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2002-07-09 17:17:39| 人氣110| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wars between man and woman

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i hope this kind of conversation won't happen to us in the future..although some of them are really true. wars between man and weman will never end~~

Agree to discuss importatn stuff

W: You must agree to discuss important issues, like if we're exclusively seeing each other, or if it's time to move in together.

M: OK, but can you not say, "I think we need to talk..." We hate that! And if we're agreeing to share our feelings, you have to agree to share your fantasies. Yes, we mean sexual. And please throw in any info on how to bring you to orgasm. That'd be helpful.

Share the TV remote control

W: You must relinquish hold of the TV remote. It is not an extension of your penis.

M: No way. Never. Can't let it go.

W: Then you have to give up channel surfing - even in the ad breaks.

M: OK, whatever you say. (F:They could be crossing their fingers behind their backs agreeing to this one.)

Stay where you are after sex

W: You have to hold us after sex for a minimum of 2.36 minutes. No rolling over and sleeping, or jumping up to shower the second we're done.

M: OK, but when you sleep over, you have to sleep naked. The whole night. That means no clothes - even in winter.

Break up with us in a nice way

W: You must promise never to break up with us by phone/fax/email. Be a man and look us in the eye, damn it.

M:(Dodging eye contact) Oh, yeah, sure. Will do. But you have to limit any break-up discussions to 15 min max.

W: What? No. We can talk, we're adults.

M: Ok, but you must promise we'll always be the first to know when you're breaking up with us. Don't tell your friends first!

W: OK (Don't worry, I was crossing my fingers. How else can we decide whether to break up with our bf if we dont' discuss the issue with our friends first?)

Give sex your undivided attention

M: Head jobs will not be used as a negotiating tool, and once you've started you can't stop. Even if the phone rings.

W: Well, that goes for sex, too. You can't stop until we're happy - and we'll let you know when that is.

ps. use Chanel's pic will be the best, as animals won't have these problems, and they dont' fight for TV remote

台長: i myself
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