煽動妳~ 聽說 每個女人的左半邊身體裡 有著魔鬼的存在 所以在結婚時...

2002-07-09 23:56:42


回台灣時常在大直鬼混 雖然已經搬家了 但我還是把大直當成我的家 照例 回去時 一定會和張去吃我們的救命水煎包 那天 帶著妹妹和張去士林 很有默契的一起走向那家很有名的上海水煎包 一樣的 就算門口的人龍已...

2002-07-09 17:17:39

Wars between man and woman

i hope this kind of conversation won't happen to us in the future..although some of them are really true. wars between man and weman will never end~~ Agree to discuss importatn stuff W: You mu...

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